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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Nicolanz

  1. Nicolanz

    Question to veterans about scars

    I'm only 5 1/2 months out and my skin is so white it's almost translucent! So mine are very noticeable. But my friend is a yr and a half out and hers shrunk and are barely visible. I hope mine look like hers in the future.
  2. Nicolanz

    Words that should be banned from VST

    Even worse!
  3. Nicolanz

    Words that should be banned from VST

    Today is my 22 week surgiversary!!!!!
  4. If anyone is rude about your journey, we'll slam them!!! Haha. I'm curious too. I tried doing research on failed sleeves but couldn't find anything. Luckily it is working for me (down 70 lbs in 5 months). But if it didn't, I would like to know I'm not alone. Or maybe come to a conclusion as to why it wasn't working. We are all so different and have different struggles. I can't imagine it working for every single person.
  5. Counting calories sucks but is essential during weight loss. In my opinion anyway.
  6. Nicolanz

    Big Baby

    You are not a whiny baby at all! You're 4 days out! I felt like complete crap for about 3 weeks. The people I had surgery with felt fine by day 3. Not me. Not everyone has an easy recovery. It will pass. I hope you feel better soon!
  7. I looked on Amazon and they have tea and powder. Which one do you use?
  8. Before surgery I dieted all the time. Id get down to 240/250 then go right back up to 280/290. After surgery, once I hit 245, I stayed there for a month! Now a month later, I'm 231. It's normal to stall. Don't give up! The weight will come off.
  9. Nicolanz


    I'm so happy for you, Dean! It sounds like you are doing amazingly well!
  10. Nicolanz

    Please be honest...

    Yes! Everyday!
  11. Nicolanz


    That's like an hour and a half away from me! I didn't know there was a Huntsville state park, though. I'll have to check it out, thanks!
  12. Nicolanz


    Fiddleman, I believe you will be a weight loss/maintenance fanatic for life! I don't think I will be. So I'm trying to find something that I can maintain, ya know? I know I can't live without bread or rice haha.
  13. I've gone through a 2 week stall and a month long stall and I'm only 5 months out! But I've lost 65 pounds! So I'm happy.
  14. Nicolanz


    Y'all are so lucky to live somewhere cool! I'm in Houston with flat land covered in buildings! Haha. I wonder if anyone has gotten to goal eating no bread, rice, or pasta, then added them back in during maintenance. Did they keep the weight off? I've done no carb diets several times and as soon as I ate them again, I gained weight. For me, I know I can't live the rest of my life without those foods, so I never gave them up after surgery. I eat sandwiches, wraps, and grains. Try to stay away from white carbs but still have them every now and then. I agree with a previous poster, it's all about portion control and maintaining a way of eating forever.
  15. I'm 5 months out and eat 1000-1300 calories a day. I've lost 65 pounds. For yogurt I eat Chobani greek yogurt with fruit at the bottom. It has 120 cal and 14 g of Protein. The Dannon light and fit taste better but has artificial ingredients. I only snack between lunch and dinner and maybe after dinner if I have the calories. I don't eat anything packaged because of the sodium and preservatives. If you've eaten too much calories before dinner, shrimp or fish is very low in calories with lots of protein. Super fast and easy to make too. I got up to 1000 calories pretty fast after surgery. I've shocked my body enough before surgery with all the failed diets. I want to sustain a healthy lifestyle. Through trial and error you'll find what works for you.
  16. Nicolanz

    Someone is definitely looking after me!

    Yes! Nobody is in critical condition anymore, thank God. I just remembered that I was signed up for the 11 o'clock class because the teacher I wanted was full. I just happened to check again a week before classes started and he had an opening for 12 so I took it! The stabbing started at 11:20! God is good!
  17. When I pulled up to scool today, there were police cars, ambulances, people being pulled out on stretchers. There was a mass stabbing on the floor where my class is. Someone was running around with a box cutter slashing people's faces and necks. If I had been there 15 minutes earlier, that could have been me! I pray everyone is going to be okay. So scary!
  18. Nicolanz

    Someone is definitely looking after me!

    Thanks everyone. I feel so horrible for those attacked. I'm not sure what class but it started upstairs in the science building and he ran to other buildings as well is all I've heard. They locked down the school so I was stuck in the parking lot while my friends were updating me on Facebook.
  19. Nicolanz


    Donutology. That's hilarious!
  20. Yea, the lotto is based solely on luck and gastric sleeve results depend on you.
  21. I just want to add that eating healthy doesn't have to be expensive! Buying meat and produce may be more expensive than a frozen dinner but it can make more meals, so in the long run its cheaper. Crap food being cheaper isn't true. At least not where I shop. I don't buy anything "specialty " and get Protein from food, not shakes. As far as regretting surgery, I don't at all. I don't miss eating a ton and feeling like crap!
  22. Nicolanz


    I tried cereal last night with milk and it was very uncomfortable. I'm thinking maybe because of the liquid with solid food. I'll have to try it with Greek yogurt. Thanks!
  23. Nicolanz

    Proud of my wife!

    She's tiny! And oh so beautiful! Congratulations Mrs. Gman! You both look so happy. Y'all are my inspiration! I started at a size 22 as well.
  24. Nicolanz

    down 70

    Woohoo! Congratulations! You look great!

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