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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by 920amy

  1. I'm in my Early 30's and also wasn't morbidly obese my whole life. I had struggled with my weight yo-yoing through my teenage years, and was a steady slender person from about 18 through my early 20's until I became very depressed and put on at one point over 100 lbs in a 2 month period. Then, there my weight stayed and continued to go up until I had ballooned to my height at 265. I was morbidly obese for about 10 years before I had surgery, but still most of my adult life. I also was worried about loose skin. They say age, genetics, etc are what loose skin depends on. I do have loose skin, but not the gobs and gobs I would imagine I might have after having lost half of myself. Mostly only I can tell the loose skin I have. I am more self concious about it than people actually notice. I have loose upper arms and thighs, where my butt used to be I have some sad wrinkles and my ladys are deflated. I have some turkey neck and a wrinkly pooch which used to be my bloated belly. It sounds WAY worse than it actually is. I can tell you for a fact the best remedy is time. As time has gotten farther out (today is my 2 year surgiversary exactly), my skin has toned and gotten better without me doing anything. I am a firm beleiver in waiting for a period of time after you're at a stable weight to do plastics. Honestly you can't even tell I have loose skin in clothes, and my hubby doesn't mind me naked. I don't look like a super model, but it's certainly not embarrasingly gross. I have a few galleries up, you can see what I look like. I'd tell your hubby not to worry, he can always help you to slather your skin with coconut oil (that's what I use) and skin firming creams if he'd like ;) Loose skin is way more of a scare than it is a realtiy. You'll be fine and look great!!

  2. Wow! 2 years out! I can't beleive how much has happened and how much has changed in these past 2 years! I'm still slowly losing a pound or two here and there, I've gone up a bit and then keep going down a bit. It doesn't get easier, that's for sure! I still have to watch what I eat, I still have to be mindful to go to the gym. This surgery has been a lot of things for me, it certainly hasn't been what I started thinking it would be. Everyone always talked about it being a 'tool' and it really is. There is no easy way out, there is no easy path. I can easily see myself regaining and being big again, but the love I have for my new body is incredible so everyday I wake up and keep on keeping on. Being a Mexico sleever, my Dr. never set a 'goal' for me, so I set myself at 115. I'm not sure that's realistic as I'm pretty comfortable bouncing around the low 130's, but we'll see if I get there. I'm not 'fighting' to lose anymore, I feel happy where I'm at. My real goal I kept in the back of my head is that I wanted to weigh 1/2 of my starting weight, and I do, so if I don't kick these remaining 17 lbs, I'm okay. I'm AMAZED at how relatively little loose skin I have. I have a little turkey chin, and saggy arms, legs and ladies, I have a sad flappy belly pooch and no butt to speak of, but all in all I think I'm VERY lucky as far as loose skin goes. Now that I'm more or less stable, I think I'll wait at least another year or so before doing any plastics, but really it would be for vanity purposes. I think I look amazing in clothes, and my husband doesn't mind me without ;) All this being said, I've always been into Fairies and of course the ultimate fairy being Tinkerbell, this year I decided to go for it! The before pictures are from a plus size fashion show I did 2 weeks before my surgery, and the Tinkerbell pics are from a party I went to last night. I'm still self concious about my legs so I designed and sewed my own costume to keep them still hidden a little. I designed the wings and made them too, THAT was a chore! After losing 1/2 myself, I feel I can do anything now and haven't stopped yet! I hope this inspires some of you to keep going!!





  3. mama0297, I feel your pain :( I started out going through all of the hoops, the pre op diet, psych eval, meet with dietician, exercise specialist...it was exhausting the sheer number of appointments and time. Finally it was 2 weeks before I was supposed to schedule surgery...and my husbands insurance changed. 'Don't worry!!' They told me! I could still have surgery, I just had to pay 26k out of pocket! No problem, right?!?! I was SO mad, SO frustrated, SO fed up!! So, I did some research, found an amazing company and surgeon in Mexico and had it done for a fraction of the cost in less than 1 month from when I contacted the company. No regrets, I'm not quite 2 years out and couldn't be happier. My husband's insurance changed again, and he just got sleeved here in the states last week. Best thing I ever did for myself, and so excited to be going down this path with him as well. Don't give up!! There are more than just one path to the sleeve!! Good luck!

  4. Tapdancin,

    Of course you can get back on track!! Everyday is a new day! You know what you're doing wrong! Stop it! go back to the basics, do what you need to do, do it right and keep on doin it! The weight will start dropping off again in no time! Yes, as we get further out, it becomes more of us doing the work than the sleeve, but the principles remain the same. Protein first, no snacking, 20-30-20, and exercise! Even if it is just getting 10k steps in a day! You can do this and you can finish this journey proud!! Keep on keepin on!!

