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LAP-BAND Patients
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About Mamota

  • Rank
  • Birthday 06/11/1968
  1. It’s a special day here at BariatricPal, according to your profile..it’s your birthday. Happy Birthday, Mamota!

  2. Happy 45th Birthday Mamota!

  3. Happy 44th Birthday Mamota!

  4. Hi, Now that it has been awhile since your surgery, how do you like your doctor? Are you comfortable with her? Thanks.

  5. Mamota

    New me

    Thank all for you encouraging words. I see the success that some of you have had and I pray that I too can succeed. For those that are still pre-band stage I hope your experience was as easy as mine in getting this all approved. Some one asked me my goal etc. so My goal is 100 lbs. my BMI is 41. It seems like so much. I am in North Jersey, my Doctor is Stephanie Vaimakis at Englewood Hospital Medical Center. I love her and her staff if wonderful. THe procedure, band, fills is covered 100%. I read how much some of you struggle to have this approved or have self-payed and I am even more impressed. Simply amazing. I'll let you know how it goes.
  6. Hello everyone, This is my first post. I have been peeking at your site for months reading your posts. I'm scheduled for LB on 6/21. That's probably the first time I've said that outloud. My story is the familiar one. Yo-yo dieting, comfort eating, no time for me. I am truly hopeful that the LB will be a tool to overcome the many pitfalls and vicious cycle I have subjected myself to over the past 10 years. It's odd--I'm not scared, it's almost as if I can't believe it is true that I'm actually going to go through with this. What I have noticed the most while reading the posts these few months is that most everyone on this board who have/had weight issues are never at a loss to accept responsibility for the weight gain. It's like we know exactly what we do wrong but have trouble fixing it. Well seeing all the success stories it really makes me feel like I'm doing the right thing! Please wish me luck, as I have secretly done for all you who have been recently banded. I think this forum is great.

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