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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by carstanger

  1. carstanger

    Need help-support-advice on my diet

    My doctor and Nut only talk about 60 gms of protein, and 64 ounces of fluid. I don't check calaries at all. Have to watch the amount of fat, no saturated fat, and amount of sugar. Using myfitnesspal.com also to check the protein and track the food. At 6 weeks on Monday, and 2 more weeks of soft protein. Tuna, canned chicken, eggs, etc. Hope that helps.
  2. carstanger

    pureed / soft food stage

    fat free refried beans with low fat cheese, lf cottage cheese, deli meat, sliced thin wrapped around 2% cheese stick, beans, soups with beans, tuna, canned chicken, and then I use some of what I had on full proteins. I have to be on that until 8 weeks out. I'm at 6 weeks on Monday and they said a small amount of ham, chewed well, deviled eggs, cheese. Hope it's going well for you.
  3. carstanger

    Michigan Sleevers

    I live in Jackson, but was sleeved in Muskegon
  4. carstanger

    Nov2012 Sleevers? Be My Surgery Sister

    How are the Nov sleepers doing. Sleeved the 12th and almost 6 weeks out. Some foods still make me sick. Soft proteins. Two more weeks and the next phase.! Have lost 26 pounds and have started doing more cardio at the Y.
  5. carstanger

    Over 60 and having the sleeve

    I live in Michigan and was sleeved Nov 12th. I turn 66 in 2 weeks and paid for my surgery because it wasn't covered by Medicare. They would have coved the other surgeries. Still on soft proteins for 3 more weeks. Also had non functioning gall bladder removed and a hiatal hernia repaired. Down 26 pounds and will up my exercising now!! Excited for you!
  6. carstanger

    I'm sleeved!

    You are well on your way to successful weight loss.
  7. How are you doing??? Out of the hospital??
  8. carstanger


    I was told that the doctor wanted to shrink the liver, so it would be safer for him to move it to get to the stomach!!! Also, practice taking small sips, etc. before surgery. Still having some problems with soft Proteins. I think I'm not eating slow enough, even though I try to do that!
  9. carstanger


    /Good luck with your surgery!!! You will be so glad that you did this!
  10. carstanger

    Nov2012 Sleevers? Be My Surgery Sister

    I was sleeved on the 12th too! On soft Proteins and had issues yesterday but keeping everything down today!!
  11. carstanger

    Questions Answered About My Diet

    Almost 4 weeks out and I threw up bean soup (forgot there was some ham in it) and this morning my egg beaters with cheese. Think the cheese was too globby. Anyway, finally keeping protein drink down so will try food again in a little while. Discouraged!
  12. carstanger

    bariatric journal

    I have to track my protein, liquids, and blood pressure. The nurse looked at it at my 2 week check. Saw my regular doctor between that and my 3 week nut check, and see the surgeon at 5 weeks. Food stuck last night and this morning, so I'm on protein liquids now till I quit "urping". YUCK!!!
  13. Prayers for healing and no more surgery are coming your way!!!
  14. carstanger

    Any November 14Th Sleevers?

    I had mine done November 12th. Full liquid protein diet 2 weeks before and 3 weeks after. Monday, I started soft proteins, but can supplement with full protein as needed.
  15. carstanger


    Not sure what that is??? But excited for you that you were approved for the surgery!!!
  16. Will someone explain instagram???

  17. Will someone explain instagram???

  18. carstanger


    I was sleeved Nov 12th. Starting weight 225.5 and now 204.5. Stalled but glad to add soft Proteins this week!!! 5 ft 2and 65. Need to exercise more!
  19. Hoping for answers and healing!
  20. carstanger

    Any Sleeve Buddies From Michigan?

    I was sleeved in Muskegon on Nov 12th but actually live in Jackson. So far I'm doing fine...Ready for some real food though!

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