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Everything posted by greensleeve

  1. greensleeve

    STL sleeve scheduled 9/25

    Thanks! It's nice to meet you all. Does anyone know of support groups in St Louis?
  2. greensleeve

    STL sleeve scheduled 9/25

    I'm scared that it won't work for me for some reason! Or that I won't be able to follow the rules.
  3. greensleeve

    STL sleeve scheduled 9/25

    Hi everyone! I just got approved, don't have a date yet. Going to Des Peres hospital with Dr Minkin. Nice to meet all of you!!!
  4. greensleeve


    I have UHC too and they were a nightmare. They kept changing their requirements and I ended up getting denied twice and going to external review. Just got approved yesterday!
  5. greensleeve

    Who Are You?

    I have thought about trying to be a notary but I'm scared! I work in the loan industry so I know I could do it but the safety of my job is scary to leave. How many hours do you work?
  6. Thank you Happy!!! I look forward to being able to work out without far getting in the way, bouncing every where and sweating like a pig. The only time I don't feel like that is when I'm swimming. And honestly the only thing I will miss about my fat is how great I can float. Lol.
  7. It's been a long long at times depressing process but yesterday I finally got my approval!!!! Hopefully next week I'll have a surgery date! I just can't believe it's here. I feel like a huge weight has been lifted.
  8. There's so much pain here. I can relate. This summer we went on vacation and I sat down in a little beach chair which immediately sunk all the way into the sand and I was stuck in it. So embarrassing! I finally got approved and I will never have to go on vacation fat again!!!
  9. Congrats! I'm scared too but I think the process of getting approved has given me time to really know deep down this is what I want. Good luck to you! I can't wait to wear normal clothes too. Right now it just doesn't feel real.
  10. It's been a loooong road. First UHC told me I didn't need a six month diet. I waited until everything after our move was settled, then did all the tests, was denied for the six month diet. I spent HOURS on the phone trying to get WW to send me something verifying my attendance dates. I just gave up and wrote a long son story letter with my phone records showing the hours I spent. Got my appeal denied. This has been one of the most stressful things I've been through. I just get to a point where I can't do it anymore. Finally I called WW corporate and she is mailing me a letter. I pray it is correct and that UHC will approve me. (already checked and WW is acceptable to them). If I get approved Im hoping to do it in August.
  11. I had no idea! Now I get to submit everything to my h's HR department. This whole thing is so weird; but I feel like I have a better chance with his HR than I would with UHC. Wish me luck!
  12. greensleeve

    Finally got weight watchers to cooperate!

    I did have etools but I never used it and they wouldn't accept it anyway. I just faxed it yesterday and verified that they got it. They told me it will be a month but last time it was two weeks. I just don't know why it takes so freaking long!
  13. greensleeve

    Finally got weight watchers to cooperate!

    Ok ok I calmed down and it is vague but does state my end date, it is just worded in a bizarre way. I am praying UHC will take this!
  14. greensleeve

    Finally got weight watchers to cooperate!

    #%*¥|.?!<]>£!,|>£<|>¥!\| They sent the letter and all it says is my start and that I was a member and that I should refer to my registration materials. I told that \<^€~, on the phone I don't have them. I want to punch her. I'm going to have to hire a GD lawyer. Completely enraged.
  15. I'm pre-op and waiting to get approved but I agree with everyone else. You also need to consider that relationships change greatly after WLS. Many people prefer a bigger partner for various reasons and are scared to be with someone who is HWP.
  16. greensleeve

    Finally got weight watchers to cooperate!

