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About GreyhoundGangliz

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  1. GreyhoundGangliz

    Losing Too Much Weight

    I am someone who lost too much weight. I weighed 95 lbs in August 2012. I was following my diet too closely and couldn't give myself permission to just eat carbs. Sounds simple but it wasn't. I am seeing a therapist who specializes in eating disorders. No problem gaining the weight I needed once we figured out I was anemic. Lots of nausea, fatigue, vomiting.......I worked so hard to learn a new way to live with food and my body and became "stuck" on rules. Also was having MAJOR issues with lactose intolerance (even with Lactaid pills). So it has been bumpy these last 2-years. It's a tricky thing; while the surgery took away the constant hungry feeling, it also took away any "comfort" that I used to feel from foods. As far as losing too much weight, I knew I was too skinny but couldn't tolerate all the yogurt and dairy that I was trying to gain weight with. Many factors were involved: anemia, lactose intolerance, psychological.... Currently, I still follow eating guidelines--healthy eating habits, 3-meals /day at least. Focusing on taking my supplements properly. No more dairy, even with lactose pills. Post surgery I became even more lactose intolerant, so much so that I completely avoid dairy. AND, Tums has lactose in it. This upset stomach thing was with me even Pre-op. with all of the major lifestyle changes and physical and emotional changes I couldn't figure out exactly what was causing all the diarrhea and vomiting. Ha! If only I'd figured it out sooner..... My guilty pleasure for weight gain = Starbuck's white chocolate mocha (SOY)! This post rambling but it's my first time sharing anything about my surgery on a message board or forum.

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