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Marissa Moreno

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Marissa Moreno

  1. I would like to say Happy birthday to my mom! Jan Waltrip hopw yiu have a good one!

  2. Marissa Moreno

    10/25 Surgery

    I had the same problem! I am 2 weeks out tomorrow and doing way better. Still having problems with gas but everything will be ok! Stay Strong!!
  3. I had my surgery on the 18 th of october. I started at 497 pounds and lost down to 457 ( weigh in weight at the hospital) I feel ok having a little trouble with protein and other meds I need to take. Keep up the good work! I am very happy for you!
  4. Marissa Moreno


    From the album: Marissa Moreno

  5. Marissa Moreno

    Marissa Moreno

  6. Marissa Moreno

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PatchAid Vitamin Patches
