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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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    funinthesun00 got a reaction from SleeveToBypass2023 in I can't believe I'm here again. Sleeved Jan 2013. HELP   
    Thank you for this. I will update my progress and decision. I have an appointment tomorrow to discuss my options. At a minimum, I am going to get an EGD to see what's going on. I've also been trying to go back to the rules. Not drinking during meals, Protein first, etc. It does help. I just need to get my focus back to thinking that way.
  2. Like
    funinthesun00 reacted to SummerThyme in I can't believe I'm here again. Sleeved Jan 2013. HELP   
    I was sleeved in 2017. Highest weight was 275. Lowest was 159. My 'settled' weight was around 165 and it was perfect. I gained weight after menopause and couldn't move it with resets or diets. I just had GSRe or Overstitch a few days ago, which is a noninvasive revision that allows you to keep your sleeve--- it's just tightened up again. The size of mine had expanded quite a bit. The restriction I have now mimics what I had immediately after my original wls. This might be an option for you too if you're not wanting to revise to bypass.
  3. Like
    funinthesun00 reacted to lauraellen80 in VSG to RNY - will I be just trading one set of problems for another?   
    Thanks for all the replies, everyone. On the advice of my therapist and my surgeon's nurse practitioner, I stepped away from bariatric social media for a bit before my revision.
    The surgery went OK - it did take 6 hours, as my surgeon found a considerable amount of irregular tissue on my sleeved stomach that had to be removed and biopsied. Thankfully it turned out to be benign - probably was scar tissue from my sleeve surgery.
    I did have more pain and nausea immediately after surgery this time than the first time around and ended up staying a second night in the hospital until that was under control. It got much easier from there, and I only took 2 of the oxycodone they sent home with me (right before bedtime on the first two nights at home), and then minimal Tylenol for the next few days.
    I've been able to get all my fluids and Protein in from the start. Pain is now minimal, my incisions are healing well. I'm starting to get my energy back albeit slowly. I'm now on soft foods and have tolerated each new food I've introduced without any problems, My biggest issue is Constipation - I don't remember it being this bad after my sleeve. I'm using Colace, Benefiber, and Miralax. I wish I could drink coffee, that would help! 😫
    My surgeon also left my pouch a little on the larger side, saying she doesn't want me to lose TOO much weight. I'm pretty disappointed about that, since I had 40-50 pounds to lose. I'm definitely already on the upper end of the amount I'm supposed to be eating at this point - 4oz. per meal (3oz. protein + 1oz. fruit/veg). I am down about 10lbs since surgery at 3 weeks post-op and just got back out of the OBSESE category. Hopefully I'll continue to lose at least something over the next few months.
  4. Like
    funinthesun00 got a reaction from SleeveToBypass2023 in I can't believe I'm here again. Sleeved Jan 2013. HELP   
    I don't even know where to start. I'm short (5'1") and my highest weight was around 210. I was 180 at the time of my surgery back in January 2013. I did great with my sleeve and my lowest weight was 117 -- too thin honestly. I stayed between 135-150 for many years. In early 2020 (Covid), 7 years after surgery my weight started creeping up. I'm embarrassed to say that I'm 200 lbs now. I've had clothes sized 2 to 18, in the last 11 years which is crazy. I am in my early 50s. I'm pretty sure I've started menopause. I get very hungry and graze way too much. I still don't eat a ton at one sitting, but nothing like the small amounts I used to eat either. The idea of trying to lose all this extra weight is overwhelming to me. Plus my knees and feet kill me now. I can walk for exercise and plan to do that. My insurance does cover WLS revisions now and I'm seriously considering it. I am at a place in my life where I want to be comfortable in my skin and just generally comfortable. I have chub rub again, travelling sucks at thIs size, and I'm generally uncomfortable. I would give anything to be 150 again. I would love feedback from others that have been where I am.
    Any advice or help would be appreciated.
  5. Like
    funinthesun00 reacted to Spinoza in I can't believe I'm here again. Sleeved Jan 2013. HELP   
    Totally agree. Nothing to be gained from beating yourself up. Life is hard enough. You did super well for a long time after your original procedure. MUCH better than most.
    If you can identify key points when your control lapsed then take them forward into your revision and embrace it?
    Even if you can't then do your best. That's all any of us can do. We're human, we live in an obesogenic world. We're trying. Every flipping day. Not to be obese.
