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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by carstanger

  1. carstanger

    Let's Check In November 2012 Sleevers!

    Not losing in my stomach yet but in my butt. Bought a new top and jeans at the outlet mall. Smaller than I have worn and out of the 200, first time in more years than I can remember!!!
  2. carstanger

    Let's Check In November 2012 Sleevers!

    Hi! I' m traveling and trying to stay with the soft proteins as some are still making me sick. 66 now as of yesterday Nd sleeved 2 months ago. Was down 30 pounds but scales don't agree so I'm not sure now if I'm stalled or what.
  3. carstanger

    66 and sleeved!

    Good for you!!!
  4. carstanger


    What state do you live in ? Michigan did not pay for mine and I was 65(Blue Cross managed care)
  5. carstanger

    60+ sleevers please help

    I turned 66 yesterday and am 2 months out. Also had hiatal hernia repaired and gall bladder removed, At the gym and walking i Feeling stronger all the time. I had to pay myself but off over half of my meds. Still on soft foods and traveling. Best thing I did for myself
  6. carstanger

    MEDICARE any thing new

    Glad I didn't wait as I had mine done in November, and Medicare didn't cover it and since I turn 66 tomorrow, I know they still are not covering it in Michigan, according to the chart.....if I read it correctly.
  7. carstanger


    I'm at 7 weeks out and still on soft proteins....no breads, salads, pasta, potatoes, etc. Eggs still cause me problems. Can eat small amounts of Wendy's chili, just had some spaghetti sauce with 93% lean ground sirloin. Doing ok with it so far.
  8. carstanger

    What did u eat yesterday?

    7 weeks out . Usually get about 57 gm oh protein and about 57 oz fluids. Trying harder to get 60 and 64. Soft proteins still.
  9. carstanger


    I have been taking the generic Prilosec since after surgery and have been on it for many years. My WLD wants me to take it daily for at least 3 months.
  10. carstanger

    MEDICARE any thing new

    I live in Mi and had to pay for my sleeve because I am 65 (66) on Sat. Sleeved on Nov 12th. Had gall bladder removed as well as hiatal hernia repaired. Because of that they paid more on the hospital bill so am checking on it.
  11. carstanger

    Week 6 what it feels like

    I'm at 7 weeks on Monday, but I am on soft proteins until week 8. Have had chili made with gr. sirloin, and tonight had some sloppy joe meat and did well. Can't stand eggs at this point, even though I like them before. Not sure why but I'll wait a few days and try again. Still struggling getting all the liquids in.
  12. carstanger

    peptic ulcers

    I was told I might be able to go back to Celebrex ina few months but am hoping I don't need to
  13. carstanger

    Post Op Calories

    My doctor and nut a Only talk about grams of Protein? Not calories so I don't know. I track them on myfitness.com.
  14. carstanger

    Need some encouragment

    Proud of what you accomplished. I'll be 66 next week and have had knee replacement over a year ago. No Celebrex so trying to exercise like the doctor wants me too! Those are my challenges right now!! Proud that I have made it through Thanksgiving and Christmas, and anniversary!!
  15. carstanger

    Surgery Countdown Ticker

    Go to profile and do ticket. I can't find it on my iPhone though
  16. carstanger


    I have to take the generic for Prilosec every day before I eat.
  17. I can't do it on my phone though!
  18. Go to profile and it says ticker. Set it up there.
  19. carstanger


    Since my consultation with the doctor 3 weeks before the surgery, on Nov 12, I've lost 29 pounds. Not losing in the stomach so can't wear a lot smaller slacks but losing other places. Still on soft proteins.
  20. carstanger

    Surgery - December 27th!

    Hope the surgery went well for everyone!!! You can do this and will be glad! I was sleeved Nov 12th and have made it through the holidays, etc
  21. carstanger

    Merry Christmas to all my friends!

    Merry Christmas!! I will be logging food on Christmas as I'm only 6 weeks out. Hopefully in 2 weeks, I can try things other than soft food!!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
