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Traci J.

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Traci J.

  1. Your body is probably playing catch up. Check your measurements, when you're not losing weight your body is probably losing inches.
  2. Traci J.

    My Fitness Pal Set-up

    Go into "Edit Profile" go down to preferences and change "Net Calorie Goal"
  3. But you are doing it on your own, the sleeve is only a tool and you can gain weight back later if you're not careful. And who cares what they think or say anyway? You did this for you and for your own reasons, and if they can be supportive, then screw em. You shouldn't be ashamed or embarrassed about doing something to help you live a better life. Keep your head up and flaunt it when you got it
  4. That's an amazing difference in just 6 weeks. I'm not quite 2 weeks out and hope to see the same. Congrats!!
  5. Traci J.

    peptic ulcers

    You CAN have NSAIDS after sleeve, that is the reason I chose it because I have slipped disks in my back and when they get irritated and I get sciatic pain I have to have them. They just prefer you wait as long as possible....over 6 months, before using. ..
  6. Traci J.

    Post Op Calories

    I was sleeved on the 19th and am around 300-500 calories; I drink my 30g. protein shake for one meal, a 23g. protein shake for the other then have mashed potatoes, or soup, or an egg. Still not getting in 64 oz. of liquid a day though. Follow up with my nut on the 31st, gonna get all the number's I should be getting....including fat, sugar, carbs, etc....
  7. Traci J.

    First Doctor's Appointment Post-Op

    I see my nut on the 31st. I get pain and burp when I'm full, that is my tell....and maybe yours to. Congrats on the 20 lbs. weight loss! Enjoy your manicotti, slowly
  8. Traci J.

    Is there any full liquid recipes on here ?

    seach shake recipes, you will find many. Good luck!
  9. Traci J.

    In surgery waiting

    Good luck and hope you have a quick and smooth recovery.
  10. Traci J.

    Almost out of the 200's!

    Congrats! I was sleeved on 12/19 and I hope I can lose 60 lbs. in 3 months to....we're about the same starting weight. Got any tips?
  11. Traci J.

    Jello please help is this normal

    I was sleeved on the 19th as well and left on full liquids. If jello is easy on your tummy, eat it up...it melts like a liquid and would count as it as well. Good luck!
  12. Traci J.

    Ehats your secret

    Try dropping your calories to 500 a couple times a week; it should shock your system back into burning fat. Your body will get used to what you are doing and needs a wake-up. Good luck!
  13. I am also a week out and I drink about 4 oz. an hour, and I'm just now getting to a full 64 oz. of liquid in a day. I just drink water, and then of course my protein drinks, which is about 19 oz. for the 2.
  14. Robe, socks, chapstick, gas-x strips, cell phone .....you will sleep most of the time you're in there, when you're not walking and sipping that is. Good luck!!
  15. Traci J.

    7 months stuck

    You look great! Keep up the good work. Maybe fluctuate your carb intake, high one day very low the next...I've heard that jump starts it again. Good luck!
  16. Traci J.

    December 28th...

    Congratulations and good luck. It's great being on the looser's bench.
  17. Traci J.

    5mths Post Op 100lbs GONE!

    Wow, that is awesome. As for working out, why not use your children to help. You can play (workout) with them, like doing grab them by their ankles and do arm curls, or airplane rides to work the arms; put your feet on their chests and lift them up in the air and do reverse squats, things like that. I always loved playing with my daughter when she was little, cause I always got a workout with it. Good luck!!
  18. Traci J.

    all done!

    Hi rainbows, congrats on your sleeve. You can take gas-x, and try rolling your shoulders back and forth if the pain is in your chest/back/arms, and rub your belly gently in circles, it helps move the gas around to get it out.
  19. Traci J.

    New Sleever

    Good luck, I'm sure you'll do great. And just remember, if you start getting down.....remember what you did it for and that it will get better. The first few weeks are the toughest.
  20. Hi Freja, if you are on full liquids you can add fruit to your shakes, just make sure they blend well and chew up any chunks well before you swallow. For meals try this website, not sure if you've heard of it before. It's by a lady that had gastric bypass years ago and has a ton of great recipes. You should be able to find plenty of ideas on there for dinner. Good luck!! http://theworldaccordingtoeggface.blogspot.com/
  21. Good luck. Just remember to keep your eye on the prize. The stuff that bothers you in the first couple weeks, won't bother you later....and it's worth the wait!
  22. Hang in there, it'll be worth it. I only had to do it for 1 day, and I to can't imagine how others have done it for a week or longer. I was starving when I went in for surgery, but haven't been hungry since
  23. Traci J.

    New Here!

    Welcome. This is a great place for support and to get information. Good luck on your journey!
  24. Traci J.

    What are the" foamies "?

    Everyone has their own tell when they are getting full. Some people sneeze, some burp (me) and others get pain in their sternum. Just watch for your sign, something you notice and then you'll know when to stop.
  25. Traci J.

    Pain in my left shoulder

    Sounds like gas pain and it's just referring up to your shoulder. Massage your stomach after you eat, see if that helps any. Are you on a antacid like prevacid or something? That should keep the gas down also.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
