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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Nicolanz

  1. It's so true! Before surgery, everytime I'd see delicious food on TV I'd want it! One time I was watching a show about hamburgers so I went in the kitchen and made one at like 1 in the morning! Haha!
  2. I'm glad he didn't turn around cause I'm translucent! Haha
  3. Yes! What Doreen said! Lol
  4. Nicolanz

    Sick of the attention

    I completely understand. I know they mean well but it's uncomfortable. Every day when I walk into work this guy yells, "you're shrinking!" For everybody to hear!
  5. Nicolanz

    Ok Women?

    VSG**** HAHA
  6. Nicolanz

    Size 12s are loose!

    Awesome!!!! I'm wearing an18 now which I have never been in my adult life! Feels great even though I still have a long way to go. I can't wait to be a 12!
  7. Nicolanz

    Ok Women?

    Looks like you gotta 50/50 chance of the vst being less painful. Lol
  8. Everyone's experience is different. For me, I was never emotional about not being able to eat. After all, that is the reason I got the surgery! But it is common to be sad about not being able to eat more. I felt like I was in a weird haze for the first month. Like, is this all really happening? Did I really get this surgery? Along with feeling kind of lost because I wasn't eating, what should I do? If that makes sense. After the first month, I felt back to normal. The hardest part is learning the amount of food you can eat. Sometimes my eyes are still bigger than my stomach!
  9. Nicolanz

    Does anyone still feels hungry?

    You're not alone. I still get hungry but it's a normal, natural hunger feeling. Not ravenous like before.
  10. Nicolanz

    Ok Women?

    Csection was a breeze for me. The sleeve was more painful in my opinion.
  11. Are we allowed to take them?
  12. Nicolanz


    Thanks, ladies!
  13. Nicolanz


    Since losing 50 pounds I've had more a few coworkers/clients comment on my boobs getting smaller. First of all, what the hell?! Second of all, I never really had much to begin with! They have not gotten smaller. If they were smaller, why comment on that?!? Why can't people just be happy for me?
  14. I went to Almanza and my experience was nothing like that! They wore gloves, 6 of us were sleeved, nurses were great, and was overall taken care of. It's sad this place has gone way down hill in just under 4 months! His prices have gone up so he's no longer the cheapest. I know price was a deciding factor for me, so there's is probably a lot better care for cheaper or same price now. I'm glad everyone is ok!
  15. Nicolanz


    It's just weird because I've always been small chested. Was a b cup before surgery and am a b cup now. It's like they are trying to find some kind of negative in my success. Oh well!
  16. Nicolanz


  17. Nicolanz

    Losing Slow At Very Beginning?

    I'm with you about the stall thing, Dana. I only lose weight one or two days out of the month. I'll be the same weight forever then one morning I weigh myself and I'm down 2-5 pounds. It seems I'm always in a "stall"
  18. Nicolanz

    Losing Slow At Very Beginning?

    Ugh! I don't even keep track of what I eat anymore. I know I should but what a pain in the butt! As of now, I'm up 6 pounds but my clothes are too big! I don't get it! I've decided to get rid of the scale! As long as I'm shrinking, I don't care what that number reads!!
  19. Nicolanz


    Haha! I work in a salon with a bunch of women!
  20. Nicolanz

    A big shout out

    Right! I'm so jealous! My husband is supportive but doesn't understand the struggles of being overweight or trying to lose weight. I'm thankful for this site!
  21. Nicolanz

    The defining moment you knew

    2 boys. Overall, pregnancy was good but I'm so jealous of those who get to experience a "skinny" pregnancy. You know, actually look pregnant and not not like a beached whale! Haha
  22. Nicolanz

    The defining moment you knew

    Wow cyncity, so many exciting new changes in your life! Congrats!
  23. Nicolanz

    Wouldn't it be fun if...

    Not too sure about a cruise....haha! I have two friends that were on the triumph and they were miserable! Ohhh but something tropical would be awesome! We could show off our new bodies!
  24. Nicolanz

    A big shout out

    Congratulations!!!!! How exciting! And to be able to go through this journey with your husband is absolutely amazing! Good luck with everything!

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