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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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    slimagainsoon reacted to healthiermom in Closing Account   
    If it was not about numbers and pounds,.FOR YOUR HEALTH,.you would have never had wls in the first place. Maybe you have emotional things your dealing with that you need to take care of...
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    slimagainsoon reacted to desertmom in Closing Account   
    Yes,as far as I know you should just stop logging into the site when you dont want to use it anymore,cant deactivate it.
    But why are you so mad?You have done well,you seem happy with your weight loss.We are not all the same and numbers are very important to higher BMI OCD sleevers like myself.If we dont get the numbers down we dont get to be healthy and comfortable.
    Personally I can not relate to your statement that says if you dont lose another pound.......as I would be devestated if I dont lose another pound and my BMI is just under 30 now.You see a number but important as it is VERY related to my health.
    I have also found that people very often only post to things that they can identify with.I am sure that secretly I am envious of people who are much lighter than me,lol,much closer to goal and have had much less to lose than me.I understand that anothers 80 pounds is as important as mine just as my best friends 20 pounds is as important as my 120 pounds.But as you can see,I have no other frame of reference as to who you are,what your goals are and where you are with them other than the numbers I see on your signature.I cannot see you and dont know you.
    Please dont take this personally but what is it that you didnt get from the board and who are you really so angry at?Just think about it.Keep in mind that we all come from different walks of life,all have different frame of reference,all process information differently and are different types of communicators.
    I blog and as English is not my first language and I talk too much anyway lol,I often dont get any response to some of my blog posts.But thats ok.If it helps one person thats good enough for me.
    we are responsible for our own success,whatever each individuals definition of that might be.Where as I want to be healthier,I sure as heck want to look a lot better than I do now.I want clothes size that is a lot lower.Most very over weight people need a psycologist anyway as being that way can be very damaging to our self image and finding out why we would allow ourselves to become this way is sometimes key to not going there again.
    Personally I love this forum as we can be nice to each other,harsh with each other,ignore each other and its all good because we all have a common goal.To get thin and healthy,or should I say healthy and thin?
    Good luck on your journey.
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    slimagainsoon reacted to fyre_storm in Closing Account   
    Pretty judgmental don't you think? Or a little higher then thou, or uh bitter. Lol
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    slimagainsoon reacted to TamaraS in Closing Account   
    Sorry this site hasn't worked out for you. Congratulations for making it to your happy place <3 I hope to make it there one day too! I am pretty new into this weightloss surgery but I try to keep the faith I will make it to Onederland also. Best Wishes in your future endeavors.
    Sincerely, Tamara S.
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    slimagainsoon reacted to LadyK in In Need Of Many Prayers Tonight   
    I am praying for you and your family, believing that the Lord is more than able and will bless and perform a miracle that will have the doctors scratching their heads. Praying God grant you peace, everything will work out, faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. Be encouraged :-D
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    slimagainsoon reacted to drexelgirl in Med Free Today!   
    I cried on the way home from my one week post op. I was told I no longer need high blood pressure meds. Before the sleeve I was on three meds and pre diabetic. Now no pills!!! What a wonderful feeling.
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    slimagainsoon reacted to annab in Goals   
    goal 1: 20 lbs goal met
    goal 2: 219-- lowest weight since 2005
    goal 3: 199-- onederland
    goal 4: 170-- last time I remember feeling comfortable in my skin
    goal 5: 150-- size 10, felt great
    1: not having my arms rub on the sides of my belly when I walk
    2: not being out of breathe walking up stairs
    3: being able to see ALL of my body
    4: looking cute in clothes
    5: shopping in regular stores
    6: not always eating more than everyone else
    7: feeling pretty again
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    slimagainsoon reacted to esheldon76 in God Made Me   
    Best advice I heard from a friend is "It's okay to let someone help you." I didn't get any answer specifically from God, but I asked for an answer that I could plainly tell was an answer from HIM, or to give me serene peace, and boy did I have peace! I wasn't worried about it at all until about 30 mins before surgery and I think nerves just got the best of me. And then to top it off, I have had little to no pain since the surgery 6 days ago. It's amazing! All praise to the Father! Praying for you!
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    slimagainsoon reacted to legnarevocrednu in God Made Me   
    Hello fellow believers! I don't know about any of you, but I had a hard time making the decision to undergo WLS. I do not know any other believers who have undergone WLS and for the longest time, I always felt like it was too serious a measure and that God wouldn't want me to do something so drastic. However, after about a year of prayer and research, I realized that there is no way that God would want me to live in an unhealthy way. God wants us to take care of our bodies and I truley believe that the sleeve will help us do that. I no longer doubt my decision and after lots of prayer, feel ready to move forward with the rest of my life. I am excited to be healthy because it will enable me to do more for Him and His kingdom. I look forward to hearing about your journey! God bless!
