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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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About Momof5boys

  • Rank
    Intermediate Member

About Me

  • Biography
    Stay at home mom of 5 children, and a wonderful hubby.......our children are our world!!!!
  • Gender
  • Interests
    farming, gardening, hunting, camping, fishing
  • Occupation
    Stay at home mom
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  1. Momof5boys

    11/5/12 down 110 wana lose 50 more

    Thank you! You will get there!
  2. Momof5boys

    11/5/12 down 110 wana lose 50 more

    Thank you so much!
  3. Momof5boys

    11/5/12 down 110 wana lose 50 more

    Yes, some issues with excess skin. Then again, I have had 5 boys so it may not be the same as most. My legs are still thick as well. But, my age and the fact that I have had kids makes me pretty comfortable with how I look. I buy the regular shirts that aren't tight fitting and they cover my belly, and there isnt much I can do to hide my legs except not to wear shorts (but I love capris), it just doesnt bother me. It all looks way better than before, lol. Plus, the benefit of having all my energy back and enjoying time with my kids so much more.......I guess im just finally to the age that I could care less if someone chooses to see my flaws and not for the person I am. Its worth it, believe me :-)
  4. Momof5boys

    11/5/12 down 110 wana lose 50 more

    All my family is so amazed and excited for me. My lil boys see me ever day so hadn't really realized how much I had lost until I showed them that picture of me on the football field with my oldest son, they were shocked. I am so happy and full of energy. My boys get their mom back!!! Makes me wana cry just thinking about what the surgery has done for me, so awesome! !! Thanks!
  5. I wanted to post some pics before and after, so happy with the weight loss, goal is to lose 50 more, but after having 5 boys I am happy where I am....., so im gona relax and enjoy!
  6. My surgery was 11/5 and I am down 70 lbs. I work out at least 4 days a week. I don't know if there is any "normal" in how much weight a person should lose. I still haven't been able to eat much, its such a hassle to eat, and to find something I will actually like. Still eating lots of yogurt, cheese, and protein bars.
  7. Momof5boys

    Never imagined the difficulty....

    Omg, your the same as I was. I kept a big ol cup of my favorite drink, peach tea with me all the time and would gulp it down, and never felt like I could get enough (prior to surgery). I guess in a way this does prove that things gradually improve and you can drink and eat more as time goes on, because I already can do a near gulp of my drink. The same urge to eat for me is the same for a drink, I truly have to make myself drink. It's no where the same as before, I have to remember to drink or else I won't get enough in, but its changed drastically from prior to surgery. Drinking fills me up, but more temporarily then food. Right after surgery was super scary for me because you can fill your drink fill up your tummy and it scared me. I am definitely drinking more than I was right after surgery, and I guess the same as food. My food for today included a yogurt cup that I ate for breakfast and lunch because I definitely can't finish it in one sitting, and for dinner I had fish and the fillet was very small, like no longer than my finger, and I didn't even finish all of that. I will have to look back for her user name, but someone had commented that they can eat quite a bit at 6 months and how they'd wish they only had the desire for the small amount still, so I've tried to convince myself to appreciate that and the fact that I am getting a lot of weight off quick because of it. It's like a constant battle with your mind though that's for sure.
  8. Momof5boys

    Never imagined the difficulty....

    Thank you so much for the replies, they all give me a little better prospective. Please know that I've never regretted this surgery, its just all the preparing I did for it never completely prepared me for this, it was never realized how hard it would be until after the fact. Hearing that in a matter of a couple months I will be able to eat normally is both hopeful and scary. I really love how quickly the weight is coming off and need to just be excited about that and not so concerned about the eating issues. My biggest thing currently is wanting to get my vitamins and shakes in every day for my own health and well being. Thanks again so much guys, so glad to be able to express my worries and have people that listen and understand......the support is so reassuring!!!
  9. I was sleeved on November 5th 2012. So glad I have lost 52 lbs so far, but omg I never knew it was going to be so hard to eat. Doing the diet prior to surgery was so easy, now getting the shakes and vitamins are so difficult. Everything I eat tastes so awful, and then when I make something that seems good, I eat less than 1/4 cup and I am no longer interested, like never again interested in the food I had just eaten. I've just become disgusted with food all together, its become such a hassle just to eat, mostly because its so uncomfortable to eat. I've changed vitamin flavors several times and they all make me sick, the taste makes me sick. Protein shakes are the same, trying new flavors and all just tasting horrible to me. I have even bought unflavored protein to add to my crystal light drinks, but its not unflavored, I can so tell its been added and the flavor is disgusting. My sense of taste had always been rather sensitive, but it has increased even more so. I simply have no idea what I am going to do. I love that I'm loosing the weight, but before long my hair is going to fall out, and I'm going to lose energy to do anything. Currently I do water aerobics, but I'm having a difficult time with energy to do much else. So frustrated, I just never thought it would be so hard......eating is not the same at all.
  10. Momof5boys


PatchAid Vitamin Patches
