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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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About misselaineous

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About Me

  • Biography
    47 year old Travelling Project Consultant
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    Dallas area
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  1. misselaineous

    What Was The 1St Week Post Op Like?

    I had no nausea, no vomiting, only hunger pains which were a 2 second cramp about 6 times a day first 3 days only. Then it went away. Ice chips were very helpful. Take chapstick and slippers to hospital. Walking helps so much! Also to be more comfortable, be willing to go bathroom yourself and get off the catheter ASAP. The walking helps that. I followed all the rules, love the broth and popsicles and each day better. Tons of energy. No painkillers after hospital and went home next day by choice, Arms filled with the gasses after sleeping in the reclyner--that was the worst of it, but it lasted 5 hours. After day three pretty much no lifting but normal.
  2. I totally can relate. When my doc asked me if 160 was a good goal for me, I laughed and said "that was printed on my birth announcement, I cannot imagine being that light" he laughed. I totally cannot wait until I can walk away from LAME BRYANT and buy Micheal Kors at a real store! Congratulations and I pray you get more of this giddy moments each day!
  3. Sleeved Oct 25, home next day due to good behavior. Feeling better than ever in my life. Extreme energy. only bad point was day three morning I woke up (not much sleep) with my arms so popping full feeling--pain went away with liquid tylenol. fine by afternoon. It was the gasses collected in my arms rather than most people shoulder because I slept in a reclyner. Slept on belly sunday night (day 4) lost 26 inches and 22 pounds by first week appointment, I am released to mushies and swimming! One size pants down in 2.5 weeks ( 8 pounds ihn 10 day pre op and the rest in one week), Feeling great. Not getting more than 40 protein in, and 30 water but working on it,. I find propel water or mio to go down better.
  4. misselaineous

    Hard To Get All My Protein And Liquids In

    There is a German Instant Whey Protein dust that is sold at NATURAL GROCERS or online at Vitamin cottage. It is absolutely tasteless and dusty. Sprinkle it on everything. Also, powdered Peanut Butter called PB 2 (one scoop) and Chocolate UNJURY Protein, with 6 oz Vanilla Almond Milk and 6 ice cubes in a blender is a fantastic liquid resees cup of peanut choco yum. I also put the German Protein (6.95 for a pound) in water with mio or with Soda Stream syrups for flat coke, dr pepper and it is pretty good. Hope this helps.
  5. Hey guys, Was sleeved in Dallas October 25. One thing I did not read (and I read alot on line, books, etc) was that the week after surgery you learn quickly about POSTURE!. I have to sit up very straight so my incisions do not get sore. AND, the first week I lost so many inches that one fat roll is no longer there day 4 and I have to sit even more differently--so the incision doesn't rub my pants waist. HA. who new good posture would be a Non surgical benefit?
  6. Surgery 10/25, home next day 10/26. Shopping 29th with Water and Protein shake. No problems. Had others carry bags and drive. No pain meds since hospital.
  7. misselaineous

    Your "large" Incision?

    Hmm 5 incisions biut biggie on left.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