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    slimagainsoon reacted to FDclerical in Excited... Got My Surgery Date :)   
    OMG sannah bannnnnana YAYYY so excited for you!!!! FINALLY!!!! we got our surgery dates. and to think we were so impatient and anxious in the beginning LOL. mine is November 6th omg shakin in my pants just thinking about it lol. so excited and beyond ready. praying for all of us to have a wonderful safe surgery!!!!!!
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    slimagainsoon reacted to daly contreras in 6 Month Update   
    Started at 4/18/12 : 329lb
    Today 10/18/12 : 240lb

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    slimagainsoon reacted to Geminidrive in What To Say About Swift Weight Loss To Acquaintances   
    How about you just tell them you had weight loss surgery? You don't have to provide specifics, just tell them how good you feel. Focus on how wonderful you are feeling, and remember to smile. Just my opinion.
    Before I had the surgery I told very few people only because I didn't want to field questions. When I return to work I plan to tell all who ask with the emphasis on being healthy. GOOD LUCK!
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    slimagainsoon reacted to Diane in "wls Is Not What God Intended..."   
    And my question to her would be and who MADE her GOD'S spokeswoman? God is the one who healed people who were sick or disabled I believe God wants us to live life to the fullest and if this surgery makes this possible then so be it. It is not for us to question whether this is what God intended or not. This is after all a life saving surgery for some of us obese people. Without this surgery I most definately would have been disabled and unable to work. Now I am living my life to the fullest at age 58 years old of all things. Imagine that!!! And loving every minute of it.
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    slimagainsoon reacted to JLOR in "wls Is Not What God Intended..."   
    I was thinking about tis today and it occurred to me that there is a very easy reply for this that your friend will get and will be pretty light hearted.
    there was this Guy stranded in the ocean one person in boat came up and said come on get in the boat, the man says no I'm fine God will help me, then the Guy in the boat takes off and says fine, another one comes and says the same thing to him and he says the same thing back to the second person then he says okay fine. hours later he drowns and goes to heaven and asks God why didn't u come save me. God says I did dummy I sent two boats.
    This surgery is your life boat. glad to hear surgery went well. Welcome to the losers bench!
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    slimagainsoon reacted in "wls Is Not What God Intended..."   
    Susan, your surgery is today! Yay! I am praying for you to have no complications whatsoever and a perfect recovery!
    I really enjoyed and was touched by many posts on this thread, so I wanted to thank all of you who brought such great insight, especially Piplula for sharing Matthew 5:30. I struggled with the idea that having this surgery is self mutilation in the eyes of God, but God has changed my heart about that recently and has even answered my prayers by allowing for my surgery to bring comfort and hope to someone else. She suddenly had several infected organs and had pretty much the same surgery done, but as an emergency measure with only her husband's consent. She was not overweight and unlike sleevers, she is very limited on what she is able to eat or else, she is put in the hospital for days (has already happened 6 times in 3 years) without pain medication or even ice to hydrate her lips since her bile duct was removed and a borrowed piece of her intestines is in place instead.
    I also realize now that obesity is self mutilation. God did not intend for our body to carry all this excess weight.
    I pray that God sends His angels at your bedside right now to bring you comfort and peace as you heal and as you praise Him through your success and working hard, with the assistance of the sleeve, to reshape His temple and bring more joy into your life. I'm anxiously looking forward to know that you are doing okay and will definitely follow your journey (added you as a friend)!
    You already look amazing in your before/"goodbye" picture! God bless you!
    I was able to get a hold of Susan's hospital room (sorry to sound like such a stalker) and spoke to her mom. She had surgery already with no complications, is out walking around right now and everything is great! Thank God!
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    slimagainsoon reacted to simply.torri in "wls Is Not What God Intended..."   
    I have been here too. My reply to my friend was something similar to this:
    It is not up to you to determine how and when God will present me with an option that will be long lasting and beneficial to my health. God promised "life and life more abundantly" and "health and prosperity". It is up to you as an individual to pursue those things and I have made bad decisions. I have tried to exercise and get my temple right, but this is a weak area. I KNOW that God opened the door for me to have this operation, and the result will be that his temple will finally be healthy -- the way he planned and his child (me) will be happy.
    God gives you tools to use to enhance your life. If you lose your job and need money... it does not fall from a tree, he will lead somebody to give you the money or lead somebody to offer you a part time position, or whatever. Theres no difference here -- I am over weight, I am headed down the road for diseases and God has given me this last opportunity to make a permanent change.