  5. I'm 5'3", my height weight was 265. There are pics on my profile, my after pic was about 40 lbs ago, having lost half of myself you'd think I'd have rolls of skin. Not the case. Loose skin has a number of factors, those who exercise more have less of it, genetics and age coem into play, and how long you've been obese. People that meet me now, if I don't tell them I lost half of myself, they'd never know. I look fabulous in clothes. That being said, yes I do have a little roll on my belly, I have 'bet wing' arms, but not as bad as one might imagine, my thighs are sad, my girls are sagging and we won't even begin to talk about the rump with wrinkles. However, who see's you neked besides your significant other? My hubby still loves me and always will. I may have plastics in the future, but they say don't do it until you're stable for a full 2 years because your skin continues to shrink. I'm a little over 18 months out, and I am loving it and still slowly losing. Loose skin is SO not a thing! ;)

  6. My favorite NSV is probably that I can go shopping in 'normal' stores and not have to worry about the clothes not fitting, or be exhausted to try clothes on in the fitting room, I also love when I try something on and it's too big. I like having the problem taht all of the little sizes are sold out in a atyle and all they have are sizes that are too big left instead of the opposite problem. I've always been a clothes whore...now it's twice as bad, but my budget is 4 times as big, because I'm not spending the money on food and high end clothes, and smaller clothes are about half the price. P.S. I also LOVE that my thighs no longer rub!!!

  7. I never had a band, and I think I'm fairly lucky with my sleeve. Eveyone is different. I don't have anything that I 'can't tolerate'. I eat everything, white meat, dark meat, chicken meat, beef meat...lol, you get the idea ;) The drier things are (white meat chicken) the heavier they sit in my stomach, I always liked my meat rare, now I like it bloody rare. I get an overly bloated puffy feeling if I eat too many carbs such as bread an Pasta, but I can still eat them. The worst thing for me is carbonation, it's a blessing and a curse really. It's a blessing because I can't drink soda anymore, but a curse because evey now and then there is an occasion that calls for champagne and I can only swirl my glass until it's practically flat before drinking a few sips. Some people have GERD and heartburn, others, like myself do not. If I eat too much, I puke. I haven't puked more than 5 times in almost 19 months, most of the time it was early out, I think once was from just being dumb and not listening to my body. I don't have hunger anymore. I have a little bit of ghrelin now, but nothing like I used to. The grehlin comes back after the first year or so, but by then I was already in control of my portions. I still drink one Protein shake a day to meet my requirements, but otherwise I just eat whatever, I subscribe to Protein first then veggies followed by carbs if there is room. I don't drink while eating, and I do still occasionally have a treat like ice cream or cake or a bite of dessert. Id' talk to your Dr. and see if he thinks sleeve might be right for you, based on your history with the band, only he can probably help you make the right choice. Good luck!!

  8. I'm almost 2 years out from surgery, and still losing in drips and dribbles, I've loved almost every aspect of having WLS. I've loved the smaller clothes, the CUTER clothes, the stares, the compliments, ALL of it!! EXCEPT! I would like to write a memo to the designers of pants, blue jeans in particular.

    Dear Blue Jean Designer People,

    I love your product! It is roomy, durable, comfy, can withstand multiple uses without washing, it truly is the universal napkin! My only complaint (and it really is quite a serious and big one) is pockets. I have gone from a 24 to a 4. My legs have shrunk, my thighs have shrunk, all of the junk in my trunk...has shrunk. HOWEVER, the items that I like to carry in my pockets...HAS NOT SHRUNK!! When I was a 24, I could happily carry my cell phone, my keys, chap stick, I'm convinced I could have even smuggled small animals and children in my jeans pockets. I loved it!! If I didn't want to carry it, I popped it in my pocket! My HANDS even fit in my pocket!! Now, I'm lucky if I can squeeze a toothpick and half a penny in the pockets that you make for the size of jeans I wear now. I am thouroughly disguisted! Yes, I AM SERIOUS! I cannot tell you how many times since wearing size 10 jeans and under I have left my cell phone somewhere, been left with parched dry lips because I didn't have/couldn't fit my chapstick in the tiny fold of fabric that you try to pass off as a 'pocket'. I have wasted at least 16 hours of my life digging for keys that are lost somewhere in the bottom of my gigantic purse while juggling groceries, and simotaniously sweating/freezing the death. I am convinced that you are now in cahoots with the purse industry. Since I have been able to buy smaller jeans, instead of being able to cherish the extra funds, I've had to spend it on Much. Larger. Purses. I'm onto you, and your shenannigans! Don't think that everyone is complacent about your lack of design and the sham that you are pulling! I have almost enough mind to cut out your 'pockets' and sew in my own!! I'm watching, I know, and I am spreading the word!! Give me my pockets back!!