    Please can you keep us updated? I'd love to hear your story moving forward.
  6. Like
    funinthesun00 reacted to SleeveToBypass2023 in I can't believe I'm here again. Sleeved Jan 2013. HELP   
    Have a revision to bypass. That's what I did and it's a game changer. Now, I had it due to complications, but it's still worth it. Start looking into it, and work on getting your mind back in the game. You know the diet, you know the rules, you know how this works. Get started now. I will say, you won't lose weight as fast, or as much, as with your original weight loss surgery. But you could look at a good 40-50 pound loss, which would put you right back in the weight you liked. I say definitely do it.
  7. Like
    funinthesun00 got a reaction from SleeveToBypass2023 in I can't believe I'm here again. Sleeved Jan 2013. HELP   
    I don't even know where to start. I'm short (5'1") and my highest weight was around 210. I was 180 at the time of my surgery back in January 2013. I did great with my sleeve and my lowest weight was 117 -- too thin honestly. I stayed between 135-150 for many years. In early 2020 (Covid), 7 years after surgery my weight started creeping up. I'm embarrassed to say that I'm 200 lbs now. I've had clothes sized 2 to 18, in the last 11 years which is crazy. I am in my early 50s. I'm pretty sure I've started menopause. I get very hungry and graze way too much. I still don't eat a ton at one sitting, but nothing like the small amounts I used to eat either. The idea of trying to lose all this extra weight is overwhelming to me. Plus my knees and feet kill me now. I can walk for exercise and plan to do that. My insurance does cover WLS revisions now and I'm seriously considering it. I am at a place in my life where I want to be comfortable in my skin and just generally comfortable. I have chub rub again, travelling sucks at thIs size, and I'm generally uncomfortable. I would give anything to be 150 again. I would love feedback from others that have been where I am.
    Any advice or help would be appreciated.
  8. Like
    funinthesun00 reacted to greetings2u in I can't believe I'm here again. Sleeved Jan 2013. HELP   
    Get the revision don’t concern yourself with the negativeness. What’s done is done now move on. Stop beating yourself up.
  9. Like
    funinthesun00 got a reaction from Ldyvenus in Bored With Weight Loss. Recipe for regain?   
    I totally get where you are coming from. It is hard to not get bored with this! I've been there, done that.
    I have to say, I am SO impressed with the amount of weight you have lost and how far you have come. I hope you don't take this the wrong way, but this is one reason why I am so glad I had my sleeve surgery when I was at a lower bmi. You can absolutely lose the rest of the weight AND you should keep up the fight to do so!! But realistically, it will be much harder for you to get to a normal bmi than it is for me to maintain a normal bmi, even if you are working much harder at it and I am lazy about it. It's not fair, but it seems to be true more often than not.
    This is one reason why I think people should be intervening and having this surgery much sooner than they are. Again, I still say keep doing what you are doing, you got this!
  10. Like
    funinthesun00 got a reaction from Ldyvenus in Bored With Weight Loss. Recipe for regain?   
    I totally get where you are coming from. It is hard to not get bored with this! I've been there, done that.
    I have to say, I am SO impressed with the amount of weight you have lost and how far you have come. I hope you don't take this the wrong way, but this is one reason why I am so glad I had my sleeve surgery when I was at a lower bmi. You can absolutely lose the rest of the weight AND you should keep up the fight to do so!! But realistically, it will be much harder for you to get to a normal bmi than it is for me to maintain a normal bmi, even if you are working much harder at it and I am lazy about it. It's not fair, but it seems to be true more often than not.
    This is one reason why I think people should be intervening and having this surgery much sooner than they are. Again, I still say keep doing what you are doing, you got this!
  11. Like
    funinthesun00 got a reaction from Ldyvenus in Bored With Weight Loss. Recipe for regain?   
    I totally get where you are coming from. It is hard to not get bored with this! I've been there, done that.
    I have to say, I am SO impressed with the amount of weight you have lost and how far you have come. I hope you don't take this the wrong way, but this is one reason why I am so glad I had my sleeve surgery when I was at a lower bmi. You can absolutely lose the rest of the weight AND you should keep up the fight to do so!! But realistically, it will be much harder for you to get to a normal bmi than it is for me to maintain a normal bmi, even if you are working much harder at it and I am lazy about it. It's not fair, but it seems to be true more often than not.
