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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by tommy1984

  1. Do any of you know of a program that will pay for people to get banded? I am a guy 6ft 1in and 440 lbs. I cant get a medical card (so they told me) and sence I lost my job a year ago I cant get a new one because no one wants to give one to a walking heart attack. So I cant offord the sugery because I dont have a job and I cant get a job because im so over weight. Some of you may think that im not trying to get a job But belive me, Im trying.. I live in a Very poor area In east ky and there are not many jobs but when i do walk into a room for a interview i can see the expression on there face and dont make it far into it.. So If any one knows a way for me to get medical help for this band please let me know.. thanks
  2. tommy1984

    is there a way for me to get banded?

    lol.. I cant get 1 let alone 3.. Its about 1 hr 45mins one way to the closest town that has restrunts, hotles, and bussiness and 2 hrs the other way. I do have a couple small gas stations and a little gorsry store and a pizza joint down the road about 30 mins and i have been interviewd by most of them more than once, I guess they forget my name. Im not trying to sound like im wineing because im not. I am happy other than being so fat no one giving an interview takes me seriously. I was just wondering about a medical program for the band.. I guess Ill just keep trying to figure out how to get a medical card. Its almost funny how fast and easy they gave it to my wife when she got pregnant.

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