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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Geminidrive

  1. I don't think so. I have mitral valve prolapse and at one point was required to be pre-medicated prior to any dental treatment to prevent infection, the cardiac community has since changed this requirement. All of that is to say I get my teeth cleaned regularly and had them cleaned 3 weeks after surgery, no problem. My dentist was well aware of my surgery.
  2. Geminidrive

    if you like snacking on nuts

    Never made them, Seapoint Farms is the brand name I buy.
  3. Geminidrive

    How to handle critics?

    I haven't had any negative feedback, however, I would respond short and sweet, it's my life and my decision end of discussion.
  4. Geminidrive

    if you like snacking on nuts

    I love roasted edemame with wasabi sauce, very tasty. I put wasabi sauce on my eggs. Strange but tasty.
  5. Geminidrive

    Why Lie?!?!

    LOL, I love it!!!!
  6. Geminidrive

    Why Lie?!?!

    Tee-hee back atcha. Glad I made you laugh!
  7. Geminidrive

    Why Lie?!?!

    Actually it is a reality for me, I really don't care what others say or think of me, takes too much energy, perhaps that is what bothers you about me. Sorry I touched a nerve.
  8. Geminidrive

    Why Lie?!?!

    You humor and amaze me. Unlike you I don't let anyone or anything "rub me the wrong way" that takes too much energy. Seems to me you just seek me out to contradict my opinion. If you think my posts have the ring of superiority, that's your opinion, don't read them. Personally, if I don't like someone I ignore them, you are welcome to do that. I know who I am and what I am and I don't worry about what you or anyone else thinks of me, I'm entitled to my opinions and thoughts and I'm going to keep voicing them. My journey is my story, I can't speak for anyone but myself.
  9. Geminidrive

    Black/Mixed Races Sleevers (hair)

    OK, so today I met with my dermatologist. My dermatologist explained that the type of hair loss we are experiencing is called telogen effluvium and is more due to recent shock to your system, ie., weight loss, pain, recent surgery, over or under active thyroid, childbirth, medications and other underlying conditions not just lack of Protein. The dermatologist mentioned that one could lose over 50% of your hair, but that it will grow back in 5-8 months. She suggested using minoxidil, which will stimulate the growth of new hair faster. The less expensive brands are: (both 2%) * Equate which can be purchased at Walmart http://www.walmart.com/search/search-ng.do?ic=16_0&Find=Find&search_constraint=976760&search_query=minoxidil&facet=brand%3AEquate&_refineresult=true&cat_id=976760 * Kirkland Minoxidil which can be purchased at costco. Important instructions on use: It is important that if you do use the minoxidil, it is to be placed on your scalp, do not rub it into your hair, it will just make your hair more brittle and susceptible to breakage. Do not let it drip onto your forehead as it will cause headaches. The best application is laying back preferably into a shampoo sink. http://www.webmd.com/skin-problems-and-treatments/hair-loss/effluviums http://www.aocd.org/skin/dermatologic_diseases/telogen_effluvium.html I hope this helps.
  10. Geminidrive

    Do you bruise easily now?

    I had a ton of bruises following the surgery, I just chalked it up to be moved around from the OR to the gurney to recovery etc. I have a periodic large bruise on my legs but it is probably from the dog jumping on me.
  11. Geminidrive

    Why Lie?!?!

    Just try to ignore her, (as much as you possibly can in your work environment) obviously she is delusional and has other issues to deal with. Focus on yourself and your journey.
  12. Geminidrive


    I still sip, I'm 4 months out.
  13. Geminidrive

    Question- In the hospital

    I agree, ask the dr.
  14. Geminidrive

    vitamin organization?

    I use the one listed below, but I only take one med twice a day. I use the organizer as a 28day organizer. Link below. http://www.walmart.com/ip/14089470?wmlspartner=wlpa&adid=22222222227000416516&wl0=&wl1=g&wl2=&wl3=13223534590&wl4=&wl5=pla&veh=sem Previously I had a detachable organizer but kept misplacing the empty pods.
  15. I haven't had any problems with spicy and hot foods, but I'm wondering if I'll still be able to enjoy the super hot habanero infused foods. That 30 minute drink wait might shut that down.
  16. Geminidrive

    soda fix

    The main reason I drank diet soda was for the carbonation. Soda has absolutely no appeal to me minus the carbonation, but I am interested to hear how the Popsicle taste.
  17. Geminidrive

    Black/Mixed Races Sleevers (hair)

    I think it's a bit of both. I went in with my eyes wide open, I prepared for the worse case scenario and informed my stylist well in advance of the surgery for preventative measures.
  18. Thank you for sharing your story. Sorry you had to deal with the not so nice complications of the surgery. On a positive note, hopefully you are free from insulin.
  19. Geminidrive

    Black/Mixed Races Sleevers (hair)

    I know, it is annoying, but it could be worse. My hair is pretty thick, but if it continues to shed I'll chop it off and start from scratch. (I'll save a considerable amount of money at the salon too.)
  20. Geminidrive

    Black/Mixed Races Sleevers (hair)

    The shedding started in the 3rd month, I'm at month 4. BTW, have been taking Biotin from the beginning.
  21. Geminidrive

    Black/Mixed Races Sleevers (hair)

    Not sure if you chemically treat or wear your hair natural so I wanted to add that prior to surgery I would color and relax my hair regularly, I have since suspended coloring my hair because I didn't want to add undo stress.
  22. Geminidrive

    Black/Mixed Races Sleevers (hair)

    I am losing quite a bit of hair. I have been adhering to all of the protein and vitamin guidelines, yet still experiencing loss. Seems like the majority of the loss is volume but there is some breakage so most likely I may be cutting it off and starting from scratch. I frequent the salon bi-weekly and have had protein and moisturizing treatments, and nothing has stopped the loss. I did speak with my PCP and checked blood panel and everything is normal, she seems to think that it is just part of the rapid weight loss. I will be seeing a dermatologist tomorrow so I'll keep you posted. It is what it is, It certainly isn't the worst thing that has happened in my life and may be just part of the process.....it's just hair and it will grow back. I hope you will be ok.
  23. Geminidrive

    quick question

    As long as you are prepared with protein drinks, pre-planning for your food choices and the knowledge that drinking might be out of the question. (You can be the designated photographer.) Have fun!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
