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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by LaraNicole

  1. LaraNicole

    Anyone in the Austin Area?

    there is going to be a support group dinner ALL WELCOME at 6:30 at the TGI Friday's in LaFrontera Plaza in Round Rock next Wednesday. This is the CenTex Bandsters normal monthly support group dinner. You can join the yahoo users group anytime too. Just google CenTex Bandsters. We akways meet the 2nd Weds of each month there.
  2. LaraNicole

    I won't follow the herd any more...

    Susan, thank you so much. I hope you are doing well and that the pain your family endured earlier this year is getting better.
  3. LaraNicole

    I won't follow the herd any more...

    Hi Michelle, Thank you! I know there is a ton more to the Sandy thing, but one thing I kept seeing on here was the coat thing and I though that was the silliest thing she has been accused of. I am over the Sandy fight, but I know you have a vested interest in it being a nurse. I understand your point of view on this. I just chose to no longer participate in the whole issue.
  4. LaraNicole

    I won't follow the herd any more...

    This is my first post here and I am probably going to get flamed, but in light of all I read here regarding LBT and their treatment of others fairly maybe I won't be flamed. Yes, I did "call out" Lauren on a thread on OH several months ago. This came right after the "Coven" banter was going around. Everyone was questing whether Lauren and Kabuki were the same person or if they were in fact Dee. What I did was ask this publicly of Lauren. Then she was gone. I have had a several chances since then to speak with Wasa(Kabucki). I have found our communication to be very open and and I have thanked her for talking to me. We discussed several things from who she is and the sockpuppets and she helped when Dee came back. She also talked to me regarding my thyroid cancer and I think our last discussion was on calories, I think. Before these conversations I did not know her and I feel grateful for her honesty with me. I have also not jumped into the fray against her on OH over the whole Sandy issue. On that note I will let you know how I feel regarding this issue. For a long time I had problems with Sandy. We often clashed when it came to medical info regarding vitamins because she claimed that bandsters could not be deficient - when I was. Chelle knows about all this because I would tell her how upset I was with Sandy. Did I do a whole 360 on her and decide that I just loved her...NO. Do I trust what she says or do I ask my own dr. or luck up information for myself, yes. OK, so why did I get angry at Wendell over Sandy? I didn't at first. Wendell and I were very good friends and if you need PMs to prove this I can send them. I really really liked him tremendously and Chelle can prove this as well because I told her how good of friends we were. What happened? Well, he starting making fun of several friends of mine mainly Christine N. and I personally asked him to stop. He said no. Right after this he began his attack on Sandy. I stayed out of it for a while because I didn't support either side, but then I just got mad at him. Why? I dunno and I wish I had just stayed out of . I think I was hurt that our friendship had meant so little to him. Did you know that the night before my thyroid cancer surgery he was the one person that calmed me down enough to sleep that night? Anyway, I did some petty things or typed some rather. BUT, it was not because I just thought everything Sandy said was right there were a few things he was saying that I thought were wrong. He posted about eating candy and drinking shakes and losing weight and I just thought that was not right, but alas I should have stayed out of it. Why should I care? So this leads me to asking Wendell for prove about Sandy. He posted that anyone could ask for prove and he would give it. He never said if you do this I will post it all over my myspace account. That was not fair. And yes, I got mad at him. I think anyone would. And until today until I read what Dr. Neal's office sent I did not see anything that terribly wrong. Who really cares if she stole a coat, not that I condone coat stealing, but really now. I do not like the email she was circulating about Wendell and I did not see that until today either. I wish he had sent me that when I asked for prove. I think that puts her in a precarious situation and she should not have done that. And that is my honest opinion. Now, I am pregnant and very high risk. I have dr appts every other week and they poke and prode and are trying to keep this baby in. So far everything looks awesome. Although I have had quite a bit of pain on the right side of my neck recently and am scheduled for another ultrasound to check that out. The dr. told me that they wouldn't do a biopsy while I was pregnant, but WTH? it could be more cancer so I am kinda scared about that. SO that is what is going on with me. I barely post on OH any more because I am alseep alot and busy the rest of the time. Lauren - I am sorry for whatever pain I caused you and I wish you had not left OH so that I could have talked to you then. I know you think I am a pyscho bitch, but I hope you won't think of me that way some day. I hold no ill will towards you at all. Once I got to talk to Wasa everything made a lot more sense to me. I am just sorry that you got caught up in any of the mess. At that time there was a lot of paranoia regarding Dee/Vicki. Wendell from the bottom of my heart I thank you for the story you told me that helped me through my surgery. It was truly a Godsend that night. I hope you all see this in the intention it is being sent. I could have kept quiet and never said a word, but I want you all to know how I feel instead of just speculating about it from time to time. Thank you for the chance to get this all out. LaraNicole

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