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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Jen35

  1. Jen35

    January 2013 Sleevers?

    I will be finishing my 3 month pre-op program at the beginning of December. So I should be sleeved sometime in January as long as my insurance approves I was looking for a Jan 2013 forum, but it's not out there yet. We need one! I'm in the St. Louis area and Dr. Richardson from the New Start program will be doing my surgery. I can't wait!!!
  2. Jen35


    Not being honest with your surgeon is dangerous. Your life is in their hands and this is a piece of information that they need to keep you healthy and alive. If you tell them and they cancel your surgery, there is a good reason for that. The goal of the surgery is to be healthy, not cause other (possibly worse) problems.
  3. Jen35

    ! Wow !

    Way to GOOOO! You rock:D
  4. Yesterday, I saw the nut and the doctor for my second monthly appointment (out of 3). I am right at a BMI of 39.9 (it was 39.7 last month) which is not enough to be approved by my insurance since I apparently don't have the co-morbidities they look for with a BMI less than 40. They said that RA doesn't usually count (only regular arthritis) and other than that I only have GERD. I asked the nut about feeling like I'm in limbo, since I can't really work on losing weight yet or I may not get approved. And apparently I need to gain a little instead. She said she doesn't want to tell me to gain weight by next appointment, but to bring a big bottle of Water with me and drink a lot right before I weigh in. I'm of the opinion that I will get a few rolls of quarters and put them in my pockets:) LOL Also she said they want me focusing on changing behaviors in preperation for how I will need to eat for the surgery (ie drinking all my water and without a straw, no carbonated beverages, etc.) during this 3 month "diet" imposed by the insurance rather than dieting. Surgeon wants me to do an upper endoscopy prior to the surgery since I have GERD to check for a hiatal hernia. Apparently that can cause the reflux problems and he can fix the hernia during surgery (yay!). Not looking forward to the endoscopy - I'm scared of the gagging and feeling that something is going down my throat, but he said that I will be out of it (he will do the endoscopy). It won't happen until after I'm approved. Good news - he said that I will only have to do a 1 week liquid pre-op diet. MUCH better than 2 weeks. He also said that I should be able to continue taking the Plaquenil for my RA since it isn't a strong immuno-suppressor, but to check with my Rheumy doctor just in case. That is all - now I just wait.
  5. Jen35


    It isn't a requirement for my surgery but I decided to start seeing a therapist anyway. When I told my coordinator and the nut and they both thought it could be really helpful. I'm pre-op and regardless of whether I'm approved for the sleeve or not, I need to work on my mental reasons I overeat. I have some of the same isssues you do and I'm sure that has contributed to my weight issues.
  6. Congrats! Let us know how it goes
  7. I have almost the opposite. I love all the staff, but the surgeon doesn't have the best bedside manor. He's supposed to be a great doctor and has done over 1600 laproscopic barriatric surgeries. My second appointment is this week with a surgery date sometime in January (hopefully). I don't think I want to start all over with another surgeon.
  8. I agree. I'm pre-op but I'm making some changes now. I plan to use this tool to the fullest to permanently change my bad habits once and for all.
  9. That is AWESOME!! I can't wait to be in a large. I can't remember when I wore something that didn't have an X in the size:)
  10. I decided I just need to put my story out there and see what advice anyone can offer. I am pre-op and I'm going back and forth trying to decide if surgery is the right decision for me. My brother had the sleeve done 2 years ago and he loves it, no complications, etc. I'm really worried that I will have complications (or worse - die from surgery) and I have 2 small children to think about. My story: I am 35 years old and I weigh between 235 and 237 depending on the day. I have steadily gained weight since I was 18 and never have lost more than 10 pounds with any diet. Part of that is mental, I think. Of course I know what to do to lose, but after much soul searching, I think I'm scared to lose weight after being overweight for so long. I think the weight is a protection, if that makes sense. Not to get too far into it, but I am a victim of abuse (as a child and teenager) and part of me likes the "invisibility" of being big. I don't have to worry about unwanted attention. There is a downside to that - the negative attention, name-calling, and discrimination of being overweight. Soooo, back to WLS. I want the sleeve for the reasons everyone else does: I want to lose weight and be healthy, especially for my kids sake. I know it is a tool, and I will have do the work involved. I am researching therapists because with or without surgery, I need to deal with the reasons I eat. The surgery will keep me from overeating, while I work on the emotional/mental side of why I do it. But part of me wonders if I could do this without surgery. Go to therapy, nutritionist and go on a healthy diet without the added risk of surgery. The other side of the coin is that I don't know if I qualify for the surgery yet. I went for my 1st appointment and my BMI is 39,7 (they measured me 1/2 inch taller than I thought I was). The only health issues I have are rheumatoid arthritis, fibromyasia and GERD, and I don't know that they count as comorbidities for insurance. So, I'm in limbo. I can gain a couple pounds to ensure that I qualify for the surgery (counter productive) or I can see if they approve me as is, or I can ditch the surgery. I don't know what to do!!!
  11. Thank you all for you're support and words of wisdom. I've decided to go ahead with the surgery. I'm still going to see a therapist because that can only help me be successful in the long run. As much as I would love to lose the weight without surgery, I don't think that's going to happen. I would have done it already. Now I just have to wait and see if the insurance approves it. I'm just letting my nerves get the best of me as far as being afraid of the surgery. I've done all the research, I've talked to others who've been sleeved and I know in my heart this is the right decision. I just want to blink and be post-op and on my way to being healthy already. I know I will be on here a lot along the way. You all are the best. Thanks again!!
  12. Yay:) I have my 2nd appointment with my surgeon next week. One more appointment in December and then it's up to the insurance. I will probably be right behind you in early January if all goes according to plan.
  13. Jen35

