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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by WifeyMaterial

  1. WifeyMaterial

    Im New Just Got The Sleeve On9/4/12

    Yea we both have about the same weightoss goal to go. MaryPoppings
  2. WifeyMaterial

    Im New Just Got The Sleeve On9/4/12

    Lol u c nvm last post MaryPoppings
  3. WifeyMaterial

    Im New Just Got The Sleeve On9/4/12

    How much do u weight now since it been a couple of months... MaryPoppings
  4. WifeyMaterial

    Hey July Sleevers

  5. Hey everyone im almost six months out nd im down 77 plds wish I would hit the 100 pld mark im almost there ben slackin a little bit on my mackin but this is me as of new years day the black nd today imma weight myself time next.week hopefully to see a change in the scale. [ATTACH]7775[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]7776[/ATTACH] MaryPoppings
  6. WifeyMaterial

    Oct. 15, 2012 Sleeve Date

    U will get dere everybody body ia diff from each otha MaryPoppings
  7. WifeyMaterial

    Oct. 15, 2012 Sleeve Date

    U woll MaryPoppings
  8. WifeyMaterial

    Oct. 15, 2012 Sleeve Date

    Congrats yeah yeah im workim hard for the new year to get under 200 before Feb 1st so wish me luck MaryPoppings
  9. That is good every good im 23 plds away from goal weight MaryPoppings
  10. WifeyMaterial

    9 Month Pics! (My First Time Sharing Photos)

    R u speak in to me lol cuz I have 60 tatts but there wasnt no change yet but I only 77 pounds last time I checked MaryPoppings
  11. That is wonderful u lost a whole person nd yes me too when the gettin bored nd ive been gettin n trouble may I ask ya startin weight I might of read past it.. but 135 it great wats ya goal weight tho. MaryPoppings
  12. WifeyMaterial

    Christmas Day Challenge!

    Yeah good luck.. MaryPoppings
  13. WifeyMaterial

    Certain foods and changes

    Oo ok thanks MaryPoppings
  14. WifeyMaterial

    Oct. 15, 2012 Sleeve Date

    Thank u so much.. Ive been cheating think I've gain MaryPoppings
  15. WifeyMaterial

    Oct. 15, 2012 Sleeve Date

    Thank u so much.. Ive been cheating think I've gain MaryPoppings
  16. Good luck I have about 30 2 50'more to go MaryPoppings

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