Has anyone had a hard time getting filled? The first time I went on the 19th the doctor was mashing and mashing on my stomach trying to find the port, even used a sonagram and could not find the port. And did I say that all that mashing was painful, felt like some was stabbing me. And at the same time she is mashing; I am supposed to be doing a situp with my feet in the air because it's supposed to be easier to find the port. So then she starts sticking the needle in amd moving it around to find the port and she never did find it. Luckily she had numbed the area with novacaine,
I then had to make an appointment to do it under fluro which was today (24th). Found the port just fine but was not able to inject the Fluid. She kept poking and poking. Another doctor came in and suggested that maybe the needle was not long enough. That is probably why they couldn't find the port before, because the needle was not long enough. So they used a bigger needle, that darn thing looked like it was 10 inches long. So he starts poking around and I could really feel it. It felt like bees were stinging me inside, but they finally injected 1.5 cc's of saline. Finally. I am now feeling some restriction. Sorry this is so long but has anyone else has this problem?