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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Nicolanz

  1. Nicolanz

    Greys Anatomy!

    Dude! I totally forgot that I have Amazon Prime and you can watch things on there! Checking it out now!
  2. Nicolanz

    Greys Anatomy!

    Who is Grey, and why are we talking about his anatomy?
  3. Nicolanz

    Lighten up a little...

    I don't think less of anyone who eats different than I do. I KNOW I'm no better than anyone haha. I'm just relaying what I know and my thoughts. Hope no one took offense!
  4. Nicolanz


    Baha! Maybe I scrolled down too far! I woke the beast!
  5. Nicolanz


    And pickles :/
  6. Nicolanz


    Mmmm I want picles now!
  7. Nicolanz

    Lighten up a little...

    I had a professor who laid out a kids meal hamburger and french fries on the counter in the classroom. The meal was there for 18 months. No mold had formed and it looked only a few hours old. I don't eat fast food but that definitely freaked me out and no way would I feed that to my kids or myself! I believe for our overall health, eating real food is important. Why go through a surgery to prevent or heal us and then go on to eat food that isn't healthy? I say healthy meaning not chemically altered or filled with fillers. It's hard to stay away because of cravings or addiction, but it gets easier. I think the crap thats in fast food is addicting. Have you ever really craved something, ate it, and it wasn't tasty? Then a few weeks later you crave it again?! Why is that? It must be the chemicals. I'm no doctor or nutritionist ....just brainstorming here. Maybe instead of justifying eating a big mac, work on eventually never eating one again! For your health and for your kids health. From experience, the longer I stay away from an unhealthy food, the more I don't care to eat it! Cutting out carbs completely may cause one to fail because our body needs carbs. It doesn't need big macs and it won't tell you to eat one. That is psychological.
  8. I've never had a problem either until this surgery! If I forget to take my PPI, I get heartburn!
  9. Nicolanz


    If I could consistently lose 2 pounds a week, I'd be so freaking happy! That's 8-10 pounds a month.....80-100 pounds in only 10 months!
  10. She's an adult and if she's passionate enough about this, she's gonna do it whether you support her or not. I did it against my husband's wishes and to be honest, I kind of resent him for making me do it alone! I know you care about her but this could improve her quality of life. Give her a shot, don't fail her just prepare her.
  11. I had my surgery 11/3 and lost 44 pounds. I have the same problem with iron! Even though it's a tiny little pill, it always gets stuck!
  12. So class starts today. I will be there for 4 houts and need something to bring to eat that doesn't need to be cooked/ heated. Any ideas? I was thinking meal bars but have never tried them. Are there any tasty low cal, low sugar ones out there?
  13. Nicolanz

    Back to school!

    You know, Alley, I have something very similar to that and I totally forgot about it!! Haha I swear I have no idea where my brain is sometimes! Thanks for the ideas!
  14. Nicolanz


    Woohoo! It'll be here before you know it! May I suggest not doing any food funerals. I did big time and I wish I would have lost weight before surgery rather than gain! Haha good luck! I'm rooting for ya!
  15. Nicolanz

    Back to school!

    Where do y'all find the protein bars?
  16. Nicolanz

    Back to school!

    Great idea, Kim! Thanks!
  17. You both look great! Congrats to you both but an extra congrats to your wife for whoopin your butt!
  18. Beautiful before and after!
  19. Nicolanz

    totally depressed!

    If you think you're going to lose weight daily, you're gonna get depressed a lot!! You're doing fine, no worries!
  20. Nicolanz

    I am not waiting

    My insurance covers it too but I would have been devastated if they rejected me after doing 6 months of their pre op crap! Plus it was still cheaper going to MX! Best decision I ever made!
  21. I wish I had an "after" pic! *cries*
  22. Nicolanz

    I hate this surgery.

    Don't hate, appreciate!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
