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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by carstanger

  1. carstanger

    Michigan Sleevers

    I live in Jackson, but my surgeon and support group is in Muskegon. Don't know anything about the Flint area though.
  2. You were very elegant in explaining yourself!!! I get too emotional and have a hard time with that. Thanks for sharing and saying what many of us have felt.
  3. carstanger

    I can sleep on my side!; The bad breath returns; new CPAP machine

    I've had a bipap for almost 9 years. Still have the full mask because I'm a mouth breather, and didn't like having to wear a chin strap too to hold my mouth closed. Will have a sleep study done again when I'm about a year out or are close to goal as they don't want me to have to have more than one. I know what you mean by the marks.
  4. carstanger

    Will my marriage survive?

    We've been married 43 years, with 3 grown children and 4 grandchildren. He's seen the struggles before I had surgery and now still 4 months out. We are in this for the long haul and we both know that already I can do things that I couldn't do before the surgery.
  5. carstanger

    Compression Garments

    Haven't tried them...
  6. carstanger

    Super Saturday Weigh In

    That happened to me. Went from 225.5, to 175.4 and then immediately up 3-4 pounds. Has taken me 3 weeks to get that off again so back down to 175.4. Even changed the battery on the scale thinking that was it but it wasn't!! Starting to train for a 5 K ...hoping to run it in May, but will see how my knee replacement goes. The orthopedic doctor told me to go for it and my surgeon said the worst that will happen is that I have to walk it instead of running it. There are 18 women that had surgery with this doctor that will be training with the nut and will see what we can do! Some have never done it and a few are doing the 10 K. Will wait and not weigh in until Sat.
  7. carstanger

    Michigan Sleevers

    Finally lost the weight I gained after losing 50 pounds. No idea why as I had added protein and exercise and it came on in 2 days. Waiting for this stall to break. Have lost 8 inches in the last month though so that is encouraging. Maybe my body is shifting....Wearing size 16 and XL rather than 2 x and 22/24 so I know I have made progress. My siblings don't acknowledge it but people that are friends are amazed when they see me and don't know I've had the surgery. Not sure what that is about but....hey, my husband and kids are supportive and that is what is important as well as close friends.!!!
  8. carstanger

    Let's Check In November 2012 Sleevers!

    I finally lost the weight I gained and am back down to 175.4, 50 lens. Start training with 18 women an our nut for a 5 k . Started on my new treadmill yesterday and water aerobics today!!
  9. carstanger

    Let's Check In November 2012 Sleevers!

    The end of Feb I weighed 175.4, then gained about 4 pounds in 2 days./.....impossible, but it took till today to get that off. Now for more weight loss!!! Lost 8 inches in the last month though!!!
  10. carstanger

    I do not enjoy food anymore

    We go out to eat and share a meal or I ask for a to go box right away! We travel a lot as both our Mom's are in assisted living in 2 different towns. So... I'm trying to figure out what to take with me.. I'm 4 and 1/2 months out. I always have protein bars and water with me.
  11. I can have caffeine after I get the 64 ounces in. Can't count it as liquid.
  12. Glad you had a good experience! I'm so thankful I had the surgery at 65 on nov 12th! Off many of my meds. Mine was 4 in one... Nonfunctioning gallbladder removed, hiatal hernia repaired, Scar tissue removed and sleeve! Heart test was fine and I'm down 50 pounds!! Keep up the excellent attitude!!
  13. carstanger

    #160 lost 1 year post op (w/ pics)

    Thanks so much for sharing your story and tips!! When I get discouraged I'll retread your post!!!
  14. carstanger


    Positive thoughts and you will do well!! Welcome to your new journey! It will be worth it!
  15. carstanger


    I have found the ground sirloin or chicken breasts do better in a chile, white chile for chicken with beans, etc. Hard for me to tolerate them plain as they are too dry., Depends on the day though. We are eating tilapia baked which has been very good. I'm over 4 months out but still can only eat 2 or 3 oz at the most of meat, and very slowly. Egg beaters are easier than eggs and I love eggs.
  16. carstanger

    Michigan Sleevers

    They know the quality of their products as not all protein is the same. I've ventured onto the unjury site and have bought the protein cheese from them on line. When I got to phase iv the nut recommended protein bars that could be bought in grocery stores or pharmacies, as well as soy chips from meijers in an orange bag. I do like the protein bars they sell there. So talk to them when you are ready.
  17. carstanger

    Over 60 and having the sleeve

    You should do well!!! Looking forward to hearing from you after your surgery!!!
  18. carstanger


    Everyone is so different!! I'm 4 months out and got sick twice this week on turkey breast, can only eat 1 egg and the white of a second egg, but 1/2 c. of lf cottage cheese. Depends on the day. But....am trying some new things too, like added strawberries to the cottage cheese, etc. Added a shake a day to up my protein. Some days the liquids do well, and others I have to force myself to get them in.
  19. carstanger

    Over 60 and having the sleeve

    I was sleeved in Muskegon Mi by Dr. Gluck! His staff and he are amazing and really care!! Had great care at the hospital in their bariatric wing. Don't have to go to Mexico to have great care but of course that is a choice. I was self pay, too!
  20. carstanger

    Let's Check In November 2012 Sleevers!

    Not at home so will weigh Monday and report in! Aggregated because once I hit 50 # my scale showed I gained 4 # and I don't want to get on it again! I 'm eating more protein and drinking more as well as exercising more and wasn't losing! Grandparent duty until Sunday night!!
  21. carstanger


    I could drive as long as I was off the pain meds and felt up to it. I drove after the first week. Hope that helps!
  22. carstanger

    Need 24,22 pants

    I've already donated that size although I have a black dress 22/24 that you might like. Also have 1x Northern Reflections slacks for when you need them. Message me and you can have them. Carol
  23. I am still on lexapro, ativan as needed and Ambian to sleep as needed. No additional problems! Beta Blocker because my heart races.
  24. carstanger

    Any November 14Th Sleevers?

    carstanger. Nov 12th sleever
  25. Wow! 100 pounds is such an accomplishment!!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