    Where Is Everyone From?

    What part? I'm in Illinois, but really clost to St. Louis.
  14. Jen35

    Where Is Everyone From?

    I live close to Belleville. Collinsville, IL
  15. Jen35

    Where Is Everyone From?

    Me too! I'm on the Illinois side near Collinsville. Really close to St. Louis
  16. I'm pre-op and I don't know of anyone who has had surgery with Dr. Richardson in St. Louis. I feel good abou him, but it would be nice to find out others experiences. Thanks:)
  17. Cowgirl - that makes a lot of sense. I've been on a journey of self discovery (what I like to call it - lol) over the last year or so, trying to figure out what is "wrong" with me that I just can't lose weight. I know that the emotional eating is a big component for me. I've had so much trama in my life and I've always turned to food for comfort. But I am realizing that there is the physical aspect too because I really am never full. Or I get full and an hour later I'm looking to eat something again. And then I wonder Can I even tell the difference between head hunger and physical hunger anymore?
  18. I'm in Collinsville, IL. Closer to St. Louis than Carbondale. I'm pre-op going to Dr. Richardson at the St. Alexius New Start program in St. Louis. My brother went there with Dr. Folwell and really liked him, but Folwell is moving to Florida so I went with the other dr. Hope I made a good choice.
  19. Thanks for the info. I will look into it.
  20. Thanks all:) @DianaE - My brother and I joke that our family has a disorder where we produce too much ghrelin. I swear, we can EAT and never feel full. My oldest brother had bipass, other brother had the sleeve. I and my sister are both obese. I feel that there is definitely a genetic component. My mother was obese and died from breast cancer when she was 39 - no history of cancer and the only risk factor was weight. Diabetes also runs in my family. That really scares me about not getting the surgery. All the health problems that I could get in the near future if I don't get my weight under control.
  21. My regular doctor said that any weight loss will reduce the stress on my joints (hips and knees are an issue) from the RA. The surgeon did mention that the GERD could get worse. It is pretty well controlled with medicaiton now, so I'm not as worried about that. I also didn't really mention that I have tried many diets and failed them all: weight watchers, atkins, slim fast, pills, etc. I know a lot of my hunger is mental, but I was always physically hungry on the diets. My brother mentioned that he feels way less hungry than he did before. I like that the sleeve reduces the ghrelin that the body produces. I was working out 3x per week with a personal trainer before I was diagnosed with RA. The RA and fibro make it difficult for me to work out like I used to adding to my steady weight gain. I still work out, but I can't really kill it the gym like I want to.
  22. Thank you for your encouragement:) I have done A LOT of research about VSG up to this point and it is definitely a lifestyle change and committment. That is one of the things that I love about it - I feel I could actually be successful at weight loss using the sleeve as a tool. I don't know that I can do it on my own. But I'm really scared of the risks, even though they are not common. I'm also worried about getting my hopes up that I can get the sleeve and then being denied. Then what? I'll have to do it on my own anyway:( I really love this site. You all are so brave to take this step to make your lives better and to share your experiences with everyone. It really helps to know that I have support and encouragement when I need it.
  23. Jen35


    My surgeon said the same thing - bypass or lap band are not options for RA. He said tha I would not be able to take NSAIDs or Prednisone with those procedures (ever). This is fine with me as I really want VGS anyway and this isn't a problem with RA. Yeah, I don't really love Mobic. I was having a lot of stomach pain with it (possible ulcer) and my general doctor thinks it was the cause. I avoid taking it regularly unless the pain is really bad. Unfortunately, my Rheumatologist is extremely hard to get into see. So I haven't seen her in almost 6 months. I like her a lot, but I think it's time to find a more accessable doctor. If I have to reschedule an appointment due to work, etc. it takes 2-3 months to get a new appointment.

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