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Band Chick

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Band Chick

  1. Band Chick

    Doctor Hornbostel says no!!

    Try these: Surgical Review Corporation OR Find Members of the American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery I'm going to Dr. Neal in Washington Pacific Surgical Don't give up! Move on! {{{hugs}}}
  2. I'm trying to prepare for my band by practicing bandster behaviors. I would like to find a good protien shake or bar for breakfast. Please share what your favorites are. Thank you bandster buddies!
  3. Band Chick

    Anyone in Oregon??

    From what I've seen it depends on the Dr. Some bandsters have had coffe the next day and some say it's not allowed at all. My nutritionist says only decaf. Here are a couple posts about it: http://www.lapbandtalk.com/f9/can-i-have-coffee-20163/ http://www.lapbandtalk.com/f84/coffee-band-28981/ http://www.lapbandtalk.com/f17/coffee-coffee-12213/ I don't want to give up my coffee either! Give up soda? No problem. Just keep my coffee!
  4. Band Chick

    Portland Area Support Group

    We're planning our next meeting for Thursday night, 7/2. For details email achattykathy@gmail.com Hope to see you there!
  5. Band Chick

    Anyone in Oregon??

    CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! I'm so happy for you! I'm right behind you and hope to join you in Bandland soon!!! Wishing you a speedy recovery. God bless.
  6. Band Chick

    Exercise for the Super Sized?

    I have a little update... I started using the ball all the time and over did it. LOL I know it sounds silly but I already have knots in my shoulders and back and they got much worse from the ball, as well as walking a bit more. So frustrating!!! So, I went to my regular Dr. She put me on the usual muscle relaxers, told me to take it easy for a while and start with shorter periods of time and build up. I so look forward to Bandland and getting some of this painful weight off!!!
  7. I'm 340 lbs and in really bad shape. It hurts to walk or do pretty much any activity. Just going to the mall for an hour or two can put me in bed for a week. Any suggestions from people who have been where I am?
  8. Band Chick


    Congrats, Chimboree! Keep us posted!
  9. Band Chick

    Maybe band leaking?

    The manufacturer states that only 2% of patients had port leakage. They also say "Use only the Lap Band AP System Access Port Needles. Do not use standard hypodermic needles, as these may cause leaks." http://www.lapbandcentral.com/lapbandcenter/documents/dfu/L013-2.pdf
  10. Band Chick

    Lap Band Videos

    Very cool! I even found a video diary of the pre and post op of a gal in Washington (near where I'm going). Thank you for posting this idea!
  11. Band Chick

    Can you say freakin' awesome???

    AHHH!!!! That is so GREAT! Now, you're making me tear up!!!! I'm so happy for you. CONGRATULATIONS!!! :whoo:
  12. Band Chick

    Females Only:Anyone have an IUD???

    For a Dr, he sure is a STUPID man and a JERK to boot! I was on the pill for 15 years, while I was skinny, and it made me puffy. The pill gives my cousin bigger boobs and plumper tush. LOL He doesn't know crap! Personally, I always go to a woman DR-- they know and understand my body and needs better. Don't believe a single ignorant, insensitive word he says and go see a new Dr. {{{hugs}}}
  13. Band Chick

    So Flippin Mad

    Thank you for the post. Now I have a place to share my anger, too! The first and only friend I told about my surgery has been less than supportive, to say the least. Considering she's over 300 lbs, I figured she'd be excited about this but NO! A month or so has passed since I originally told her, but I just mentioned yesterday that I would be busy next month because of my surgery. So here's part of the email she sent me: "As to the surgery... you're planning on having that done NEXT month? Did you ever get the link I sent you? I know for sure I sent it to you twice in Yahoo messenger. [REMOVED DIET DETAILS] I hope that helps. Please consider it! The surgery sounds so dangerous. And I know it does not help everyone. I'm so worried for you." Another DIET?!?! Are freakin kidding me?!?! :yell: I don't even want to speak to her! AND she called my house and left a message! :lalala:
  14. Band Chick

    LBT in Vegas FEB '08

    I'm a former TA and still have some connections. Want me to make some calls?
  15. I posted an update to this topic in the Oregon section: http://www.lapbandtalk.com/f58/portland-area-support-group-38301/#post522668
  16. Band Chick

    Portland Area Support Group

    It was just Chris and I at the first meet, but it was GREAT!!! We want to try to meet on a week night and a Saturday to accomidate people's schedules. We were thinking one meeting/social and one cooking group (Chris' great idea)!
  17. How sweet! Good for you! Good hubbies make me smile My hubby needs to lose a bit of weight so he is going to do the liquid pre and post op diets with me. He plans on working from home and taking care of the kids after I get home from surgery. With the long-term changes, I run the household as far as food and meals go. So, I'm sure this will change how I plan, shop and cook for the family. Hubby is hoping this will help him lose weight without having to get banded also. You obviously care. Just be there for her and educate yourself as much as possible by reading any and every post here. This board is SOOOO educational! Best wishes!
  18. Band Chick

    New AP Lap Band

    Most of the change to the new band is the inner, expandable ring, that fills up with saline. If you look at the old band, the inside that expands doesn't go all the way around. The new one does. It has a few other improvements as well. Here's a link to a picture of the old Lap Band http://www.lapsurgery.com/BARIATRIC%20SURGERY/LAP_BAND_1.jpg Here is a link to the manufacturers Directions For Use for the new Lap Band AP (including a picture) http://www.lapbandcentral.com/lapbandcenter/documents/dfu/L013-2.pdf
  19. Band Chick

    Newby in Oregon

    Hey, fellow webfoot Oregonians! When I came to this board a few months ago there were very few Oregonians here. Just in the last couple of weeks we have a whole bunch of us. Cool!!! We are even starting our own Portland area support group. Our first meet is tomorrow. http://www.lapbandtalk.com/f58/portland-area-support-group-38301/ Welcome to LBT! I hope you will find it as helpful as I have. Everyone here is so great and there is so much info! I look forward to getting to know you better.
  20. Band Chick

    Banded teachers

    I saw this post and thought you might like to see it: http://www.lapbandtalk.com/f17/banded-teachers-talk-btt-35268/ As a parent who deeply respects and appreciates teachers and how important you are for our children and their future, I feel badly that the classroom setting will complicate your Lap Band process. As if it's not hard enough to either have the band OR teach, but both? WOW! My hat's off to you!
  21. Band Chick

    Holy. Crap. (nsv)

    What a hottie!!!:flame: Congratulations! You look so happy, healthy and beautiful!
  22. Band Chick

    New AP Lap Band

    Very interesting! I found a video about it: The New LAP-BAND Advanced Platform (AP) system weight loss surgery in Phoenix Arizona (AZ) I'm going to ask my Dr. about it!
  23. We're meeting this Saturday in Tualatin. Just email for details and phone number. achattykathy@gmail.com I hope to see you there! ~Kathy
  24. Hey, it looks like we have a little lap band group from LBT getting together in the Portland area. Anyone interested in joining in? Anyone want to do a NW lap band event of some kind?
  25. Band Chick

    Really Worried...

    What a jerk! I'm very sorry for you and your family. I can understand your worry, but the TRUTH of it is that statistics are in your favor and you will be just fine. You've done the right thing, even if you had to settle for Dr jerk personality. Keep in mind Drs are just your average run of the mill humans. They have good days, bad days, good personality, bad personality, personal problems, good skills, bad skills, etc. Just like you at your job. Maybe he's just a jerk with a bad personality, but a very good surgeon-- that's how my step-dad was. Just be sure to take good care of yourself and never be affraid to fight for your rights!

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