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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Nicolanz

  1. Nicolanz

    Waffling, Waffling, Waffling

    Also, right now the people you love are probably just concerned about the surgery itself. I went through this with my husband. After all was said and done and he saw that I survived, he was totally supportive. My parents on the other hand were always supportive and I only talked to them about my surgery pre op. It was hard not having my husband's approval, but I knew this was my only option for being successful. Now that I'm almost 6 months out, I'm at complete peace with my decision and I'd do it again in a heartbeat. I wish I would have done it at 246 as well.....that's around the weight I'd always get to before I blew up to 280-290. I started at 296 and am 226 today!
  2. Nicolanz

    Upset when others eat bad

    Growing up, my mom would always make snide remarks about my plate and what I was eating. I think it was a big contributer of why I've been fat all of my life. Unfortunately, no matter how much you care for someone, nobody likes to be told how to live especially when it comes to eating. I'm sure you and the calorie police poster are not telling anybody anything they don't already know. I agree with John, just focus on yourself. That's the only person you are responsible for. (Unless you have kids of course). Good luck!
  3. Nicolanz

    Unhappy Camper

    I have no idea what could cause this but it doesn't seem right. How long ago did they fix your stomach? Have you thought about getting a second opinion?
  4. Nicolanz

    WLS and genetics

    What about when a child inherits a trait from grandparents? Like, my son is a redhead but neither me or my husband is but my grandmother and MIL is. If obesity runs in the family, your child could still be predisposed to being overweight, yeah?
  5. Nicolanz

    I am now a master farter!

    Chris!!!!! Omg that was funny!
  6. Nicolanz

    Waffling, Waffling, Waffling

    This is tough because, for me, I've lost a lot of weight several times on my own only to gain it all back! With my pattern, I'd still have the surgery. If you have been obese for a long time, statistics say I believe only 10% of people will lose weight and keep it off. Crazy right? Not saying you won't be successful, but something to think about. With every weight gain came depression and absolute loss of control. Right now, I'm smaller than I've ever been as an adult! I had my surgery 5 1/2 months ago. I'm happier than I've ever been and have no fear of gaining the weight back! Good luck with whatever you choose and you are doing an amazing job!
  7. Nicolanz

    I am now a master farter!

    Haha this made me spit my coffe out!
  8. Nicolanz


    Yay! Congratulations! That's usually when I lose a pant suze, when I stall. Go figure lol
  9. Nicolanz

    No will power!

    I have days like this too. As a matter of fact, I just got done sharing a serving of ice cream with my son! Its that time of month and I enjoyed every bite!
  10. And for the first time in my life, I'm not totally disgusted looking at myself in the salon mirror! As a matter of fact, I barely recognize myself. I think I may actually be attractive. Eeeeee new emotions!
  11. Nicolanz

    Should You Eat High-Protein Products?

    I stopped protein shakes about 2 months ago and get about 60-80 g of protein from food. For me, it's sped up my weight loss. Plus I can't stand them!
  12. Nicolanz


    Does anyone have a good meatball recipe?
  13. Nicolanz

    Hi. My name is...

    Me too! That got me thinking and maybe I should start a new thread for those debating on whether or not they should self pay. But, I've saved a lot of money with the sleeve! Going out to eat used to be around 300 a month. That's 3600 a year! My grocery bill has gone down about 30 a week. That's 360 a yr. Who knows what I've waisted on diet fads. I've always taken vitamins so that wasn't an extra expense. Being fat is expensive!
  14. Nicolanz

    Hi. My name is...

    I wonder how much money I've spent on diet pills in my lifetime. Probably thousands of dollars!
  15. Wow Wow woweeee! You are so beautiful! You were actually my inspiration to get sleeved. I saw one of your post while pre op and said, " yup, I'm doing this!" Congratulations!
  16. Nicolanz

    Anyone in college?

    I did my surgery in the middle of the semester and it was difficult to keep focused but doable. I had a newborn too so I think you'll be alright! Good luck!
  17. Nicolanz

    Getting my hair did!

    Yes! Exactly and the shorter they cut my hair the fatter my face looked! Nope, not today!
  18. Nicolanz

    Getting my hair did!

    I'm at work on my phone so I can't see pics but I'll look when I get home. I'm sure you look fabulous dahling! My hair looks the same as my pic it's me that looks different!!
  19. She didn't ask for suggestions on whether or not to drink alcohol, is the thing. If you think you're adult enough to tell another adult she should abstain from alcohol, "you should be adult enough to handle various feedback." And mature enough to not mock people with your blah blah blahs.
  20. I think she wants to drink alcohol hence her question about alcohol options not alternatives. I'm sure not everyone who drinks a cocktail turns into a drunken mess.
  21. I drink vodka and fruit punch crystal light. Maybe you can bring crystal light and just get vodka shots.
  22. Nicolanz

    My insensitive coworker

    That lady is a beeeeotch! I've seen 330 in the scale before too. I was so depressed and unhappy. What a rude and immature thing to say! Never confide in her again! I would just keep it a "hi and bye" relationship from now on.
  23. Nicolanz


    I started off with zucchini and carrots. Brussel sprouts almost killed me haha! I can eat them now!
  24. Nicolanz

    Words that should be banned from VST

    That's why we love you!
  25. Nicolanz


    My cousin usually runs in that Marathon. His time is 2 hrs and 45 minutes so he would have been one of the first to cross the finish line with his babies waiting for him there. I'm so thankful he didn't go this year! My heart aches for those people. How scary that this could happen anywhere!

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