    This is one reason why I think people should be intervening and having this surgery much sooner than they are. Again, I still say keep doing what you are doing, you got this!
  12. Like
    funinthesun00 reacted to GingerBananaBelly in Happy! Happy!! Happy!!!   
    I just need a moment to express my supreme elation!
    Last week, I went to a conference with my parents. Turns out I needed a nice dress for a dinner one night. My dad took me to the local mall and kindly served and an audience for a mini fashion show. Before surgery, I wore a size 24; all the dresses I tried on were a size 20. We loved the last dress, but it was too big. The only only other size they had was a 16. My dad convinced me to try it on... IT FIT!!! I was so excited!!!
    Yesterday, my mom and I went to some stores for a little experiment. For the first time since college, I fit in pants off the rack! I also fit into an XL shirt. Again, I was ecstatic!
    Finally, I had my 6 week follow-up with my surgeon today. I'm 5'7 3/4. When I started my pre-op liquid diet, I weighed 277 pounds. On surgery day, I weighed 264 pounds. Today, at 46 days post-surgery, I weighed 234 pounds. That's 43 pounds overall and 30 pounds since surgery!!!
    I feel wonderful! My skin is glowing. I have loads of energy. I'm happier and more optimistic. I feel like I'm becoming more myself than ever before. I'm so glad I did this for myself. My health is improving so dramatically. It's wonderful!
    Anyway, thanks for letting me share! Blessings to you all!
  13. Like
    funinthesun00 reacted to Greensleevie in Real Good Pizza   
    At 3.5 years out and 110 pounds lighter and maintaining, I have never watched fat and don't intend to. It keeps me satiated and helps with hunger.
  14. Like
    funinthesun00 got a reaction from Inga1018 in Straws   
    It is totally about what you can tolerate. There is nothing inherently wrong with the use of straws that will mess you up or anything. If you love straws and are at the beginning of your journey -- use the coffee stirrer straws. The narrower the opening the better so less air gets in your stomach.
  15. Like
    funinthesun00 got a reaction from ProudGrammy in Calling all vets. Need help 4 years post op   
    I am 4 years 3 months out. I had some regain and got it way under control starting in January. I am super happy to report I am back down to my goal weight (124 lbs this morning)! Anyway, I had started drinking soda again. For me, that led me to crave so many carbs. Once I eliminated that from my diet it was much easier. By the way, I had gotten up to 150 lbs, and once I applied myself and went back to high Protein low carb, the weight came off way easier than it ever did pre-surgery!
    Good luck to you!
  16. Like
    funinthesun00 got a reaction from Ldyvenus in Bored With Weight Loss. Recipe for regain?   
    I totally get where you are coming from. It is hard to not get bored with this! I've been there, done that.
    I have to say, I am SO impressed with the amount of weight you have lost and how far you have come. I hope you don't take this the wrong way, but this is one reason why I am so glad I had my sleeve surgery when I was at a lower bmi. You can absolutely lose the rest of the weight AND you should keep up the fight to do so!! But realistically, it will be much harder for you to get to a normal bmi than it is for me to maintain a normal bmi, even if you are working much harder at it and I am lazy about it. It's not fair, but it seems to be true more often than not.
    This is one reason why I think people should be intervening and having this surgery much sooner than they are. Again, I still say keep doing what you are doing, you got this!
  17. Like
    funinthesun00 got a reaction from cassablast in Anyone get REALLY scared close to surgery?   
    Here's one more good story for you. I was such a mess before surgery. Very nervous and so, so scared. Four years and 4 months later, I am so happy that I had the nerve to go through with it! I can't imagine how much different my life would be today if I had chickened out that day. I live a VERY active life now and am very healthy and happy. Absolutely no regrets here! Good luck to you in June! You'll do great!

  18. Like
    funinthesun00 got a reaction from ProudGrammy in Calling all vets. Need help 4 years post op   
    I am 4 years 3 months out. I had some regain and got it way under control starting in January. I am super happy to report I am back down to my goal weight (124 lbs this morning)! Anyway, I had started drinking soda again. For me, that led me to crave so many carbs. Once I eliminated that from my diet it was much easier. By the way, I had gotten up to 150 lbs, and once I applied myself and went back to high Protein low carb, the weight came off way easier than it ever did pre-surgery!
    Good luck to you!
