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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by Kaj

  1. Blegh. Finally hit under 200 lbs, went on vacation this week, and what do I do? Fall off the wagon! Feeling pretty disappointed in myself. I know better than this, but I went & hit the trifecta: slider foods, not tracking, and grazing!

    Trying hard to get back on track today and not beat myself up about it, but it's hard. I'm used to self-sabotaging (kind of wondering if that's behind all this - I typically panic when I diet & get close to 200, self-sabotage, then give up. Only difference here is I broke 200 and am at 198). Also used to that old habit of berating myself for not being able to follow through on changing my habits, self-criticizing - you know the drill. All the mean things we say to ourselves.

    Trying to think of some of the positive things I can take from this. Like - I learned that I feel crappy when I eat carbs and 'normal' when I eat Protein. I learned that although I can definitely eat a lot of carb-y slider foods, they definitely do not process well through my system, and being stopped up is not fun. I also learned that I do better when I am accountable; when no one is looking I get sneaky. Sneaky is not good. Sneaky makes me depressed and lonely and fat.

    So....I am tracking on MFP again after largely ignoring it for 4 days. (I am zenandnow23 on MFP if you want to friend me and kick my a** in gear.)

    I'm going to have my Premier shakes and Water today & try to get myself back in the Protein mindset. In other words, DETOX!!

    And I am going to *try* not to be mean to myself for not doing so great over the past few days...but I gotta admit, I'm feeling pretty down.

    It's not how many times you fall off the horse that counts, what matters is how many times you get back on. So good for you for picking yourself up, dusting yourself off and getting back to basics. You got this!!

  2. My surgery was Monday also and I just started full liquids today. My instructions are to remain hydrated with my goal for weeks 1 and weeks 2 to get in 6-8 cups of liquid per day. Not really having to put time between the liqid because I just sip at it all day. I started today with a Protein drink, switched to cream Soup for " lunch" , came back to the Protein Drink and have sipped at it and Water alternately all day.

    Again, each surgeon is different so I encourage you to follow your surgeon's directions. I'm not in any pain and am having no problem telling when my stomach is full. I'm stopping when it says to me - "one more bite and you will be full", so I don't take that one more bite (or sip actually) and seem to be fine so far.

  3. Kaj , how is your recovery going? I was sleeved the same day as you.

    Hi K33! I'm doing really good, I think. I started full liquids today and everything is going well. I thought I was dying on Tuesday morning after surgery Monday because I had been awake ALL night with severe acid reflux, and just knew I was no way able to go home since I could barely waddle to the end of the hall. However I passed the leak test that morning, shortly afterward the nurse that came on shift beat the hell out of my acid belly with protonix, pepcid and zofran; then the WLS coordinator came in to see me and prescribed a does of hydrocodone and by 3 PM I was a new woman and on my way home by 5 PM. I slept like a log in my own bed that night and although hubby said I moaned everytime I rolled over, I don't remember anything. I was a bit fatigued and weak yesterday but stayed in top of hydration with homemade chicken broth and snocones. Today I walked out to the back, checked the garden, visited with the goaties and have felt pretty darn good. I'm going to ask hubby to take me walk about down the street when the sun goes down.

    How are you doing? How is your recovery going?

  4. 3 days post-op and started full liquids today. I had cream of chicken Soup for lunch, my surgeon's office didn't indicate I should do fatfree , just make sure it is strained. It was delicious and took me about an hour with an infant spoon to eat it! I also mixed about a 1/2 cup of coffee into my Protein Shake and spent all day drinking that. I have also been sipping at Water all day as well. All in all, I think I'm doing ok. Way better than I thought I would be on Tuesday morning after surgery. :D

  5. ...I have been fairly calm and not too anxious,..... . I think I have come to terms with my future.

    Good luck to my fellow aug 5th sleevers. We aren't alone. I will try to keep updated.

    This exactly how I'm feeling; "come to terms with my future". I haven't packed, not real sure I'm going to do any packing. I have crystal light, chapstick, gas-x, and travel toothpaste/brush in my purse. I'm going to wear home what I wear to the hospital and as long as I have my phone I've got all the entertainment I might want. All I will be carrying extra is a pillow to use as abdominal support as I get up and down. Good luck and remember to walk and sip, walk and sip. Just a short while and we will all be on the other side.

