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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by losinginNJ

  1. I am almost a year post op and down 113lbs. Before surgery I was on dating sites and didn't really meet anyone. Got rejected alot. So I took myself off the sites when I got surgery last Nov. In April I decided to try again...I was upfront about my surgery in my profile, didn't want to hide it..I got replies, talked to some guys, met some weird creepy guys too. Then one day in May I got a message from a guy. He was a little bit older, like 7 years, but he seemed nice. I replied and we went back and forth for a couple of emails then he asked if we could meet for a drink. We did a week later and things clicked. I didn't analyze it I just lived in the now with him. We took things slow. Seeing each other, texting. To make a long story short we are still dating and I can honestly say that I really care for him. He knows about the surgery. He told me not to be ashamed about my excess tummy skin, he told me I was perfect. I have showed him old photos and he told me I was always beautiful. Still living in the now with him but I can see a future with him.

  2. I too was shy but since losing the weight I have gained confidence. My one friend told me to just be myself and to put myself out there. I have met some guys and am doing stuff I would have never had the guts to do before. Here are some of my tips

    When I go out with friends I always look my best and have a blast with them Giggle, smile, dance, sing...and if a guy makes eye contact smile at him, look away for a second, then look back and smile...if he is interested he will approach.

    If you are dancing and a guy comes up to you to dance have a series of hand gestures with your friends...one that says help get me out of here another that says I am ok.

    The one that I found most useful was to just let go and have fun. Don't read too much into it. Don't think too much. You don't have to say much. Listen, maybe touch his arm or hand. Smile, play with your hair. Respond to his questions. If you blush that is ok too. Remember guys get shy and nervous too. If a guy is really interested in you he will be very obvious. Also I am pretty oblivious when it comes to guys flirting. My friends had to point out to me that guys were checking me out, so chances are you are being checked out. Have fun :)

  3. That is fantastic. Congratulations on you journey. I get my sleeve on July 16th' date=' start the per-opt diet on Monday.[/quote']

    Who is your surgeon and where are you getting it done? If you have any questions about anything ask me and I will tell you about what I experienced

  4. A month after surgery I went shopping for and saw I went down a size in shirts not pants...3 month post op I got to shop at NY and Company and I could fit in a xl and l....now almost 7 months post op I can almost get in a size 12...so before you know it your clothes will be falling off of you

  5. I am stalled but I am retaining Water cause I am very close to my time of the.month...went shopping tonight and put on size 14 shorts didn't get them cause they were a bit baggy and I am very close to being in a 12!!!! Also got a swim suit...size 14 bottoms had to do a size 16 top because of the girls but I was happy. As soon as I am done with school this week (I am a teacher) I am making it my goal to go to the gym every morning, trying to tone my upper thighs and tummy

  6. Good idea holding off. I do alot of clearance shopping or sales rack cause one month you are one size the next another. As for mindset it was hard for me. I was a size 22/24 now a size 14 almost 12. Lane Bryant is now too big for me but I still look there. When I went to try on dresses I got an XL and my mom was like you aren't in that size any more you are a M. It is hard to wrap my head around it till I look in a mirror. The worst is when you are between sizes. Where 16s are too big but 14s are too tight. I invested in a belt. Also I purged my closet of all my old clothes. It was upsetting because I loved those clothes but it was hard to let go of my wardrobe. I think cause I am still transitioning and haven't been able to build my own yet. But wait till you are in dressing room trying on a size you thought you would never be in. Or a store you always wanted to shop at and you can finally shop there...it is a great feeling

  7. I went down 2 cup sizes, making me a C which I don't think I ever was. I was 289lbs at 5ft3. I was a size 22/24 now I am a 14 and 184lbs. I wasn't happy about losing it in my bust but I am getting more hourglass like. My stomach is flabby as are my thighs but I am working to tone those. I don't regret this at all...wait till more comes off and when you go down a size or two. I literally jumped for joy in the dressing room when I fit into a medium. Confidence will comr

  8. I said this on another page but I will say it again. Before the sleeve I had low self esteem and a guy I was with treated me like crap, so I believed I wasn't sexually appealing to guys. Well it has been almost 7 months and I am down 105lbs. I have been seeing a guy and wow. I never had sex like this. I wasn't afraid to be naked in front of him (even though I am a bit wobbley) he really loves my body, multiple positions and orgasms, and it goes on for hours. So yes sex after being sleeved has been amazing for me so far. I am no longer shy about my body

  9. I am close to 7 months post op and I also had not had a regular period in 2 years...well the first couple periods I got after surgery were awful...like really bad...I was scared but my doctor told me it was common and it didn't help I had blood thinners in my system from my surgery

  10. Thanks ladies and yes I was happy to meet him for round 2. I think I got him a little worked up over our texting this week cause he jumped me as soon as I sat down on the couch. I do like him. Before we had sex I did tell him about being sleeved, he asked if I was on the pill and I told him we still needed to be EXTRA safe, he was totally understanding, still haven't shown him my before pictures. He is a little older then me (by 6 yrs) and he is very different then the jerk (he was wham bam done while this guy is like a marathon, seriously 2 hours last time, it is better then the 30 day squat challenge) He is very giving and he loves to touch me. I thought I would be more shy about my wobbily thighs but he has no problems. My one girlfriend said it cause he is a guy and you are naked and that is all he cares about. I don't know if this is just a sex thing but I am having fun and so is he

  11. In the beginning (before surgery) I wasn't going to tell anyone. I wasn't sure what they would think, then for some reason the day of my surgery I just went for it and put it on Facebook. I got an outpouring of support and have been very upfront with people who ask about how I lost all the weight.

    I started to see a guy, recently and I didn't tell him right away. We were getting to be close and I just came out and told him and asked if that was ok. He didn't bat an eye lash, he was like ok no worries. It actually made me feel more comfortable around him

  12. Hi, Single 35 yr old in NJ. Sleeved 11/12 and now down 102 lbs....never really had a serious relationship...started to get recognized more by guys which is awesome because I was always too shy to put myself out there...I actually started going on dates and I am seeing this guy but it is casual right now and I am having fun, not sure I want to settle down yet. I am liking this attention and want to have a little fun

  13. Ok so I had to share this with some people who would understand. I haven't had sex in a VERY long time partly because I was just too shy because of how big I was. I had very low self esteem made worse by one a*****e who did a real number on me, told me I was lucky that someone would ever want me sexually and other terrible things...

    So I was sleeved in November and I have been going out meeting guys. I am now down 102 lbs and I have been noticing guys checking me out which is freakin awesome and I am no longer shy...well I have been seeing this one guy casually, nothing too serious and long story short last night we had sex. First time I didn't feel the need to cover up my body before, during, or after. He was very good and kept saying how much he loved my body (seriously almost cried but held it together). It was great, but I am gonna keep it casual, don't want to be tied down(metaphorically anyway) yet. I want to date around a bit (I was very safe last night). This is going to be an awesome summer. For the first time I am feeling empowered and I love it

  14. I am 35 soon to be 36 and I have never

    - been in a serious relationship

    - been in love (lust yes)

    - felt sexy

    - had high self esteem

    - been called beautiful by anyone else but my family members and friends

    - wore a bikini

    - gone skinny dipping

    I plan to fix all of these this year (hoping to fix #1)

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