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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by lizv123

  1. Took a fairly new medication called Nucynta. Would've been a miracle drug for my fibro but I had a horrible reaction : Central Nervous System Depression. Does anyone know how this will text with anesthia? I'll absolutely talk to my surgeon about it but I know there are a few sets of medically trained eyes floating around this forum thanks!
  2. lizv123

    Bye Bye Nicotone!

    And yay for us for quitting!!
  3. lizv123

    Bye Bye Nicotone!

    I got a magic bullet and have been making my own. I was really afraid of gaining so I've been really extra careful about what I'm eating. And when I get hungry from cigarette cravings I just drink Water or tea
  4. lizv123

    I Hate It When People Misuse "literally"!

    We do not "warsh" the dishes. We WASH them! And another one I hear far too often is "ustacould." I cain't tie my shoes without runnin' outta breath like I ustacould.
  5. lizv123

    Bye Bye Nicotone!

    5 days! Whoop whoop! Between not smoking and fresh fruit smoothies for breakfast I'm feeling pretty good
  6. lizv123

    Hair Loss

    Wen made my limp hair limp and oily. If anyone's going that route look for it as a trade on makeup alley or another site. I'm always broke lol so test first! I was made I wasted my money. It worked well on my ferret though, and the girls I babysit loved it for their dolls.
  7. lizv123

    I Hate It When People Misuse "literally"!

    I'm in Southern Indiana (redneck haven) and something that drives me batty is when people say "ideal" instead of "idea." Also when "can't" is pronounced "caint." But my FAVORITE thing I've learned from my very southern family is this: nothing is insulting if it's started or ended with "bless his heart..."
  8. lizv123

    Scared Out If My Mind

    My big fear is never leaving the OR. I have horrible anxiety, and I've been put under three times before but never really cut on except my mouth. For some reason this is scary to me even though my surgeon was a vascular surgeon before he started bariatrics.
  9. Thinking of you honey. I'm so glad they admitted you and are taking this seriously! Keep is posted. I'm Liz btw. I hope you got some pain relief!
  10. lizv123

    Group Message Boards

    Alex said they're not available yet on mobile and that's what I've been using. You?
  11. lizv123

    Is It Reflux?

    This is very true! I'm pre op and get the occasional reflux flare at night after I take my meds. I try to take them and stay propped up in bed for 30-45 minutes (watch tv, read, get on here lol) so the pills can make it to my stomach and start to take effect. Even then it sometimes still bothers me and I'll take a Pepcid or Prevacid. If I can't force myself to stay awake that long I use and extra pillow and sleep on my left side. If you lay on your left your "esophageal flap" (I don't know the medical term) stays sealed.
  12. lizv123

    How Long Did You Wait To.......

    Amen! He better be showing ME some love!
  13. lizv123

    Hair Loss

    I went to Paul Mitchell the School and I can tell you, nothing will stop your hair from falling out. The reason most of use lose so much is the increased estrogen in our systems that gets released from stored fat. All you can do is maintain the hair you have until the loss stops. It should grow back 1. Biotin will help keep your surviving hair stay strong 2. Do NOT shampoo everyday, always use conditioner, and use a detangling comb instead of a brush; as a brush causes more tension and results in breakage. 3. Keep up your Protein and Iron. 4. Avoid heated styling tools. Irons, dryers (I dry on the cool setting) and ALWAYS use a thermal protectant! 5. Styling products are harsh, never sleep with heavy hair spray/gel on, it can snap your healthy hair like a twig. 6. Daily scalp massages keep the follicles stimulated, 5 minutes can relax you AND benefit your future and current hair 7. You want to put nutrients directly back into your scalp. I had pink hair for months, bleaching biweekly, and I used Clear hair and scalp therapy from WalMart with much success! 8. If you don't use salon quality products, go cheap. Herbal Essence, TreSeme, Garnier, etc are full of beeswax and animal placenta and put stress on the follicle stunting growth and sometimes stopping it completely, if you're gonna go cheap, go suave! It's basic and does the job 9. Tight styles, ponytails, braids, headbands, etc cause breakage and excess shedding. 10. Find a style that masks your loss (shorter styles usually look good) And don't fret! It should come back with time. In the mean time just own it and if anyone asks chalk it up to hormones
  14. lizv123

    Closing Account

    LOL! I like the way you think!
  15. Yay! Good job Donny I'm happy to hear this (I'n still pre op) congrats on the healthier you!
  16. lizv123

    Closing Account

    Butter? Are you crazy?! As a fan on numbers I am offended! How dare you change the number that defines everything I am! You're breaking my little brain! Bahahaha ok I'm done being a b@&$! It's just so easy from behind the keyboard!
  17. lizv123

    Closing Account

    Nameless? My name is Liz. And that picture is my face. If anonymity makes people act differently than they would in real life what does that say about you? I know I'm me keyboard or not. Me in real life would say you're being ridiculous coming back here. You've been told your account can't be deleted so just stop logging in. Internet me says :"You're being ridiculous coming back here. You've been told your account can't be deleted so just stop logging in."
  18. I'm so glad to hear that! I know it can't fix all the gas pain but I'm certainly willing to give it a try. Sounds like you're having a pretty good recovery?
  19. lizv123

    Closing Account

    Numbers got me here in this physical state of being morbidly obese. And numbers will pull me out. I had to have certain numbers to qualify for surgery. I'd like to live a number of years more than what's projected for me now. I'd like to have a number of kids and what them grow for a number years.
  20. lizv123

    Bowel Prep From Hell

    My stomach hurts thinking about it. I haven't heard anything from my surgeon about bowel prep but I will most definitely be asking my nut next week! If that's the case I need a hotel room lol we only have 1 toilet in my house
  21. lizv123

    Bowel Prep From Hell

    3 bottles of mag citrate?! Omg!!!! That's more than what's required for a colonoscopy! Actually 3 times a much. Holy cow.
  22. I've also heard a lot of women start their monthly right before or after surgery, so a few precautionary feminine hygiene items will be in my bag AND at home just in case. I also plan to have 4 extra days worth of clear liquid diet stuff around just in case I have trouble moving on to stage 2. I'd hate to HAVE to go out just to buy stinking' broth!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
