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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by carstanger

  1. carstanger

    66 and sleeved!

    Still experimenting within what my doctor calls phase 4 from 2 months to six months. Still no potatoes, breads, pasta or rice. My daughter lost 118 pounds and she keeps telling me I don't have to do this again if I do it right the first time.
  2. carstanger

    Let's Check In November 2012 Sleevers!

    Still mainly protein as I have a hard time getting that in and all the fluids. Have recently tried turkey legs, chicken breast, and pork loin. Still sometimes eat too fast and get sick . Yuck!!! Love shrimp and usually do well with that. Also keep protein bArs as a backup and protein foods.
  3. carstanger


    I was not talking about fast food burgers but.,., o'm traveling. I can pay lots for fish and have no way to keep what I don't eat ... 7/8th of it or choose something less expensive and make adaptations!
  4. carstanger

    Michigan Sleeve Support Groups?

    Had to do self pay to get the sleeve. They would not pay for it as I have blue cross Medicare managed care and was 65 at the time!! Also had gall bladder out and hiatal hernia repaired so they paid more than I thought. Sleeved 11/12 and down 37 pounds
  5. carstanger

    Let's Check In November 2012 Sleevers!

    I finally broke a stall and am down 37.5 pounds. Sleeved 11/12. I'm 66 and can wear some smaller sizes but... My waist doesn't allow me to get away from saggy but!!
  6. My husband and friends have been awesome!! Hard when we eat out with lots of friends/ friends!
  7. carstanger

    Super Saturday Weigh In

    188 today. Down 37.5 pounds from initial consultation.
  8. carstanger

    Michigan Sleeve Support Groups?

    Sleeved in Muskegon with Dr Gluck but live in Jackson
  9. I signed a contract before surgery that I would attend nut groups and support groups beside my checkups!! I also am part of a study with BlueCross tracking success in patients. I live 2 hours from my doctor so have done some if the nut meetings over the phone and she emailed me the info. I love the follow up they have!!!
  10. I'm 66 now and had the sleeve when I was 65 in Nov. I weighed 225.5 at my consultation. 31.5 pounds so far but we are traveling. Doing the best I can!
  11. carstanger

    Over 60 and having the sleeve

    Yes you are close enough! Welcome to this group!
  12. carstanger

    In God's Time

    Good luck with your healing .
  13. carstanger

    I am not waiting

    I could have had the gastric bypass and ins would have paid for it but I didn't want that.
  14. carstanger

    I hate this surgery.

    I was self pay because of my age and Medicare requirements with my Blue cross insurance. Because I ended up having other procedures at the same time, I actually got some of my money back from the hospital. I agreed to do everything before and after surgery including support groups ( non where I live) and nut classes. Got a large booklet ahead of time to explain everything before and ahead as well as many handouts when I go for checkups. Very caring doc and staff!!!
  15. carstanger

    Super Saturday Weigh In

    Will try to weigh in on Saturdays when I can get to a scale. Traveling!
  16. carstanger

    Normal food

    Soft proteins at 3 weeks after surgery, canned tuna or chicken, cottage cheese, low fat cheeses, fat free re-fried beans, 5 weeks, chili, etc. where the beef has been cooked more. I do well with Wendy's but it's enough for 4 meals for me as I still can't eat a lot at a time.
  17. carstanger

    60+ sleevers please help

    I just turned 66 last week, and am 2 months post op. Also had hiatal hernia and gall bladder surgery. I try and walk 30 minutes a day, but feet and knee hurt without the Celebrex. Am adjusting to that. Will go back to water aerobics soon. I have problems getting all my liquids in and still get sick occasionally. Now can add some more foods, but have only tried a couple of things as I still have problems with getting sick. I have lost 31 pounds so am pleased with that. Try and go a little further each day. I started out only walking less than a block. Good luck! we can do this!
  18. carstanger

    I hate this surgery.

    I can't have any breads or that type of carbs until after 6 mo out!
  19. carstanger

    I hate this surgery.

    Have you talked to your nut or psychologist? Do your friends know so you can get support. I'm 66 and was sleeved 2 mo ago. Made it through all the holidays etc but I brought proteins, drank virgin Bloody Mary when out to dinner last night. Our friends ask what I can eat and make sure they have it or I belong something i know I can have. Don't get me wrong! I have questioned my decision but am down 31 pounds and finally in wonderland! Only down one size as not losing in my stomach yet! You can do this!! We are here for you!!
  20. carstanger

    I found my old friend

    Wonderful way to put it!!!!
  21. carstanger

    Let's Check In November 2012 Sleevers!

    I am stalled but we are traveling and eating out so am proud of myself!!!
  22. carstanger


    At 8 weeks and still consist rating on 60 gr protein and 64 oz sugar fee liquids, and non caffeinated . Can now add vegetables if Ivhave room and fruits until 6 mo. No bread, pasta, rice etc yet
  23. carstanger

    60+ sleevers please help

    Hi! I was only on pain meds about 4 days and then Tylenol for rest of the week until my drain was taken out. Started going to the gym about 3 weeks and cleared for strengthening about 5.
  24. I use injury and add it to coffee or sf/ff pudding. Greek yogurt works but not a fab of mine.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
