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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by carstanger

  1. carstanger

    I'm Sleeved! Today was the day!

    Congratulations joining our ranks!!
  2. carstanger

    ID bracelets

    I have a card to show at restaurant 5. Have used it a few times. Usually, I'm almost 5 months out so I usually look at the appetizers, chili, soups, fish, or see if grilled shrimp is any place on the menu. I ask for things without butter, get a box right away. They usually think the food isn't good.. and wonder if there is a problem. I keep the card in a with my id and medical cards.
  3. carstanger

    ideas for full liquid stage?

    My nut gave us the recipe for a pumpkin shake as I had surgery on Nov 12th . Sugar free dart free puddings, Greek yogurt in place of cold water in sugar free jello.
  4. Last Nov. I had the gall bladder removed (filled with stones and no bile), hiatal hernia repaired, scar tissue removed and the sleeve. I'm 66 now and training for a 5 k
  5. carstanger

    Dr. Aceves, Mexicali, and Me!

    Glad you were able to express your feeling and doing better! So glad to be back home with rest of your family I'm sure. You should do well!!!
  6. I like to take the fatfree refried beans, put on small plate, some extra lean gr sirloin with taco seasoning, low fat mexican cheese, and heat it in microwave. I measure it out so I know how much I have. Then I put some no fat greek yogart, tomatoes, and lettuce and it is like a taco but with no shell. Satisfies my desire for tacos. Can't eat a lot of it. My daughter made some in a larger pan and we would scoop it out with a measure cup, heat it and add out toppings. She'd eat it with Doritos and I'd have it plain. Works well for me!!
  7. carstanger

    Started 'Couch to 5k today' Anyone keen?

    I find it hard to believe I will learn to like running. Keep trying to convince me as I practice for what may be my one and only 5K. HA!!!Today was a day of rest and I did an hour of water aerobics....So much easier on my feet and joints!
  8. carstanger

    Michigan Sleevers

    Hope your surgery went well. We are in Kalamazoo quite a bit as my mother in law is at Woodside.
  9. carstanger

    Michigan Sleevers

    How amazing Paul!!! I bet you were roommates at one time with her husband! You are looking great!!!!
  10. carstanger

    Michigan Sleevers

    I get the chewable Bariatric Fusion vitamins from my surgeon's office. 4 a day and my bloodwork has been great. I had surgery Nov 12th and now taking Biotin as my hair is thinner but not bad.
  11. I'm 4 months out but still not eating taco shells, potatoes, bread, crackers or rice. Still can only eat 2-3 oz at a time. A taco sounds wonderful!!
  12. I only remember pain for the first week. Occasionally, when I turned I would feel a pain, but off the pain meds after about 6 days.
  13. carstanger

    Started 'Couch to 5k today' Anyone keen?

    I did intervals of 4 min, then 3 min, and 2 minutes. 18 min. mile Wasn't sure I could do it either but I did.
  14. carstanger

    Let's Check In November 2012 Sleevers!

    Hi!! Sleeved 11/12/12! HW 225.5 CW 173 52.5 down. Training for 5 k if my knee Replacement will allow it. If not running then walking. 66 years old!! I have no idea how long ago I was at this weight!!
  15. carstanger

    At the ER

    Glad you are doing better!!!! Remember you did the right thing by calling your doctor! Prayers for healing!
  16. I was so nervous because I was also having hiatal hernia repair and my gall bladder removed that I could have cared less if they weighed me. I knew I weighed more than I had every weighed in my life 3 weeks before surgery, and I would only be going down. I wish I had taken measurements though early on. I used the measurements from 2011 as I knew I was bigger than that, too.
  17. carstanger

    Started 'Couch to 5k today' Anyone keen?

    First day running, walked 5 minutes at 2.8 MPH, 20 min. alternations running at 3.5 for 1 min. then 2.8 for 1 min., then 5 min. at 2.8 MPH. Had knee replacement 2 years ago so have to be careful. Also did 1 hour of water aerobics in deep end of pool with a class. Not on any anti inflammatory so actually, I'm proud of what I did. Haven't run since I chased grand-kids when they were little and the oldest is 15 now. LOL!!
  18. I wasn't weighed on the day of surgery. I had my pictures taken and weight taken at my consultation 3 weeks before surgery. Depends on the doc I think!
  19. carstanger

    doc wants me to have bypass

    Medicare would have paid for the bypass surgery but I chose self pay because my doc thought it would be safer for me and I didn't want the malabsorption either! Have had that when I ate too much lettuce, or certain raw veggies. Also had a lactose intolerance before surgery and didn't want to mess with my intestines. Have had no problems with either since the sleeve... Doesn't mean I won't when I can eat more as I'm 4 months out now.
  20. carstanger

    Started 'Couch to 5k today' Anyone keen?

    Tomorrow I have to run 1 minute one and 1 minute walking for 20 minutes for my first day. My nut has tweaked the couch to 5 K. I walked today on my treadmill for 20 minutes at 2.8 at 2.0 incline without my knee hurting, (Knee replacement almost 2 years ago) and my asthma not kicking in!!! I haven't run since I chased my grandkids when they were little and the youngest will be 9 at the end of the month and the oldest is 15. LOL!
  21. carstanger

    I'm famous!

    Ha! Think I'll go walk on the treadmill and watch Grey's Anatomy and fast forward through the ads!!!
  22. carstanger

    Problems with protein

    Also, 1/4 cup pumpkin, 1/4 c. Fat free Cool whip, 1/4 c. FF half and half, Splenda, 1 cup water Or skim milk, and pumpkin pie spices or cinnamon, cloves, and ginger. Recipe from nut for Thanksgiving and holidays. That's what I had on Thanksgiving and Christmas day.
  23. carstanger

    1 month follow up appointment

    I was told I can drink decaf coffee but not the caffeinated until I had all 64 ounces in. I heat some skim or 1/2% milk and add it to it, sometimes some unsweetened cocoa or choc. protein after it has cooled some so it doesn't curdle. I like Propel but not the crystal light any more as it's too sweet. There is Proti -diet protein that can be added to water (15 gr) but I have to double the water that I use it in. Maybe that will help!! You can do this and don't give up!!!!
  24. carstanger

    Rainbow after the storm

    Shrimp goes down well if you like shellfish, I could do tuna if I mixed a little mayo with olive oil which the nut said we could use. I couldn't keep turkey down. White chili made with chicken is good, chili from Wendy's because the ground meat had been cooked for quite awhile. Good luck!! Oh, nonfat refried beans spread on a plate, salsa, 2% cheese and then non fat Greek yogurt instead of sour cream. I even eat that for breakfast sometimes.
  25. carstanger

    Problems with protein

    I use Unjury non-flavored added to things, like cottage cheese, or the Bariatric Fusion, vanilla and chocolate mousse. I mix it with skim milk instead of water to get added protein. You can add Greek yogurt to sugar-free pudding or in place of the cold water in sugar free jello. Use 6 ice cubes in the jello mixture of hot water and then went it starts to get a little thicker add a 6 oz container of non fat yogurt instead of the cold water. I don't like Greek yogurt. I ate fat free refried beans which I could get down.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
