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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by mggonzal

  1. I was sleeved on oct 13th... Before my surgery i received printed info with recomendarions about the grocerys and suplements ( vitamins) I should buy before the surgery, after surgery I received printed information with instructions about what I should to eat in each phase and recomendations about excercise and medications.. Very complete info... I would recomend 100% Dr Aceves!!
  2. mggonzal

    Good Hair, Skin And Nail Vitamin

    You csn take biotin or zinc my doctor prescribed them to me... I tried zinc but it made me feel nausea then he changed it to Biotin
  3. mggonzal

    Mexico Complications?

    I agree with Sarsar.
  4. mggonzal


    Protein help us to no feel hungry... Maybe you should take less protein shakes and more food.. Im 5 weeks post op..i just starte with doluds two days ago.. Im having one shake and trying to get the protein from food.
  5. mggonzal

    Mexico Complications?

    I had my surgery in Mexico on Oct 13... Everything went excellent!! It worth every dll I oaid for it...
  6. How do you eat??? I mean i try to imagine how would to eat after i reached my goal ( i hope I'll be succesful)... What is normal for us wha had the surgery??
  7. You need go to hospital.. I think that isn't normal... I didn't take any pain medications after the hospital. Take care.
  8. No.... I will not... Despite I had a great recovery... And Ive lost 30 pounds on 33 days... I will nit do it again... This is about your effort not the surgery.... I am hungry ... I cant take some vitamins cuz i feel nausea... Really I am not having any problems... But I understood all is about my own effort... i was on diet before surgery and I lost 43 pounds for my own in 5 mo... I could continue losing weight that way
  9. Every time I take my vitamins I feel nausea... Why could be this happen? Any advise?
  10. mggonzal


    My nut just prescribed my new vitamins, its delicious calcium chew+d+k.... Mmmhh chocolate only 20 cal... I love it
  11. mggonzal

    Puree Stage - Recipe/ideas

    It sounds delicious!!
  12. God bless you, I really hope you get better soon..... Faith.... Faith can everything
  13. I understand you, today my family and I went to applebees i had a tilapia fish w/ mashed potatoes, i just ate 3 bites of plate and bring the rest to home, every hour I have been taking 2 bites ... I know it is not correct... For thus reason that I know is too hard for me to stop eating like this.. I prefer not to go out for lunch... Fir people like us is better to cook our own food at home.. This way you will save some money and would avoid the temptations... Im almost one mo adter surgery.. I'll try to avoid as possible to avoid going to restaursnts...
  14. mggonzal


    Thank you for the info.. I'll try other brands.. =)
  15. I cant understand why if the surgery only reduced the size of my stomach i feel the food stuck on my chest... It has the same size as before surgery, i dont see reason to feel the water or food stuck inmy chest.
  16. mggonzal

    Thinking Of Not Doing It,

    I was 333 pounds.... I needed to lose almost 180 ... Today i already lost 65.... 43 before surgery and de rest 4 weeks post op... I lost 43 pounds in 4 mo... It was easy for me... Just reduce the portions and avoiding junk food...walking one mile every day.. But after surgery has been harder... Too much hard ... Im hungry, and i cant eat as i want.. Not junk food just a green salad or drink my cup of coffee as I used to do... Some times i regret to have this surgery... Why i didnt continue doing the same I did to lose the first 43 pounds???? Please take some time, consider it again, this is too much than "you could lose your overweigh soon".... This is harder than only be on a diet.. I have no energy.. Since I do not eat solids since oct 13... I just started with puree food, the vitamins make me nausea... And i feel the pills or puree stuck in my chest... But there is nothing I can do... Just move forward... I have no options, before surgery I had... Not now, there is no reverse for this... Please reconsider it.
  17. Congrats!!! You look great!!!!
  18. I had my surgery on oct 13... The pre op diet was not the big deal... But to be honest is hard... Very hard, despite my surgeon said i wouldnt be hungry, the fifth day was really hard I was dying of hungry for the 7 th day it passed... But after that is not easy i still feel hungry.. Its hard after 36 years eating whatever i wanted, but fortunately i had have no probles at all, my recovery was really fast i had no pain after surgery, i only had an episode the day i started with puree food... I ate 2 teaspoon of puree after i felt full .... Only 2 teaspoon!!!! Then i had the worst pain i ever had... That was enough fir me to understand that i must stop eating when i started to feel full. Ive lost arround 22 lbs... It worth it, but i will not lie you... Is hard.. This is not magic... You will need fo work hard and make a big effort... But our health worth it.
  19. After my surgery i got the following plan: Phase 1. 10 days Clear liquids: Water, clear Protein, Powerade, broth Phase 2. 10 days full liquids. Protein shake, skim milk, cream of veggies. Phase 3. 10 days of pureed food ( im starting it tomorrow) pureed food no chunks. Scrambled egg, yogurth. Phase 4. Solids. My surgeon says never to have solids before a month..... To be honest I had have some solids already but just a bite ... Once or twice a week.... I ve tried to keep on track... But it seems half a burger 2 weeks after surgery is too much... Our stomach was mutilated it need some time to get good. I would recommend you to have Clear Liquids for at least a week then forward to full liquids
  20. mggonzal


    US Surgeon is not always = quality and Mexican surgeon is not = to bad attention, we need to make a research and then make a desition, I spent 2800 dlls and 4 mo going to UCSD and didn't forward to my surgery... Just wasting time and money, I had an appt with Dr Aceves and 2 weeks later I had my surgery ... Is not how much money I paid, my health has no price, but this Dr is one or the best surgeons in Latinamerica, I spent 3 days on an excellent hospital and I received an excellent attention.... My sister has her surgery in Los angeles, it was ambulatory never seen her surgeon after de surgery was done....as Ive seen in Mexico the attention a patient recive is personalized you can speak with you Doctor and ask all your questions... In USA you spent the 90% of time talking with nurses ot assistants... And of course you will pay 2 or 3 times morethan in Mexico... Of course if the service would be 2 or 3 times better than in Mexico I would pay it for having my surgery in USA. Also my surgeon is plenty recognized in the USA
  21. mggonzal

    Aceves Or G. Alvarez

    Dr Aceves #1, no pain, no complications, excellent service at hospital and great attention from staff, drain was removed prior left hospital if you choose him it will be a great decision!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
