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Band Chick

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Band Chick

  1. Hi, Joanna and Nancy! Woo hoo! Two more locals and fellow August Bandsters! (my surgery month is August, no set day yet) I sent an email
  2. Band Chick

    Crazy Ates Activity Sign Ups!

    I would be glad to do the Exercise Challenges and Award Chair. I have a few fun ideas
  3. I am trying to do everything I can to prepare for my new Bandland life. I am struggling with the "no drinking with meals" rule. How did you get over this? Also, I drink a lot of water, but it tends to be in gulps and small clumps of time, like 32 ounces in 1 hour. How do you drink your daily water?
  4. Band Chick

    Anyone in Oregon??

    Hey, it looks like we have a little lap band group from LBT getting together in the Portland area. Anyone interested in joining in? Anyone want to do a NW lap band event of some kind?
  5. Band Chick

    What Triggered You?

    The thing that led to me cinsiddering weight loss surgery was my last failed diet and weight gain that followed. At 346 lbs I was feeling doomed. After all my research this is what most strongly made me say "the band is for me!" 1. My Dr explained that there are different body types-- mine is the type that holds fat reserves and craves the kinds of foods that tend to put it on. My ancestors were the type that probably did hard labor, had lean winters or long boat trips and needed food stores to survive. Thusly there are high metabolism people with ancestors that wouldn't have survived those things. 2. I belong to a very large, supportive weight loss group that has many people who have successfully lost 100 lbs or more with dieting/life style change. They FIGHT the good fight against food every day. It can be done, BUT I'm so tired of FIGHTING so dang hard. I need some help. That's what the band is for me H-E-L-P. I want to hurry up and get with living!
  6. Hi, Kero! I'm not banded, YET, but I struggled for a long while with the same kinds of questions. Here's what turned it around for me.... 1. My Dr explained that there are different body types-- mine is the type that holds fat reserves and craves the kinds of foods that tend to put it on. My ancestors were the type that probably did hard labor, had lean winters or long boat trips and needed food stores to survive. Thusly there are high metabolism people with ancestors that wouldn't have survived those things. 2. I belong to a very large, supportive weight loss group that has many people who have successfully lost 100 lbs or more with dieting/life style change. They FIGHT the good fight against food every day. It can be done, BUT I'm so tired of FIGHTING so dang hard. I need some help. That's what the band is for me H-E-L-P. I want to hurry up and get with living!
  7. No. That's not bad. It's your own personal business. I can think of lots of things people keep private. Can you imagine if all skinny people, for example, had to wear a T-shirt that displayed their problems the way our fat does for us? "I'm an alcoholic", "I lost my rent money gambling", "I had a testical removed" People keep their personal information private. Just because you're used to everyone knowing your business doesn't mean you have to tell them
  8. Lucky you! You have your surgery date! I will be going to Dr. Patterson, but am waiting for the intake person to come back from vacation. How long did it take you to go through the process? Do you have a pre-op diet? I met two other people that go to Dr. Patterson and my MD works with her a lot. I have heard good things about her. That's why I chose her. Lets keep in touch!
  9. Band Chick

    Really scared

    I would say you should call your surgeon. If it's too risky they may want to reschedule. Better safe than sorry. I'm so sorry to hear about your father. I absolutely understand why you had problems with the diet. So, wait until it's the right time. I'm sure your surgeon will understand too. Keep us posted!
  10. Band Chick

    Hello to all

    Hi! Welcome to LBT! I hope you find this board as helpful as so many of us have. I look forward to getting to know you better. Congratulations on your surgery date!
  11. Check out this poll: http://www.lapbandtalk.com/f17/keeping-secret-31977/ I am only telling closest friends and family. It's hard enough explaining it to some of them.
  12. Band Chick

    Newbie Hopping On Board

    Welcome to LBT! You and I are very similar. I too have been reading, reading and reading. I come here every day and study. Keeping notes and printing them out is a GREAT idea! Thanks for the tip. Hope to see you around the boards and get to know you better.
  13. Band Chick

    Two days out and feeling blue

    Congratulations!!! :whoo: I'm glad to meet you and look forward to joining you in Bandland soon. There are a lot of great people here who know exactly how you feel. Take their advice and you'll do fine. I say relax as much as possible and heal, heal, heal. {{{hugs}}}
  14. Band Chick

    24 Hours Post

    Congratulations!!!! :whoo: I'm glad to hear you're doing well and posting so soon. Take it easy. I'll meet you in Bandland soon!
  15. I thought I was the only one that hated sweetners. I'm not alone! For me it's so sweet that it makes me sick, the after taste is like medicine and the health effects concern me. It's pretty much banned from my house. I don't let the kids eat it either-- even though they like it. It seems like everything made "healthier" has artificial sweetner. It's very frustrating-- low fat yogurt, soy milk, protien bars, Jello, low cal Desserts, Crystal Light, etc. I end up having to cook a lot of things from scratch to make it both healthy and NOT with artificial sweetners. Thank you for posting this. I'll be reading for all the alternative tips I can get.
  16. Band Chick

    LBT in Vegas FEB '08

    I sent you an email. Count me in!
  17. Amen to that!!! That is GREAT news!!! :whoo: I LOVE my Effexor XR. I would have to really think seriously if I had to choose between the band or Effexor.
  18. ...and this is one of the many reasons they call this time period "Bandster Hell". You are doing GREAT!!! :clap2: Keep up the good work. Posting here was one of the best things you could have done. Hang in there!!! {{{hugs}}}
  19. Someone was asking if there were other "celebs" that have the band... A bandster friend recommended Khaliah Ali's (the boxer's daughter) book Fighting Weight: How I Achieved Healthy Weight Loss with "Banding," a New Procedure That Eliminates Hunger--Forever
  20. What are the differences in the Lap Band types? How many of you have experienced hair loss? If so, how bad was it?
  21. One of my favorite posts is the before, after and during pictures of bandsters that are really living this: http://www.lapbandtalk.com/f17/before-after-pictures-pix-only-4642/ Many of them are gutsy enough to bare all and tell all.
  22. Band Chick

    Exercise for the Super Sized?

    Thank you all for your tips, support and words of inspiration! It means more to me than I can say!!! I got the ball (so far it's holding up. lol), a set of pilates stretching bands and dusted off the old tredmill. I like the ball and bands-- stretching feels good. I will start using the tredmill 5 days a week at whatever pace I can. I'll start out slow so I don't end up hurt and hating it (I have done that in the past). I also made a list of activities I can do with the kids (with limits of course): hop scotch jump rope tennis walk frisbee croquette dance (open to more suggestions) I'm MOVING. That's what counts :bounce:
  23. A little tip... When my mom had surgery for her neck the nurse disolved her pills in a bit of water and then added them to vanilla or butterscotch pudding. (don't use chocolate, it brings out the bitterness)
  24. Congrats! It sounds like your hard work is paying off. Thank you for posting. This is very encouraging! You said "YOU have to be mentally preparred for all of this!" Any advice about what to be prepared for physically or mentally?

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