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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Jen35

  1. I don't like having my picture taken, so I don't have many before pics (especially at my highest weight right before surgery - 244 lbs.), but I want to share my journey so far. So here goes, a before pic and an after pic at 2 months out (at 201 lbs). It's not the best pic/lighting, so don't judge my camera skills. I haven't taken a body shot yet, but I'll post that when I do. Mainly I wanted to show how much you can see it in my face. It's surreal to see the side by side!
  2. You guys are so sweet:) Thanks for the support!
  3. How in the world did your surgeon not know you lost that much blood? If it was during surgery, he should have known! And if it was after, where did it go? That much blood has to go somewhere. After my surgery, my pulse-ox was checked regulary with my other vitals. Sounds like those rude nurses dropped the ball. Wow - you poor thing!
  4. Jen35

    Dumping Syndrome Horror Story

    I have symptoms like this and I can't always attribute it to eating something I'm not supposed to. One day it happened after I ate 1/2 a piece of string cheese. What happens to me: I get terrrible gas pains/cramps and it feels like I need to go to the bathroom. But nothing happens - that lasts sometimes 20 mintues and it's so uncomfortable. Then I go and it's aweful - diarhea, terrible smelling gas and so much pain! And I'm usually on the toilet for 1/2 hour to an hour. Sometimes I'm back in the bathroom every half hour for a while. I'm 2 months post op and I also had my gallbladder removed at 3 weeks post op. I was thinking this symptoms from having my gallbladder removed, but maybe it's dumping?
  5. I had gallbladder issues up to a year prior to the sleeve surgery, but my regular MD couldn't prove that it was my gallbladder. I had all the tests and the couldn't find stones or anything. When I had my sleeve, my surgeon would not remove my gallbladder unless he had a medical reason to (and my insurance would not have covered it). I would have loved to have it removed at the same time because 3 weeks after sleeve surgery, I had gallbladder surgery. In the ER, the ultrasound technician said that they used to remove the gallbladder at the same time if there was even a slight chance you had issues, but now the insurance companies won't cover that. So, if you have stones and can get it done at the same time - great (you only have to recover from one surgery). Or if you are self pay - go for it. Otherwise, we are at the mercy of the insurance companies. Also, you do need your gallbladder - it serves a purpose. Until it makes you vomit non-stop (like me), then you should have it removed:) As a side note, I am suffering with intestinal issues after gallbladder surgery - not fun!
  6. At least you are in good company! I had that happen the evening I got home from surgery. My tummy started gurgling and I didn't make it to the bathroom! I'm 8 weeks out and it's gotten better, but I still have times when I'm running to the bathroom after eating. I also had my gallbladder out 5 weeks ago so I thought it was related to that but who knows. It's not fun! It's like severe IBS - aweful. I agree that you have an awesome guy to help you. My hubby helped me too as I was crying and mortified:) Oh well, **** happens!
  7. Jen35

    After Pics

    Pictures after surgery on May 22, 2013
  8. Jen35

    After Pic 7-20-13

    From the album: After Pics

  9. Jen35

    Feb 2013

    From the album: Before Pics

  10. Jen35

    Before Pics

    Pictures prior to my VSG surgery on May 22, 2013
  11. Jen35

    February 2013

    From the album: Before Pics

  12. Jen35

    Salad & Coffee - again?

    I'm 2 months post op and I have started drinking regular coffee occasionally. I could have decaf coffee pre and post op. In fact, in the hospital after surgery, that was part of the meals they gave me. I have recently started eating salads and raw veggies. I'm fine with them as long as I chew well. I agree with everyone that we need our protein, but we also need our veggies (as long as you tolerate them and they are on your food plan). My plan allowed for salad at week 6 and raw veggies at week 8.
  13. I am 2 months post op and I have been seeing a therapist for 7 months. I really recommend this because I have an eating disorder. Food is my drug and I use it to avoid the emotional pain of my past. Realizing this was the first step, now I use that information (along with my sleeve) to make better choices. Being aware of my problem and working with an experienced therapist keeps me on track so far. I am also worried about picking up another addiction (like alcohol) so I'm very careful about those other vices.
  14. Thanks for sharing! I've never been to the site before. I got the $20 off and free shipping. It's really expensive to try new things otherwise. I got Protein chips, pretzels, bars and atkins baking mix. Yay;)
  15. Wow - you look great! I am 2 months out and down 43 pounds. I'm 2 pounds away from wonderland! I haven't been there in over 6 years:) This is not an easy road - it has been so hard up until now. I'm finally starting to feel back to normal - but a new normal where I can move and breathe easier. I didn't want to tell people at first and I had a lot of people telling me I don't need the surgery. I finally realized that this is not their life and I don't care if they agree with my decision. I posted it on facebook and I've since received a lot of support! When I tell people about the surgery, I make sure to tell them that it is hard. And I usually say that some people think it's the easy way out but if someone says that to me, I will punch them in the face. Then they think twice before saying that! HA!
  16. Jen35

    Honestly, how much do you vomit?

