My Friends
I am a surgeon, Dr Rutledge, and I beg your forgiveness for intruding on this discussion.
I wanted to ask for your help and advice.
We have been conducting a survey on expert opinion on
bariatric surgery.
We have a come across an odd finding.
In our surveys surgeons have reported 20-30% of Sleeve and Band have GE
Reflux after surgery.
Even more interesting is the report that this is an increase from about 10% PreOp!
Furthermore in another odd finding we asked about "Bile" Reflux in
Sleeve patients and we had 50% of reporting surgeons say that Sleeve
patients had some ?Bile Reflux in 1-15% of their Sleeve cases???
I think that these data may be wrong
Could I ask that you take a moment and do a short survey on
Reflux after Band and Sleeve
The survey is designed for surgeons but if even a few of you give me feed back it would be very much appreciated