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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by carstanger

  1. Praying for good results ! Anxious to hear about your results!
  2. Neither my Mom or mother in law know because of their dementia they wouldn't understand it. My 11 year old grandson told his Mom, "Wow! Grandma is skinny" when I posted this picture. My friends are supportive but I'm not sure about some siblings but I did it for myself and my own health.
  3. carstanger

    Pureed Foods

    I ate lowfat cottage cheese, fat free refried beans, cheese sticks, eggs, yogart, and puried bean soup, etc. I never ate baby food! Supplementing with protein shakes, etc., protein soups,
  4. It's a lot to adjust to but take one day at a time. Call your doctor or nutritionist if this continues as they may have some suggestions. You are not a burden!!!!! Keep us posted!!
  5. carstanger


    I was told my my nut that crystal light is ok. But...finding that it is starting to taste too sweet!
  6. I had friends try and talk me out of it, but my daughter had the same surgery with the same doctor and she is a doctor. She only told close family and I was just getting ready to have a knee replacement. My husband thought it should be my next surgery and I said NO WAY. I realized about a year and a half later that my weight was holding me back from doing many things and I was sick of it! Anyway, the decision had to be mine and no one elses. Both my Mom and Mother in Law have dementia so I didn't tell any of them...I'm glad I did it but it is not easy. I'm a rule follower so haven't had the bread, pasta, potatoes, and rice since the end of October. Almost at 11 weeks!
  7. carstanger


    I know mine needs to be certain types of protein but I'm almost at 11 weeks out.
  8. carstanger

    MyFitnessPal.com Members

    Glad you are doing better!!!!
  9. carstanger

    MyFitnessPal.com Members

    You can go to goals and change things there. Because I'm concentrating on protein, it always says that I'm below calories but I'm not to worry about that at this time. Hope that helps!
  10. Haven't been on a scale on a week. 11 weeks out Monday . Down 38 pounds and traveling!! Some times I still get sick!!
  11. carstanger

    biggest regret

    Wish that I had known about this surgery years ago!!!
  12. carstanger

    Sugery tomorrow!

    I had to sip 14cc every 15 min all day. Set an alarm on the phone when I was awake. Walk lots!!
  13. carstanger

    My fitness pal

    Excited for you! Keep us posted!
  14. I had to pay for my own as the insurance Blue Cross Medicare wouldn't cover the sleeve. They would have paid for the gastric bypass which for me would of had more complications. Anyway, the insurance did say that they would have to treat me at the ER if I had complications. It ended up because I had to have my gall bladder removed as well as a hiatal hernia repaired that the hospital was covered.....
  15. My doctor and nutritionist follow us for years with support group for year and beyond, etc.
  16. I am 5ft 2" too. Weighed about 115 when I got married. The doctor wants me to get to 130. Since I started at 225.5 I have a ways to go!!!
  17. carstanger

    My fitness pal

    I think you search for friends
  18. carstanger

    My fitness pal

    what do you use in MFP as I couldn't find you. I'm carstanger.
  19. 225.5 at consultation and 187 now, 10 weeks out. 5 ft 2" and 66 years old!!! Hate to exercise so need motivation for that!!!
  20. carstanger


    Not eating bread, pasta, rice, quinola, potatoes at 10 weeks out.
  21. carstanger


    Talk to you doctor or nut about this as they know your history. I'm only 10 weeks out and still adding foods and experimenting with what I can keep down.
  22. carstanger


    My husband fixes me a very small one, with 93% lean, and puts a slice of 2% monterey jack/colby cheese on it, about 1 oz. Then I put olive oil mayo and a little ketchup and I'm great with that

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