    I am 2 months out and have not vomitted - even right after surgery. My surgeon does a bunch of stuff to prevent that (patch behind ear, meds, a pressure point bracelet). I also haven't slimed. I have had discomfort in my chest when I have eaten one bite too many. It's really hard to eat slowly and listen for those full signals. Many people say they have a sign when they are full (a hiccup, sneeze, etc.). I don't get anything like that so at times it just hits me that I'm full. When I had my gallbladder surgery about 5 weeks ago, I had a lot of nausea and they gave me some mylanta - that came right back up. But I don't really count that. My brother is 2 1/2 years from surgery and he does vomit more than I think he should. But he admits that he eats too much and too fast at times. He says that vomitting is not like prior to surgery. Not painful and it's more like regurgitating, food just comes back up.
  17. Jen35

    Honestly, how much do you vomit?

    Sorry you are having so much trouble! I spoke to someone at a support group who had issues with vomiting after bypass surgery. It is rare, but they finally figured out that they nicked a nerve in her esophogus during surgery or endoscopy. Every time she ate it came back up because of the nerve issue. Something to maybe check out?
  18. I am about 8 weeks post op and I have Fibromyalgia. I was diagnosed by one Rhuemy with RA and another said I don't have RA, so I'm kind of in limbo on that. The original Rheumy said my symptoms matched RA but I only ever had one blood test that came back with a high Rhuematoid Factor. After that no markers of inflamation. She put me on Plaquenil for 9 months or so but it never helped so I stopped it. Dr. feels my body hasn't really figured out what's going on but my symptoms indicate that I may have more issues down the road. So for now I just take Savella for the fibro which does help some. The pain I have always managed with ibuprofen. After surgery, I didn't have any fibro pain or symptoms for 4-5 weeks. Then I started getting the same knee, shoulder pain and some achyness like before. Only now I can't take ibuprofen. Thankfully it hasn't been quite as bad and I can manage it. I really think the 43 pounds I've lost helps with that. I plan to see the doctor for some pain med that I can take with the sleeve (tylenol does nothing for me). I really started to wonder if I have some kind of food sensitivity because I was really eating a limited diet until 4 weeks post-op. Maybe I started eating the offending food again (gluten??). I don't know. Just a theory.
  19. Jen35

    When to take vitamins

    As long as you are not taking your Iron and calcium together you are okay - they don't absorb right if you take them together. So it depends on if your multivitamin has iron or not. Mine do, so I take my multi (with iron) morning and night. Then I take my calcium/D3 with breakfast, lunch and dinner. I also take a B12 nasal spray once per week. If you don't have iron in your multi, you can take it with calcium and then take your iron anytime as long as it's 2 hours before/after the calcium.
  20. Jen35

    isnt it funny?

    I agree. When I first started the process to have surgery, I didn't tell many people. Once I was scheduled, I told a few more people and now that I'm 7 weeks out, most everyone knows. I was worried that people would judge me, but now I don't care - I want people to be aware. This is an option, a very difficult process, but life saving. This was my choice and I am determined to set anyone straight who says this is the "easy way". People judge, and it's really surprising to me how many overweight people judge. I have a theory that they are either jealous or in denial (as in - they are my size and they don't think that's big enough to have surgery). I have so many people that I know who don't even comment on my weight loss. They know I had the surgery and I've lost 40 pounds (it's noticeable), but NOTHING. I wonder if they didn't know I had surgery if they would say anything. Usually you get comments like Wow, you look great! or something. It's like there is a stigma with the way I'm losing. Oh well, I'm losing and doing wonderful!
  21. My 5 things: 1. I stopped snoring 2. I can tie my shoes like a normal person (no twisting into weird positions or holding my breath!) 3. I'm learning how to have a healthy relationship with food (it's not controlling my life anymore) 4. I have more energy to play with my kids 5. I love clothes shopping again!
  22. You can do this! My pre-op was so hard - but I got to the other side and now I'm 7 weeks out. It's much easier after surgery to resist, but your head will still want it. I couldn't cook at all during my pre-op and the weeks after surgery. Too hard. Most people aren't going to understand what we are doing and going through. That's why we are here! Hang in there:)
  23. Jen35

    Boredom and old eating habits

    I'm not far out yet, but I'm definitely a boredom eater. I know this is going to be an issue for me at some point. I just wanted to add about the gum. Have you tried Extra's dessert flavors? Sugar free and they have Mint Chocolate Chip, Lemon Bar (my 2 favs). Root Beer Float, Strawberry Shortcake, Apple Pie - they are really good and help me when I'm craving sweets.
  24. Jen35

    Why did I do this again?

    I felt the same way and it's normal to feel it. The first week is the worst, but it gets better each day after that. I'm 6 weeks out and believe me I thought I would never get through that first week or so. But here I am, able to eat most things (just tiny amounts) and no issues - AND down 40 pounds. Be patient (I know it's hard!), but you will get through this.
  25. I wish I had had them both done at the same time. I didn't have issues until 3 weeks out and THEN had to have my gallbladder removed. Not fun recovering from a second surgery so soon after the first. I would think it's much easier at the same time. One surgery, one recovery.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