  19. Like
    funinthesun00 got a reaction from cassablast in Anyone get REALLY scared close to surgery?   
    Here's one more good story for you. I was such a mess before surgery. Very nervous and so, so scared. Four years and 4 months later, I am so happy that I had the nerve to go through with it! I can't imagine how much different my life would be today if I had chickened out that day. I live a VERY active life now and am very healthy and happy. Absolutely no regrets here! Good luck to you in June! You'll do great!

  20. Like
    funinthesun00 got a reaction from cassablast in Anyone get REALLY scared close to surgery?   
    Here's one more good story for you. I was such a mess before surgery. Very nervous and so, so scared. Four years and 4 months later, I am so happy that I had the nerve to go through with it! I can't imagine how much different my life would be today if I had chickened out that day. I live a VERY active life now and am very healthy and happy. Absolutely no regrets here! Good luck to you in June! You'll do great!

  21. Like
    funinthesun00 reacted to geets in Surgery is 5/25 but having some minor second thoughts....Can anyone relate?   
    Watch Dr Weiner's clips on YouTube,he's got 20+ on there. There's pre-op guidance through to 1 year post-op. I have found his advise invaluable,amazing guy.

  22. Like
    funinthesun00 got a reaction from Ldyvenus in Bored With Weight Loss. Recipe for regain?   
    I totally get where you are coming from. It is hard to not get bored with this! I've been there, done that.
    I have to say, I am SO impressed with the amount of weight you have lost and how far you have come. I hope you don't take this the wrong way, but this is one reason why I am so glad I had my sleeve surgery when I was at a lower bmi. You can absolutely lose the rest of the weight AND you should keep up the fight to do so!! But realistically, it will be much harder for you to get to a normal bmi than it is for me to maintain a normal bmi, even if you are working much harder at it and I am lazy about it. It's not fair, but it seems to be true more often than not.
    This is one reason why I think people should be intervening and having this surgery much sooner than they are. Again, I still say keep doing what you are doing, you got this!
  23. Like
    funinthesun00 got a reaction from Ldyvenus in Bored With Weight Loss. Recipe for regain?   
    I totally get where you are coming from. It is hard to not get bored with this! I've been there, done that.
    I have to say, I am SO impressed with the amount of weight you have lost and how far you have come. I hope you don't take this the wrong way, but this is one reason why I am so glad I had my sleeve surgery when I was at a lower bmi. You can absolutely lose the rest of the weight AND you should keep up the fight to do so!! But realistically, it will be much harder for you to get to a normal bmi than it is for me to maintain a normal bmi, even if you are working much harder at it and I am lazy about it. It's not fair, but it seems to be true more often than not.
    This is one reason why I think people should be intervening and having this surgery much sooner than they are. Again, I still say keep doing what you are doing, you got this!
  24. Like
    funinthesun00 got a reaction from Ldyvenus in Bored With Weight Loss. Recipe for regain?   
    I totally get where you are coming from. It is hard to not get bored with this! I've been there, done that.
    I have to say, I am SO impressed with the amount of weight you have lost and how far you have come. I hope you don't take this the wrong way, but this is one reason why I am so glad I had my sleeve surgery when I was at a lower bmi. You can absolutely lose the rest of the weight AND you should keep up the fight to do so!! But realistically, it will be much harder for you to get to a normal bmi than it is for me to maintain a normal bmi, even if you are working much harder at it and I am lazy about it. It's not fair, but it seems to be true more often than not.
    This is one reason why I think people should be intervening and having this surgery much sooner than they are. Again, I still say keep doing what you are doing, you got this!
  25. Like
    funinthesun00 got a reaction from Ldyvenus in Bored With Weight Loss. Recipe for regain?   
    I totally get where you are coming from. It is hard to not get bored with this! I've been there, done that.
    I have to say, I am SO impressed with the amount of weight you have lost and how far you have come. I hope you don't take this the wrong way, but this is one reason why I am so glad I had my sleeve surgery when I was at a lower bmi. You can absolutely lose the rest of the weight AND you should keep up the fight to do so!! But realistically, it will be much harder for you to get to a normal bmi than it is for me to maintain a normal bmi, even if you are working much harder at it and I am lazy about it. It's not fair, but it seems to be true more often than not.
    This is one reason why I think people should be intervening and having this surgery much sooner than they are. Again, I still say keep doing what you are doing, you got this!

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