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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by carstanger

  1. You will both do well! Sorry you had to put up with this stuff but it makes us stronger!? I think!
  2. carstanger

    Over 60 and having the sleeve

    I'm going to try and run a 5k in May with the nut and the post surgery group!! Starting to exercise more, because I'm in a darn stall but got into a size 16 slacks. All my 1x and 2 x are going to be gone!!! Not going back!
  3. carstanger

    Tumor in stomach they removed

    Amazing that you had the surgery and praying all the tests turn out well!!! God was was watching out for you!!
  4. carstanger

    Started 'Couch to 5k today' Anyone keen?

    I'm going to do the same thing in May with the nut and a group of other post surgery people. We're starting the middle of March but I've actually done water aerobics 2 days in a row!! I don't know if I can run but they said I can walk it if I can't run it. Knee replacement 2 years ago April.
  5. carstanger

    Started 'Couch to 5k today' Anyone keen?

    My husband and I walked outside yesterday, but ran into ice on the road. We are to get more snow again tomorrow. Water Aerobics today and tomorrow and then hopefully trying to do day one on the treadmill.
  6. carstanger

    Over 60 and having the sleeve

    Your surgery will be here before you know it!
  7. carstanger

    Let's Check In November 2012 Sleevers!

    Sorry about the hair loss. I was getting 60 grams in a day, and at my 3 months checkup the PA said to up my protein. Now getting 70-80 a day, and went back to water aerobics as I'm in a stall again. Still waiting for the other shoe to drop as my hair is not really thick to begin with.
  8. carstanger

    Coffee talk

    My nut said decaf is fine but not caffeine until I have all my liquids in for the day. Then I won't be able to sleep. HA!!
  9. carstanger

    Being nauseous

    I'm only nauseous when I eat too much of a dense protein. Then I get sick. Eggs don't sit well.
  10. carstanger

    Started 'Couch to 5k today' Anyone keen?

    Walked outside in Michigan for 20 minutes as fast as I can....Not really fast. Anyway, tomorrow morning is water aerobics with a friend!!!
  11. carstanger


    If you like the Quest bars I'll send mine to you. I didn't like them. At my 3 month checkup the PA told me to up my protein by having a protein shake each day....now 70-80 a day instead of 60 and make sure and get my water in. I keep a bar in my purse at all times (Pure Protein) and will have one as a snack or meal if I need one when I'm away from the house. Liquids is the hardest for me.
  12. carstanger

    will I ever

    I'm almost 4 months out and I eat about 2 oz of a sirloin burger, 93/7 or 90/10 and 1 slice of 2% cheese. I might put salsa or hummus on it but that is all for my meal.
  13. carstanger

    How often do you see your Dr post op?

    Saw doctor 1 week post op, RN at 2 weeks, Primary doctor at 3 weeks cuz of my blood pressure to see if I could stay off meds, doctor at 5 weeks, PA at 3 months, 6 months, 9 months, and doctor again at a year. In between are nutrician meetings and behavioral meetings as well as support groups. They also have followups at a year and beyond nutrician classes, etc. I think I followup with the doctor yearly too. I had my surgery on Nov. 12th. I can email or call and talk to the nut or Rn if I have questions. My doctor is in Muskegon MI and is wonderful and was the staff at the hospital in their Bariatric Wing!
  14. carstanger

    Small Victories!

    I remember how excited I was when I finally got in the hundreds!! Now my next goal is 150.!!! Keep up the great work!!!
  15. carstanger

    Started 'Couch to 5k today' Anyone keen?

    Water aerobics with a friend on Monday, and my tread mill is on order. Too cold for me to walk outside as my asthma kicks in but that is improving and maybe the Michigan weather will warm up too!!! Soon???
  16. carstanger

    Over 60 and having the sleeve

    Seriously, I was 65 when I had it in Nov. and chose the sleeve over the bypass which insurance would have paid for. (Michigan) I've lost 50 pounds, weight less than I have for more years than I can remember!!!! I'm getting ready to train at 66 to walk or run a 5 K with the group from my surgeon's office and the nut. I'm getting a treadmill again so I can workout at home and will continue to go to water aerobics at the Y. Hope all is well!
  17. carstanger

    Over 60 and having the sleeve

    Take it one step at a time! I don't regret it.....except when I want to eat something I know I can't and then just for a few minutes. HA HA
  18. carstanger

    any one have a being cold issue?

    My iron and B12 are normal but I'm cold. I always would get sweaty when drinking coffee or something hot.
  19. carstanger

    Super Saturday Weigh In

    Highest weight! 225.5, middle of week 175.4 and today 176.6....No exercise yesterday...Who knows but I'll be down again! Carol
  20. carstanger


    Sorry this isn't working as you had planned! Don't give up and keep consulting the doctors so hopefully they can find out what is causing your stall. I had to up my protein and water which has helped. I only get on the scale once a week, as I fluctuate too much each day and get discouraged. We are here to listen and support. Carol
  21. carstanger

    I need to whine - dress sizes

    I have given away most of my 2x clothes, size 24, 22 and refuse to wear that size even if I can. When winter is over, most of my winter things will go too!!! Have fit into clothes that I bought several years ago, that still had tags on them because I never got into them. Don't get discouraged!!!
  22. I was able to borrow from my mother in law so that helped. Glad I didn't wait because I made it through Thanksgiving, and Christmas, and am now 50 pounds lights and off many of my meds. I might just be starting now because I don't know where Michigan stands on the sleeve now.
  23. carstanger

    Started 'Couch to 5k today' Anyone keen?

    Did you still have to hold on to the treadmill? I can't walk without the support. HA!
  24. Sorry for what you are going through! I have made sure to have the proteins I can eat in the house and my husband has a special place he keeps the things he can eat that I don't. I'm almost 4 months out, and upped the amount of protein per the PA's suggestions. Trying to get my exercise and liquids in. Just got sick because I ate turkey breast. My husband weighed it for me and I made it through to ounces and part of a cloud bread....but it didn't agree with me. UGh! Take it a day at a time and track the protein. Good luck to you!
  25. carstanger

    Started 'Couch to 5k today' Anyone keen?

    I'm afraid to run on the treadmill!!! Got to 2.9 today which is the highest I've gone since my surgery!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