    I couldn't get into my bank records because it's been a year and a half! I threw my book away bc I didn't know I was going to want WLS. Keeping my fingers crossed!
  17. greensleeve

    ? About Mexico

    Does anyone know if you have your surgery in mexico: Can you use your cafeteria medical savings plan? If you have short term disability through work can you get travel time to go to Mexico as Part of your disability?
  18. I wish I had never known that so many physical problems were caused by my weight and not aging. I was happy not remembering being able to cross my legs, thinking I had bad feet and that's why I couldn't wear high heels. And now the genie is out of the box. For the first time in over a decade I had actual hope I could get to a normal weight and stay there. I looked forward to wearing nice clothes and having more energy. And I have spent the last month trying to get weight watchers to send me a record of my meetings and they just will NOT do it. I don't know if it's a ploy to keep people from getting WLS and trying to get them back or what. I have called FIVE times and asked to get my record and each person tells me the person before did it wrong, and they will help. Then I wait for the email that never comes, or I get an email telling me they can't provide it without a cancelled check. I want to scream. I am usually a fighter but I feel like I don't know what to do. I just put something on their twitter feed and I'm thinking about getting a lawyer. This is unbelievable.
  19. I did go to the WW office and they said because I was registered for at work meetings they have no record of me. she told me to call the 800 number again which I did. My insurance told me three times all I need is a five year weight history and then denied saying I need a six month supervised diet. I thought I was going to lose it. I have never wanted something so badly. I am also considering Mexico but it really scares me to be there alone.
  20. And I told my counselor yesterday. She said that her niece had it and she's a mess and has many complications. She warned me against it. She said when you can only eat a small amount of food everything had to be high quality or you get sick. Really? So I'm not supposed to have it because her stupid niece doesn't know how to eat right? And probably doesn't take her vitamins. I'm just tired of this. I just want to have the sugery and start my new life.
  21. It's a long story but a year ago I fell and tore a tendon and bruised an ankle bone. It still hurts, I can't walk more than a few blocks without being in severe pain. I started researching in February and had the surgeon call UHC. They said I just needed a 5 year history over 40 BMI. I called twice and was told the same thing. In the meantime I've gone to seminars, support groups, spent hours and hours online researching. I have never spent so much time on deciding anything. Finally I decided for sure, went to all the tests. Had to make up all the time off work. They finally submit and I get a denial because they want me to do a six month diet. I'm 41, I have done every diet known to man, hypnotherapy, supplements, psychotherapy, and exercise. I've been told if I don't lose my ankle won't heal. But I can't work out because of the pain. I'm on an antidepressant that causes weight fIn and makes weught loss almost impossible. I have tried numerous times to get off of it. I even have taken other medication and nothing works. I am trying to get my WW history but they are playing games with me. I was thinning maybe after surgery I might go back but not now. Because I'm not a current member they won't just print off a receipt. After I went through this a week ago and was emailed my receipts for the online tools only. Today they say they have to fill out a form to have a department email me my reveille which takes 7 business days. I feel fat and ugly. I hate my clothes. I have moments when I think I don't want to go on if I can't have the surgery. I'm thinking I may just end up having it in Mexico. Trying to keep my head up but I feel so down.
  22. greensleeve

    Denied, fighting depression.

    So I realized the other reason why I'm so upset. Surgery is HUGE for me. As you can tell I don't like doctors or being in the medical/insurance system at all. I have never had sugery other than oral. It took me nine months to make up my mind to do this. And even though I know it's the right decision, it's freakin surgery! I am scared. It's stressful for me to have that hanging over my head. I wanted to just do it so I can stop worrying about it. These next few months are clear: no obligations, holidays, birthdays, or vacations. Now I have to worry about scheduling this possibly during the summer when our kids' schedules with our exes and camp are crazy. I just really feel like its weighing on me and I don't want to spend six months worrying about it and whether I'll get approved. Maybe I need hypnosis to get me to stop being afraid. Dammit.
  23. greensleeve

    Denied, fighting depression.

    I tweeted on UHC and got a fast response. We will see what they say.
  24. greensleeve

    Denied, fighting depression.

    Thank you for your help. I am frustrated because I can't get anyone to tell me what the steps are. Everytime I call I get a different answer. if they would just tell me in writing exactly what I need to do I could handle it. It's the not knowing and feeling like no matter what I do they are going to find a reason to deny it that upsets me. I don't know how to get them to just give me a definite answer.

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