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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by carstanger

  1. carstanger

    Michigan Sleeve Support Groups?

    I was sleeved by Dr. Gluck in Muskegon. I hit 3 months on Monday. Have been traveling so have weighed on different scales so don't know how much I really weigh.
  2. carstanger

    Michigan Sleeve Support Groups?

    Sorry....I live in Jackson but went to Muskegon where my daughter lives and had Dr. Gluck! They have a fantastic followup program that I'm involved in. Good luck with your decision.
  3. carstanger

    Fishy lunch!

    Great idea!
  4. No straw got me according to the doctor . Had no fat refried Beans mixed with some homemade sloppy joe meat with some Greek yogurt and lowfat Mexican cheese on it. Couldn't eat very much but it was yummy , ate before the game .
  5. carstanger

    My 2 month mark

    I have been traveling since the end of Dec so it's always a different scale. Still at 38.5 down. Stalled but not gaining. Hard to get all liquids in but trying!!
  6. carstanger

    Super Saturday Weigh In

    Different scale this week and after I had dinner. 6 weeks of different scales. Pre surgery 225.5 WLS 11/12. Still 187... 2 week stall but clothes are getting loser.
  7. carstanger

    Healthy nachos!

    Should be nacho meat!
  8. carstanger

    Local Y, or Curves?

    Curves was hard on my knees but I liked being with the women. I love the water aerobics classes at our Y and easier on the joints. Starting to use other equipment now. It helps to have someone to go with but you will meet other people.. Met with a personal trainer there, too.
  9. carstanger

    Healthy nachos!

    I can have soy crisps as they are high protein. 7 gr for 19 crisps but I eat half at a time . May try it with anchors!!
  10. carstanger

    Certain Uncertainty

    I have had knee replacement and joint replacement in both big toes, and had all the comorbities except diabetes. I was on Celebrex once a day. I'm off many of my meds, have lost 38 pounds and have to tell you it is hard but worth it! I'm almost 3 months out, and still have a ways to go!!! Still hurts but I'm doing more than I was, and proud of where I am at and going on this journey. Good luck with yours.
  11. I had a leak test the day after surgery, but it wouldn't go down because I had too much swelling. Don't know what I had when I was under! Hope she finds out what is wrong.
  12. I had a leak test the day after surgery, but it wouldn't go down because I had too much swelling. Don't know what I had when I was under! Hope she finds out what is wrong.
  13. carstanger

    Ugh =\

    That will be the last time you need to do that!!! One step at a time!! It does get better. But ...I still am having problems getting sick at times. I know it won't last forever. Some days I can eat eggs, and others not. I may eat something one day and I do fine and the next time, I have problems. Getting better at judging when to stop. It's a learning experience for sure!!!
  14. carstanger

    Need Advice

    Bring a cooler and protein to add to water. It's hard. Be prepared to ask for hot water and add protein soup. I had to figure out what to do over the holidays and when traveling and eating at other people's houses. Plan, Plan, Plan before you walk into the restaurant or brewery. You can do this!!!! Make sure you move around and don't sit in one place for long. I've taken protein water in my purse when we've gone to see a musical so I could get some liquids in. Almost 3 months out!!
  15. You can do this!!! I had mine at 66 and also had gall bladder removed and hiatal hernia repaired...all by laposcopic!! So glad I did. 11 weeks out!
  16. My doctor doesn't recommend the lap band anymore. Too many people had to have the adjustments.
  17. carstanger

    Does everyone vomit post-op?

    Certain foods have made me sick, but I avoid them for a few days and try again. Can only eat about 1-2 ounces at a time.
  18. carstanger

    Met a major goal today!

    Pleased for you! I always loved to see the parents with their own kids on field trips! I'm sure your son was pleased too!!!
  19. carstanger

    Why not Nexium?

    I'm on omeprazole and have to take one each day like I did before surgery. I know it is the generic equivalent for one of them...
  20. carstanger

    Good night all, wish me luck.

    Good luck and you'll be on the journey that we are all on!!
  21. carstanger

    Is it morbid?

    Mine went to pathology to be checked!
  22. carstanger

    Throwing up 6 weeks post-op Anyone else?

    Hope the cardiologist can help you! I don't think I eat fast, but then I remember that when I was teaching I had to eat in about 20 to 25 minutes, so slow is not slow enough at this time...Sick after lunch again today. I hate to throw up!!!!!!!
  23. carstanger

    Days Where Nothing Just Goes Down Nicely

    Same thing. I ate egg white from hard boiled eggs yesterday and got sick. Today I ate 1 scrambled egg and it was fine. I love coffee and some days the decaf goes down well, and other days I can't stand it. Not sure why though!!!
  24. carstanger

    Isopure or unjury?

    I use Unjury soups, unflavored protein, etc. and like them. I have never tried Isopure. Have used Pro diet and Pure protein bars now that I'm further out.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
