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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Geminidrive

  1. Geminidrive

    How do you reward yourself?

    No real rewards because I always reward myself whenever I feel the need, but if so inclined I get a manicure, massage, piece of art, sex, etc.
  2. Geminidrive

    Smoking and Post Op

    I dont think there is a rule.......You probably shouldn't be smoking, but now you have a double whammy with trying to stop smoking and manage the gastric sleeve diet. I wish you well on your journey.
  3. You did the right thing by calling your surgeon, better to be safe than sorry. He knows your medical history better anyone else. Just continue to follow his instructions, hope all goes well.
  4. Geminidrive

    Calling all Cooks

    I have always loved to cook and haven't had any problem cooking for others, they (friends and family) tease me when I get my small plate of food. My surgery was 10/08 and I cooked thanksgiving dinner for family and friends and as always everyone enjoyed everything I made. I still cook spicy food, but have to somewhat limit the heat because I can't wash the heat away with a beverage any longer. What I do now is prepare for family and friends and prepare my meals seperately much healthier.
  5. Geminidrive


    My surgeon says no carbonation. (See below.) Why? In short: The gas in the drink comes out and expands your stomach like a balloon. Your new stomach pouch can be stretched out over time if you drink carbonated beverages after your surgery. What’s more, carbonated beverages – like soda pop, ginger ale, sparkling cider and even tonic Water – increase hunger and contribute to weight regain. In general, any drink that lists carbonated water as an ingredient – with or without added flavoring – is on the forbidden list. But this doesn’t mean you have to limit yourself to tap water and coffee. Zero-calorie, zero-fizz fruit-flavored waters, such as Fruit2O, are great alternatives for weight-loss surgery patients. You can also try fruit-based “ades”, like lemonade and orangeade. And powdered, sugarless soft drink mixes, like Crystal Light, Wyler’s Light Drink powders, and sugar free Kool-Aid, are all fine as well. Sadly, it’s not just soda that’s off the menu. Despite its high Vitamin content, fruit juice is a no-go for gastric bypass and sleeve gastrectomy patients as well. The high sugar content in juice may lead to dumping (and no fruit smoothie is worth that!). And, for anyone who has had weight loss surgery, the fact that most fruit juices are high in calories can cause a major setback when it comes to maintaining a healthy weight. As an alternative, consider beverages flavored with artificial sweeteners, such as Splenda or TruVia, which is made from stevia plant extract. Green tea is not only refreshing, but also good for your health, and there’s not a calorie in sight. The same goes for herbal tea. In the end, however, it’s always going to be better for you to drink plenty of pure water, and to avoid drinking fluids for 30 minutes before or after a meal so you don’t flush food through your stomach pouch. By follow these few simple tips you can help keep your pouch happy, your body hydrated, and your weight right where you want it!
  6. Geminidrive

    Pregnant - and fallen off the wagon

    You will be ok, 18lbs isn't much. Perhaps you should sit down and have a heart to heart with your boyfriend and let him know the struggles you are having and that you need his help. I would also suggest that you find a local support group. I think you will be okay if you get it under control now. Good luck and congratulations.
  7. Thank you for sharing. I have always been one who embraces my body at any size whether i was average, fat or fatter and I guess thinner with flabby skin. I will be nip tucking.
  8. Geminidrive

    Heparin shots at home

    I would inquire with the surgeon especially if you are traveling. Obesity and long flights and your family history put you at greater risk of a blood clot and pulmonary embolism.
  9. Geminidrive

    pain after sex

    Wow!! I know this is a support site, I was only trying to make sure you consulted with your physician as many post on the site rather than getting checked out. I do hope you find the answer you are looking for.
  10. Geminidrive

    pain after sex

    Lizzy, non of us are qualified to make an Internet diagnosis, the only real way to find out why you are experiencing pain during sex is to consult with your OB/GYN. There are any number of reasons for your discomfort and a trained professional is the only person that is capable of making a diagnosis. Good luck!
  11. I reward myself all the time so I don't need to purchase anything. Losing the weight is enough reward. :)
  12. Geminidrive

    Eating out - What to say to waiters/others

    I make my selection then tell them that I most likely will take the remainder home. If they ask I tell them I had weight loss surgery and I really can't eat much. It's amazing that this could sometimes turn into a teachable moment, I've had a few ask me for additional information on the surgery along with my surgeons name.
  13. Pole dancing. I've always wanted to take the classes but knew I was too big for the pole. I heard it is a phenomenal exercise, it may look easy but it isn't.
  14. The Pre op diet was not a requirement of my surgeon, I just had to take magnesium citrate the morning prior to the surgery and only allowed clear liquids.
  15. Trial and error, I bought a bunch of energy bars and only liked one. Most of them tasted chalky to me.
  16. Geminidrive

    Pardon my bluntness...

    "No one opinion is more or less valid than the other." I totally agree. Some people need the pat on the back others need the kick in the pants. Perhaps everyone posting should add a disclaimer as to what type of response they want. Everyone posting for feedback isn't going to like every answer, that's just the way it is on a public forum.
  17. I hope everyone who is released from the hospital is given appropriate discharge instructions, however it seems like some may have disregarded these important instructions. With anything, we need to be informed and take action, when necessary. So with that said, I would like to remind those recent surgical patients that when you leave the hospital, call your doctor if any of the following occurs: **Signs of infection, including fever and chills **Redness, swelling, increasing pain, excessive bleeding, or discharge from the incision sites **Pain that you cannot control with the medicines you have been given **Blood in the stool **Pain, burning, urgency, or frequency of urination, or persistent bleeding in the urine **Persistent nausea and/or vomiting **Pain and/or swelling in your feet, calves, or legs **Cough, shortness of breath, or chest pain **Any other concerning symptoms In case of an emergency, CALL 911 Be smart! This could save your life or prevent you from having major complications.
  18. Geminidrive

    Call your doctor!

    Thanks Sexy! We have to be our own advocate, besides if we feel comfortable enough to select a doctor we should be comfortable enough to call him/her. If I'm in pain I'm calling the doctor or going to the ER.
  19. No change here. I have always had a healthy sexual appetite and continue to have one. I don't know what to tell you, perhaps therapy will help.
  20. Geminidrive

    Rate the pain post op 1-10.. And why?

    Ps, I suffer with migraines and the only relief is an ER visit for Demerol iv, so my pain threshold is very low.
  21. Geminidrive

    Rate the pain post op 1-10.. And why?

    0 pain, 0 gas. I don't know why because I don't tolerate pain well at all. It was one of the questions I drilled my surgeon on every Pre surgical visit.
  22. Geminidrive

    Should I be worried?

    None of us are qualified to make an Internet diagnosis. When in doubt call your surgeon or PCP and provide them with the information you posted. If neither are available they should have someone filling in for them or they will direct you to the nearest ER. This may sound harsh, but many time "medical opinions" from non qualified persons can be a big detriment, be smart and call your surgeon or physician.
  23. I have absolutely no regrets and feel great. Think about your life if you didn't have the surgery, that should give you a reality jolt.

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