  6. I saw my family Dr.; told him what I wanted; he gave me a 1500 calorie exchange diet sheet (on which I promptly gained weight); went back 30 days later and checked in; went back in another 30 days and checked in, went back for a final 30 day check-up and he sent my records to my surgeon's office to submit to insurance. So -

    saw Dr ------>30 days pass, saw Dr.------> 30 more days pass, saw Dr----->30 more days pass, saw Dr.; he submitted to my surgeon.

    Does that help?

  7. I would suggest having someone over. While this surgery seems minimally invasive it's a major surgery. Here's a good read. http://debrastangfre...ric-sleeve.html

    I'm hoping my recovery goes well and quickly because I'm only out of work 13 days before I'm due back. And I pretty much don't have any options since I'm the breadwinner and that 13 days off is maxing my sick leave and annual leave and have no choice but to go back on time. I had my gallbladder removed in 1990 in the old fashioned open surgery method and was supposed to be off 6 weeks for recovery but was back at work in a week, so I'm hoping an extra week will suffice to make up for my being 13 years older. I'm a social worker like the woman in the link above except I work with homeless veterans. I'm going to be good and kind to myself and take it easy when I get back and I'm hoping I'll be fine. :unsure:

  8. Im scheduled for the 8th... How long does everyone have to go on their pre-op liquid diet for?

    Im supposed to do 2 weeks, Clear liquids only. ITS HARD!!!

    Is anyone allowed food? If so, what are you allowed to have?

    I've been on my 2 week pre-op since July 22nd and can have food. Just nothing high carb. I have had to stay 30 gms of carbs or less and 70 gms or more of Protein daily. It hasn't been an issue for me. Protein shakes for Breakfast and for lunch, tuna fish mixed with a tbls of mayo and Jello, then a Protein shake for mid-afternoon, sometimes a cheese stick or two, and then no carb vegies and meat for dinner. Haven't had any problem with it. Also haven't lost any weight to speak of either. <lol> But was told the goal was liver shrink, not calorie reduction.

  9. Thin all the way until my first pregnancy. Began the roller coaster of gaining and losing after that. Gained more and lost less with each pregnancy. Went on Medifast in the late 80s, lost 110 lbs and kept it off for almost 10 years - then menopause, depression, antidepressants and some other stuff and I put it all back on in about 8 months. Been at a constant battle since 2005. Now I'm battling to stay at one weight.

  10. I'm scheduled for surgery on Monday, 8/5. It seems I have read many, many posts today like. "I'm ____(fill in the blank) months out and suddenly can't eat this or that (or anything)" or " I'm ____(fill in the blank) months out and I'm in the hospital because everything I eat makes me vomit." ; and I'm scared and wondering if getting sleeved means I end up sick the rest of my life when all I'm trying to do is get healthy.

  11. I have been a bit nervous about how my surgery will affect my anxiety, I keep it pretty much at bay with my meds and the only times it flares even mildly are times I haven't eaten regularly or kept to a regular sleep schedule. Two of my meds are time released and I've read such varying comments from everyone about my meds, but I took one of each of the 4 to my last surgeon's visit and he didn't seem to think I would have an issue with taking them as long as I took them one at a time and spaced a bit apart. I'm still nervous about it though. :unsure:

  12. I'm so glad to find this subject. I have had the same thing happen to me. I do have an anxiety disorder "Panic Attacks" and have been on medication for sometime. I just take my meds at night before I go to bed. I have spoken to my Dr. and she suggested I take it in the morning. It has really helped. 15 weeks out VS

    I take meds also for my depression and anxiety. I take mine morning and evening. It wasn't until I got my mood stable that I realized how bonkers I had been for probably 20 years or so. I don't know how my poor husband lived with me. :D

  13. Doing the Happy Dance - August 6th in Columbia, SC. I started my pre-op diet yesterday - Protein shake for Breakfast, Protein Shake for lunch and a sensible dinner...

    N*ot so bad! The shakes seem to keep me pretty full.


    Started mine today...same thing. Protein drinks and food - no more than 30 gms of carbs and at least 70 gms of Protein, very limited fats and no sweets, Didn't really feel like s diet to me. The only major difference is it is a Protein Shake at lunch instead of tossed salad and very low carbs and very low calories, But all in all, it seems like this part at least will be a walk in the park.

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