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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by lizv123

  1. The exhaustion from fibro alone is bad, I can't imagine that with apnea :/ my ex's mother has ms and fibro and lyrics works wonder for her. She gained a little weight but it was worth it for her. What meds did they give you? I've heard good things about Cymbalta, and Nucynta was to be my miracle drug, but I was in the tiny percentage that had CNS depression. Keep fighting! We're here for you. I know it's exhausting being the squeaky wheel but it's so worth it in the end, I'm sure this is no exception
  2. I have pretty severe fibro. Like Iggy, Lyrica made me gain about 50 pounds and barely worked. Not to mention even WITH insurance was ridiculously expensive. I feel your fibro pain to an incredible degree. I also have had adverse reactions to most meds so the only thing that even helps is an opiate. I do NOT wish this for you or anyone. I'm not yet sleeved but I can definitely help you with fibro support. I'm sorry you're dealing with this :/
  3. No that's why it blew my mind! I have a high tolerance for medication but this stuff knocked me out. Not like NyQuil, but it worked. Their slogan is "slow your roll"
  4. My step brother used to sell a drink called "drank." it contains both. I drank it once and it harpooned me to the floor! I'd try it good luck!
  5. lizv123

    B12 Shots

    I used to get weekly b6 b12 shots. I got my first one in my arm. NEVER AGAIN! That thing stung for 2 days! Go for the hip! That only stings for a few minutes
  6. lizv123

    Tattoo? Did Yours Change Post Op?

    I had a scar migrate. It was a big deep burn on top of my shoulder. I lost weight after a head injury (about 80lbs) and that scar moved to just above my elbow. I've gained all that weight back... Scar's still chilling above the elbow :S
  7. lizv123

    Notifications Won't Stop!

    It's driving me crazy!! But I'll admit, it makes me feel important lol
  8. Have any of you tried melatonin or rose hips?
  9. lizv123

    I Did It! Before/after Pics

    I never thought I could do a 5k, and I think the only way I would try is for a zombie run
  10. lizv123


    You'll be more scared if you don't go and it gets worse. Sounds like you really need to work on fluids. But first go to the dr!
  11. lizv123


    Why would you get in trouble? What did they say last time?
  12. lizv123


    Call your dr and really try to get your fluids. It sounds like dehydration is definitely one problem but there could totally be more
  13. lizv123


    Exactly! That's what doctors are for
  14. lizv123


    A lot of your symptoms are that of dehydration. Have you tried broth? Gatorade? juice? Any Fluid?
  15. lizv123

    Tattoo Ides?

    I plan on a scale! Not sure what to put "in" the scale but it's symbolic to me. And my fiancé is a libra so I don't have to explain it to anyone if I don't wanna. I'm hoping it'll be an awesome rib piece
  16. lizv123

    Breast Cancer

    Props to you both! I've had cervical cancer and a lump removed from my breast but have never gone through intense treatments. Just a mild procedure followed by a boat of meds. Truly, I cut up a lot but you two have SO much of my respect! Tough broads I love it! You give me hope
  17. I had this problem last year for no reason. I'm nut yet sleeved. Tried 3 doses of dulcolax, 4 glycerine suppositories with no luck. Then my mother gave me an enema. I sat for an HOUR before it worked...I thought I was dying! I kid you not, a baseball sat in the bowl. My mom called me a baby for crying until she saw it. Never again. If I don't go once a day I freak out. And since I've recently stopped smoking it's worse. I recommend keeping suppositories on hand, taking fiber everyday and a mild stool softener and the smooth move tea really works! Just don't take it at night. The best and funniest advice I ever got from my ex's mother: "Never take a laxative and sleeping pill at the same time..."
  18. lizv123

    Scared Out If My Mind

    I think if I had to pick fields for transfer vascular would be my first I trust my surgeon very much. I just always seem to be in that small percent that has adverse side effects to everything! Mostly why I voted against roux-en-y. Such a high risk for SEVERE dumping that NEVER goes away. No thank you, my options are better here

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
