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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by rekunah

  1. rekunah

    New to all of this

    Hi sweetforlife: sorry that you are having a hard time.Did you said that you had a defill? I tough that fills are done between 4 to 6 weeks post up?
  2. rekunah

    Optifast makes me homicidal! :)

    thank you for responding
  3. rekunah

    Optifast makes me homicidal! :)

    hi swetforlife where do you buy the Optifast?
  4. rekunah

    Doctor's OK?

    hi, thanks for the information
  5. rekunah

    Shocking TLBC news

    when did dr joffe left?
  6. rekunah

    Doctor's OK?

    hi does, anyone know why dr joffe is no longer with tlbc

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
