I am so glad I found this forum. I know it is a horrible subject, but I have been having a lot of problems like some of you. I am almost 4wks post op and have gone about two times since surgery. I was taking 2 colace in the morning and 2 at night....nothing happening. Then I started getting very nauseated, and with every bite of food horrible stomach cramps. I went 7 days without a BM and finally called dr. He said take 1 tablespoon of Milk of Mag and drink 2 glasses of Water. Nothing happened, called him back same instructions except this time add Metamucil 3x a day....tiny BM, nothing to write home about. Still feeling very bloated,and stomach cramps with just about any food. Still taking the metamucil (expect switched to Benefiber) 3x a day, and no relief! Do you guys think that the miralax is better than the milk of mag? Milk of mag a stimulant, so surgeon really not wanting me to take. Also have not lost one pound in the last 9 days. Is that normal????? Help, I am feeling so frustrated. I have been trying to eat so healthy, exercise and drinking tons of water. Is it normal to feel cramping while you are eating?
Would appreciate any suggestions or help.