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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Nicolanz

  1. Nicolanz


    Giiiiirl those look delicious! I'd probably rip everyone's head off if they brought those around me!
  2. Nicolanz


    Giiiiirl those look delicious! I'd probably rip everyone's head off if they brought those around me!
  3. Nicolanz


    I'm so envious of my husband. Yea he can eat a lot and eat the wrong foods and still be down 3 pounds by morning. But he doesn't really care about food. He can go all day and forget to eat. It's not constantly on his mind. He eats when he's hungry. Maybe his childhood of not knowing when his next meal was going to be trained him for that. I would love to be at a point where I just didn't care about food. My name is Nicole, and I am definitely a food addict!!
  4. Nicolanz

    Please tell me it isn't true?

    I could see that being the case during the first two months. Once everything is back to normal and you feel better, you should be fine. I didn't get anxiety, but I was on edge and had no patience. I'm 5 months out now and happier than I've ever been! I'm even more outgoing! This is the best thing I've done for myself!
  5. Nicolanz


  6. Nicolanz


    I'm addicted to caffeine. If I don't have it, I get headaches and feel nauseous. I don't commit felonies, lie, or steal. I just need my coffee! I guess we should determine the difference between obsession and addiction. Does the difference really matter? With food, it all leads to the same results. I LOVE doritos, I don't care about them if they aren't around but if they are, I will think about them until I have one. Maybe that's an obsession because I don't have any other physical affects from being deprived of doritos other than thinking about them and not being able to refrain from eating one. Funny, but true and somewhat embarrassing as well. Maybe instead of using the word addiction, we can just say we have a lack of control over food. I don't think one can get to be morbidly obese with or without medical conditions if they have complete control over food. Overweight definitely with medical conditions, but morbidly obese? I don't think so. I could be wrong though. Great post, Laura!
  7. Nicolanz


    I drink vodka and fruit punch crystal light. Its delish! I don't know what I'd drink if I was out though. Vodka and cranberry maybe? Its a lot of sugar though.
  8. I don't do shakes anymore, but when I did I drank one between lunch and dinner. It gave me a little boost of energy. But if doing a shake after dinner keeps you from making bad choices, that's perfect!
  9. Nicolanz

    HUGE fight with the Hubster

    I understand where your hubby is coming from and to be honest I wasn't successful at convincing mine either. Only after surgery was he on board and supportive. Maybe you'll just have to go against his wishes if you absolutely are ready and prepared for this surgery.
  10. Nicolanz

    Bizarre trend?

    I think we're just brainstorming about why people would regret surgery after the initial pain and "food stages" are over with. No need to get defensive about MX. I got mine in MX with no follow up. Everything is working out great for me. Not only did I spend a year researching the sleeve, I've spent the last 10 years researching nutrition. I just couldn't stop myself from overeating. The sleeve fixed that for me and I'm thankful. Everyone deals with things differently. Maybe food wasn't as much of a crutch for me as I thought. Maybe it is for someone else. Or maybe they thought this would be a lot easier than it is. Maybe they just did attain all the knowledge they should have. I do hope those struggling find peace and get excited for their new shot at life!
  11. Nicolanz

    Bizarre trend?

    It's probably the lifestyle change. It is hard but I personally was fully prepared and ready. I haven't really had any issues.
  12. 5 months out and lost 65 pounds with a month long stall and a 2 week stall. I'm the smallest I've ever been as an adult.
  13. Congratulations!!!! I'm almost right there with you! I'm 233 which I don't even remember the last time I was this weight!
  14. Nicolanz

    Stressed to the max! Off topic

    Thanks everyone! I haven't been emotional until today. I had a good cry and it's time to move forward. I look my beautiful children and loving husband who has been my rock and know the only choice I have is to keep my head up! Luckily, we have savings and we have opposite work schedules. Sharing a car for now is very doable. My world isn't over, it just shook quite a bit. My aunt's cancer was removed and we are optimistic about my uncle. A car is just a car and money is just money. You all are so sweet. Thank you!
  15. Ok maybe writing this down and possibly getting some words of encouragement will help me feel better! Since Christmas, my husband and I have taken quite a few unexpected financial hits. I mean one right after another! I have been so stressed due to having a new baby, work, school, and everything falling apart recently. But I've been managing. My cousin passed away of cancr in december, my uncle was diagnosed with cancer, and then my aunt. To top everything off, my car with only liability insurance was stolen the night before last! Yesterday all I wanted to do was eat! I don't know if I can handle all of this mess! My back is killing me and I have a test in microbiology in 2 hours! My mind is so foggy, I feel like I'm in a bad dream. Thanks for listening.
  16. Nicolanz

    Jean size target?

    My husband is 6' 155-160 and wears a 29-30. He's really skinny! Well, his upper body is really buff buthus waist ang legs are skinny. I know this is the man room but I thought it might help.
  17. Nicolanz

    What i have to put up with

    This is so hilarious!!!! Mine never admits he was asleep eother then goes right back to sleep!
  18. Nicolanz

    proudgrammy is proud!

    You look amazing!!!!! Congratulations!
  19. Nicolanz

    What i have to put up with

    I can't see videos but if its your man snoring, I feel your pain. I have to sleep facing away from my husband because he gets real close, mouth wide open, and snores in my face!
  20. Same here especially since I'm far from skinny! I've lost 63 pounds but still have at least 80 to go! I'm also having major body image issues. I still see myself as almost 300 pounds. I feel myself smaller but don't see it. Weird.
  21. Nicolanz

    before and after

    I'm 5 months out and haven't even lost 65 pounds yet! Great job! Congrats!
  22. Nicolanz

    Preop Diet Mood Swings

    Man, I would have never survived work and the preop diet! Luckily, I was on maternity leave!
  23. Nicolanz


    Same here! It also depends on the time of day as well for me.
  24. Maybe someone with a lot of adipose tissue naturally has more muscle as well due to carrying around all that weight. I'm just brainstorming here. I know you asked for factual data haha! I agree that oir bodies just do what it wants! There's no definite answer. That's why every nutritionist/doctor has a different theory on weight loss. No two bodies are the same.
  25. I think those with higher bmi have a higher resting metabolic rate. With more extra weight, they burn more calories. Of course this isn't the case with every single person. Our bodies are all different. I had a bmi of 46 but never drank soda or juice,rarely ate out, and tried to eat somewhat healthy but man, I could eat A LOT! I'm a somewhat slow loser now.

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