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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by WifeyMaterial

  1. WifeyMaterial

    Question For Kaiser Sleeved Patients

    Ok thats cool but I think that was too much anyways... MaryPoppings
  2. Thanks babe I need it... its feel so good to have people to talk too MaryPoppings
  3. Thanks babe I need it... its feel so good to have people to talk too MaryPoppings
  4. Omg thats so amazgin im so so proud of u.. MaryPoppings
  5. WifeyMaterial

    Christmas Day Challenge!

    Yeahhh im 9 plds away nd scares MaryPoppings
  6. WifeyMaterial

    Oct. 15, 2012 Sleeve Date

  7. WifeyMaterial

    I Have Gained 15 Lbs But Dropped 3 Pants Sizes

    Wow that amazgin nd u will MaryPoppings
  8. WifeyMaterial

    2nd time's the charm

    Congrats on ya surgery finally hope u keep doin well nd stay strong. MaryPoppings
  9. Congrat on that u beat me I 9 plds to go to reach that goal MaryPoppings
  10. WifeyMaterial

    Christmas Day Challenge!

    Congrats MaryPoppings
  11. WifeyMaterial

    Christmas Day Challenge!

    Congrats im 10 plds from mines im n a stall MaryPoppings
  12. Wow that is wonderful keep up the good work... MaryPoppings
  13. WifeyMaterial

    Christmas Day Challenge!

    Wow wat did u do I need to no cuz I got 10 2 lose before x mass nd im starting my 10 day diet tomorrow till da 23rd.. MaryPoppings
  14. WifeyMaterial

    Christmas Day Challenge!

    Yes u will reach it congrats wish u was 208 MaryPoppings
  15. WifeyMaterial

    Christmas Day Challenge!

    U will get it thats only 3 plds.... good luck MaryPoppings
  16. WifeyMaterial

    Hey July Sleevers!

    Went to da Dr. Today nd apparently I must be at a stall cuz im still 217 in order to reach my x mas goal I have to still lost 10 plds.. im so.upset do anyone have something I can do to lose da 10 plds n 13days tears MaryPoppings
  17. WifeyMaterial

    Christmas Day Challenge!

    Congrats that good its feel so good see the scale go down. MaryPoppings

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