    Why do you think he gave the doctors the capacity to learn, understand and be innovative enough to come up with this procedure? If this is not a subject you can handle talking about or supporting me on, then we will avoid it all together.
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    slimagainsoon reacted to Pelekania in "wls Is Not What God Intended..."   
    To be honest, it sounds like your friend may have a bit of jealousy stored up. You are pretty young lady and I can only imagine how you will look once you get down to your desired size/ healthier weight....smoking hottt! So in order to make you feel guilty and to start questioning your decision about the procedure she turns it into a God issue...one of Satans old tricks.
    God did not intend for use to be obese and live unhealthy lifestyles. So many people die from cancer, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease- all which are preventable if we make and choose a healthier lifestyle and you are taking those steps to ensure that you do no fall victim to one of those diseases. God have given us the tools to take control of our lives. We didn't just magically come up with the various different wls...no God revealed those things to His children in order to help us...just like the other diseases.
    I am not sure if your friend is within her h/w ratio, but alot of thinner people are not able to understand the difficulties an obese person face on a day to day basis. My sister is small...has been all her life. She eats whatever she wants and does not gain a pound and when I told her about my surgery she didn't understand why I couldn't really stick to a weightloss plan and exercise. I wanted her to be happy for me that I was taking this serious step, but to her it is taking the easy out. I had wanted her to be there with me when I have surgery, but now all I need/ want is me and God.
    Do not be surprised that your friendship may change as you lose weight.
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    slimagainsoon reacted to O.T.R. sleever in "wls Is Not What God Intended..."   
    Since this thread is still active, I'd just like to point out a simple observation.
    Both of these surgeries are directly related to and are a result of sins (deadly sins).
    The major difference I see is that one is done to help us flee fom the sin of gluttony, the other is performed to embrace the sin of vanity.
    So what have here is someone who is embracing their sin chastising someone for turning away from theirs.
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    slimagainsoon reacted to slimshadee in Drinking & Eating All At Once   
    Really, a sip is fine. The idea is that eating and drinking fills you up too fast and pushes food through the stomach too fast. You could get an episode of dumping....really I will never try it again it was so awful. Best thing to do is sip a bit before you eat, s,all sips during meal if you must and then really wait the full 1/2 hr to allow proper digestion. Otherwise your pushing undigested food through...not healthy or nutritious.
  20. Like
    slimagainsoon reacted to ME123 in Today Is The Day!   
    I'm off to the hospital, this was a long time coming. See all of you on the losers bench!
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    slimagainsoon reacted to Sleevedreamz in Nsv! Knee Boots Not Made For Bigger Thighs! :)   
    I ordered several pair of knee boots last winter knowing they probably wouldn't fit, but always seemed to do this to myself. They arrived and didn't fit and of course it made me want to cry. However, I pulled them out tonight and thought I'd give it a try and they zipped up with no problem! I was so excited. I now have 3 more pair of boots that suddenly fit which thrills me. I have a couple pairs that still wont zip up, but they are so close which has not been the case for a long time. YAY!
  22. Like
    slimagainsoon reacted to Fiddleman in Losing Too Much?   
    Keep up the great progress. I would not be overly concerned because you will hit a stall fairly soon and then you will be asking why you aren't losing fast enough. LOL! Everyone has different body types which results in a different loss rate.
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    slimagainsoon reacted to Mom2IrishTwins in Losing Too Much?   
    I realize how irritating this post may be to anyone who is struggling to lose, so forgive me in advance.
    I had my surgery about 5 weeks ago - 9/11. I'm 5'9" and was 262 on surgery day. One month later, on 10/11, I weighed 232. So, 30 lbs. lost in the first month. I've lost 6 more lbs. since that, for a total of 36 lbs. in 5 weeks.
    Is it possible to lose too quickly on this or is it "the more, the better?"
    I am eating what is recommended in my packet from the surgeon - I have 3 meals per day, a meal being around 1/4 cup of Protein. I do get hungry sometimes in-between meals and at night before bed but it's not overwhelming.
    Drinking plenty of Water and although I'm not getting high-impact exercise, I am doing 45-60 minutes of casual walking per day.
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    slimagainsoon reacted to missih30 in Ins Approval Phase   
    I have completed all my steps and now waiting for ins approval! I hope it works out........it took a lot for me to come this decision and now that I have committed to this I want this done.....
  25. Like
    slimagainsoon reacted to FDclerical in What Am I Thinking?!   
    Going to my pre op in one hour I can't wait to say goodbye to my stomach no turning back now LOL" good luck God makes a path for all of us!!!
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