    One Pocket Lovin' Lady

  9. Yay, a.conners!! What you're describing are things we sleevers refer to as 'nsv's (non-scale victories). search the page for NSV inspiration :) Some of my first included also not having to adjust my seat or steering wheel so my thighs didn't touch the wheel, being able to bend over and tie my shoes without feeling like I was going to die of suffocation, and being able to walk a flight of stairs without sweating and panting. There are far too many to list in one post, but NSV's are a big part of your surgery vicotry! Welcome to the losers bench!

  10. I have told very few people about my surgery. When people ask how I am losing weight, I tell them taht it's the same old fashion way, eating less and exercising more, which isn't a lie!! Also, when people notice a big jump in my loss, which would happen a lot at the beginning, I tell people, I've been losing for awhile, but just got new clothes so it's more noticable, which also isn't a lie! People will talk, and people will say what they want. Bottom line is it's your story and your journey. Take along the people you want, and leave the rest behind. Just remember though, eveyone will have an opinion whether you ask them for one or not. Welcome to the losers bench!

  11. There are a lot of reasons you could have gained weight, and even though it sounds crazy, you could be gaining because you're not eating enough calories. Are you following the rules? Protein first? Not drinking for 30 minutes before or after eating? Are you eating regularly? I have a hard time getting started eating in the mornings, so I still do a shake every morning. I hate it though. BUT if I don't have a shake in the morning, my entire day is thrown off, my metabolism doesn't get the kick it needs, and then I over eat at my 11 meal, and it's down hill from there. By eating small amounts all day and following the rules, I'm able to stay full all day and still lose weight. I did find myself at a point where I was basically in starvation mode because I wasn't eating enough, then I would binge (for what we CAN binge with these tiny stomachs) and I'd see the scale not doing what I needed. If you're still in the liquid phase immediately after surgery, then yes, you will probably not feel full, you'll probably feel hungry, and it can be depressing, but once you move to solids, WOW! My best piece of advice is to follow the rules you've been given by your surgeon for the stage you're in, and talk to your NUT about your gain. I'm sure you'll be able to figure out the right balance and get back to losing soon! My motto is slow but steady wins the race, I'm almost a year and a half out and I'm still losing :)

  12. They tell you to stay away from citrus because it can enflame and cause more swelling at your incision line. When you are early out, the nerves have yet to heal, so you can't feel the pain as much, but imagine squeezing lemon juice into a fresh cut on your arm, or a finger. Probably having a little lemon juice in your liquids for flavor isn't going to injure you much because it's so dilutted, but be careful. The doctors make the rules for a reason. Also, you don't have the same amount of stomach acid so citrus is hard to digest after surgery as well, and some people have more issues with acid reflux after surgery, and citrus can definately make it worse. Welcome to the losers bench!

  13. I had the sleeve. I saw my surgeon once, but I was self pay in Mexico. Just curious, how far out are you from sleeve, what has lead you and your Dr.s to decide on a revision for you? My husband is looking at doing the sleeve, and I'm not sure it will be successful for him and have been trying to talk him into DS, so I'm wondering, do you feel you should have gone with the DS from the start, or has there been a complication with the sleeve that has made you need a revision?

  14. I used Dr. Lopez when he was with ALighterMe.com I was very impressed with ALighterMe. I only met Dr. Lopez once before my surgery, and while his bedside manner wasn't bad, he wasn't as friendly or as infomative as Dr. Ortiz who was his co surgeon. I think for me, it came down to I was very happy with the coordination company I booked the surgery through because they are really the ones taht take care of you while you're in Mexico. They took care of me at the hotel, took care of my transportation, and everything I needed, they checked on me in the hospital and were invaluable holding my mothers hand while I was in surgery andduring my recovery. I highly recomend ALighterMe.com, I know neither Dr. Lopez nor Dr. Garcia work for them any longer, but they are a great company, between Dr. Lopez and Dr. Garcia, they've both performed hundreds of sleeve surgeries, and I did meet Dr. Garcia while I was at Mi hospital, and found him to be more friendly than Dr. Lopez. Please feel free to message me if I can answer any other questions. Good luck to you!!

