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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by carstanger

  1. carstanger


    Talk to your doctor or nut as they know your history.
  2. carstanger

    Still in ICU

    Didn't realize ICU. Hope you are out soon!!!
  3. carstanger


    Couldn't find the Newman's Soy Crisps at Publix, Walmart, Winn Dixie, or Whole Foods. I did get 365 oven baked soy crispettes in 3 different flavors.....7 gr protein for 19 crisps...Can't eat them all at once or I will be sick though. Meijer in Michigan has the Newman's in an orange bag, and I've seen them on line by the case. My daughter had to tell her 15 and 11 year old to stay out of them so I guess they must be good. Told by nut that I could have them at 5 weeks but am just trying them today. 16 gram carbs, 120 calories but I have to count protein.
  4. carstanger

    Throwing up 6 weeks post-op Anyone else?

    I'm at 10 weeks and still throw up. Eat too fast I tomes I think
  5. carstanger


    10 weeks out and I finally found some soy chips. Couldn't find newmans but went to whole foods and got some with 7 gr protein.
  6. carstanger

    My fitness pal

    I track food and exercise on MVP carstanger
  7. carstanger

    biggest regret

    Yes I guess that was the procedure before surgery where the doctor found the hiatal hernia. It was larger when he got I. There!
  8. carstanger

    freezing ?

    I'd be so hot I'd sweat when drinking coffee in the winter. No more'nn
  9. Stayed on my anti anxiety meds but off many yo There's. doing ok?!!!
  10. carstanger

    biggest regret

    I don't regret it but feel sorry for myself when I have followed the rules and stall. My doctor did a scope of my stomach and then found a hiatal hernia I didn't know I had. Also gall bladder ultrasound as I had problems several years before. Totally nonfunctioning and no bile .So I had 3 procedures and scar tissue taken down. Down 38 pounds and 66 years old. You can do this!
  11. A few weeks after I had surgery I made chicken and rice for a neighbor who had had surgery and the smell nauseated me !!!
  12. A few weeks after surgery I made chicken and ric
  13. carstanger

    Answers please...

    I had 2 weeks liquids before and 3 weeks afterwards but you only have to do that 1 time!!! Then soft proteins. I'm at 10 weeks, and the liquids are getting to me!!! I get busy and don't think about drinking water, etc. Anyway, I'm trying. Have lost 38 pounds as of last week, but haven't been near a scale this week so will see when I find one. You can do this!!
  14. carstanger

    Food question?

    Meant to spread cream cheese on the turkey!!
  15. carstanger

    Food question?

    Just tried the midget dill pickle????out low fat cream cheese on turkey Deli meat and wrapped it around the pickle yum!
  16. carstanger

    Sitting in a room full of McDonalds

    My husband cooked his own food for several weeks. Even does the shopping.
  17. carstanger

    Whatcha eating today!!! Tuesday

    Made chili with 2 cans chopped tomatoes, Bush's chili mix mild, 1 can light kidney beans, and 1 pounds ground turkey. Added onions and some spices, but traveling so don't have much in the condo. Made a pot, figured out all the ingredients and can only eat about 1/4 at a time. Getting better though.
  18. Had some today, with a funny feeling in my stomach. Had been at the computer. Maybe not enough fluids, but.....they are not settling well. 10 weeks out today. \
  19. carstanger


    I am on MFP and am honest about what I eat. So if I eat something I shouldn't, so be it!!! I'm an adult and can make my decisions. So far, I';m surprised something hasn't been said about my lack of exercise. Just not feeling great right now.
  20. carstanger

    Any November 12 Sleevers?

    Sleeved Nov. 12th......Have lost 38 pounds. Still get sick sometimes, but doing better. Need to exercise more. Glad to be able to add more foods!
  21. carstanger

    In God's Time

    I'm so glad to see you back on the forum and the surgery was successful! Now is the time to heal and the sleeve may be in your future!!! We never know what God has in store for us but he is with us!!! Carol
  22. carstanger

    In God's Time

    I'm so glad to see you back on the forum and the surgery was successful! Now is the time to heal and the sleeve may be in your future!!! We never know what God has in store for us but he is with us!!! Carol
  23. We either share a meal or I take it home for the next day. At a buffet last night with 30 people. They charged me the child's price.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