  15. I FINALLY made it!! Today I sit at a 'normal' BMI, not over weight, not obese, no longer morbidly obese. Sure, it's just a number, but wow, it feels great to be able to continue to hit benchmarks along this journey!! I am 17 months out and still losing. Slow but steady wins the race, and I am DEFINATELY going to win this one!! ;)

  16. Georgia, you said it best! Fat brain still reigns over me! I still think I need to shop in the plus section, and find it foreign to shop in Misses...I'm a size 6 M/S. It funny how we get so used to the way things are/have been and how it takes us so long to adapt. Whenever I try clothes on, I always get a 6,8 and 10, because my Fat Brain says 'A 6 is WAY too SMALL!', guess what, it never is! It's the same way when I go grocery shopping, or cook, or go out and order food at a restaurant. My Fat brain says 'you need MORE' 'That portion is WAY too SMALL!', guess what? I usually have TONS of left-over...I'm almost a year and a half out, am still losing, and still have a VERY Fat brain! Just ignore it, it may never go away, but your body knows better! ;) Congrats on your loss so far!

  17. I have found I have a similar issue. I used to be a stomach sleeper. Now, I cannot get comfortable on my stomach unless I put a huge pillow underneath me! I've gone from a stomach sleeper to a back sleeper. very strange indeed! I still find myself trying to lay on my stomach to get comfortable and fall asleep sometimes, and then quickly realize...this isn't working anymore before rolling onto my back.

  18. I've had a lot of these 'I don't see it the way they do' moments about my loss, especially this last month or so. I can see that the clothes I wear are small, I can see the spaces I fit it are small, but when I look in the mirrors, I also don't see it. Its strange because as I went from my height, a size 24 3x down to a 12 L, I saw it! I looked in the mirror everyday, I watched the scale, and I loved it!! Then, something changed...I'm now a size 6, S/M but my mind still sees the same body as when I was a 12. My mind doesn't see the past 4 months of loss. Also, the smaller you get, the more OTHER people notice your loss, but I think for me, I notice it less. It may seem crazy to others for you to say you cannot see a 200 lb difference, but I completely understand where you're coming from!! Its very strange feeling like you're in a body that isn't shrinking. Keep on keeping on!! Your mind, and mine will catch up soon, I hope!! Congrats!!

  19. I'm getting toward the end of my journey, and it's funny how things are so different from the inside looking out. I've realized through this journey that while each NSV and every mini goal met is significant and praise worthy, the most significant loss I had was the first 30-40 for me. It was when I hit the middle of those numbers that I realized that I WAS doing this! I AM going to succeed!! I CAN keep losing this weight!! It was the true marker for me and the green light to realize that my body was changing, I was shrinking and it was the first and probably the biggest boost to my confidence that I've had this entire journey.

    That being said, the first 30-40 lbs of my loss was probably the most insignificant to those around me and who saw me on a daily basis. It was enough for them to see that I'd lost 'some' weight, but let's face it when you're as big as we all are/were a 30-40 lb loss LOOKS like maybe 10-15 to the untrained eye. I don't even think my first 30 I went down a pant size yet! Hardly anyone noticed those first blocks of weight when they were shed, but I knew. I noticed, and I was proud!!

    Now, as I'm battling my last 40-30 pounds it seems really insignificant, I've already battled away over 100 lbs of loss, what is 30 or 40 more? It's nothing! BUT! To those that are outside looking in, I think this is the MOST significant 30-40 pounds. In my last 10 pounds of loss I've had more compliments, comments, people noticing how small I've gotten. They marvel and wonder aloud 'How much more are you going to lose?!'. It's funny how that flip is switched. For me to say 'Oh, just 30' now the looks are of shock and awe! When I lost my first 30, those who asked how much I had lost and I told 'Oh, just 30' very excited and bubbly, they'd respond with maybe a glance and an over the shoulder 'Oh, that's good...'. It's funny how people perceive those who are going through a change.

    Ultimately, I'm proud of every last pound, every last inch. This transformation has been amazing! I'm not the fastest loser, but I'm not giving up!! I'm going to do it! I'm going to reach my goal, and I know each and everyone of us can and will!!

  20. I'm now almost 16 months out. I had my first alcoholic drink after 3 1/2 months. I do still drink on occasion, however I'm an incredible lightweight now. I used to be able to have an entire bottle of wine by myself and still barely feel drunk. Now, less than one glass and I'm practically trashed! Talk about a cheap date! Also, Alcohol has taken on a much stronger taste to me. Even mixed drinks with the slightest amount of booze is much more pungent. I stil rarely do champagne, and I never drank beer before, but mainly with champagne it's because of the carbonation. Carbonation makes my tummy feel terrible, like it's going to explode. Not everyone has the same experiences. These are mine. Hope it helps :)

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