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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by lizv123

  1. In Cosemetology school and with my clients I've seen and been taught first-hand that excessive washing WILL break and further damage hair. Every other day is a perfectly healthy washing schedule. In fact, recommended by for the upkeep of thin and damaged hair. ESPECIALLY if you're using some craptastic pharmacy shampoo. The placenta and wax in those are more damaging than natural oil could ever be.
  2. lizv123


    Ssssh! Don't mention the B word! I'm mourning beer. Nothing said fun more than hanging out with my friends, playing Xbox after a jam session and drinking a Killian's with my buddies Or a log hike in the woods, then watching the game and sipping a cheap ole PBR! Sad times for a beer lover. I may have to end up switching to a wine lover. Iggy, does Boone's Farm count? Lol
  3. lizv123

    November Sleevesters?

    I'm having discomfort under my left breast that turns to a sharp pain when I take a deep breath. I also have costochondritis but it's been a long time since I've had a flare up. I'm 10 days out. Help? The pain isn't bad, just in a concerning place. I also had a sharp pain that roamed around last night on my right side/abdomen, that's where my biggest incision is too. Guess I'm just nervous. Advice would be awesome!
  4. lizv123


    Carbonation isn't a good idea so early on. And I doubt you could even stomach a glass or two. *maybe* a couple sips before you get sick.
  5. It's normal for a sleeve patient to initially lose 30-40% of their hair. It's gonna happen. No miracle shampoo or cure. The only thing to help is to stick with your vitamins and protein before it starts to fall out. Otherwise you bite the bullet and just wait for it to grow back
  6. I'll keep this short. Hairloss is inevitable. The only thing you can help is the hair that doesn't fall out and prevent total loss.
  7. Day 4 lol. I have 3 weeks before solids but it's pretty much whatever I can tolerate.
  8. lizv123

    Why No Babies? :(

    Didn't mean to scare you, doll. But I had this surgery so I could have children someday. So I did extensive research in pregnancy post sleeve. I also work with special needs children/adults. While they're all amazing and I love them all, I see how taxed the parents are at times, with good reason. It's worth the doubled birth control and year or so wait. Trust me.
  9. lizv123

    Bbq Chicken

    Why don't you embark closer to my house then everything looks good! I like the pictures, I'm very visual. Keep up the healthy recipes!
  10. lizv123

    Tmi - Color Of Poop

    It's because digestion is taking place lower in your system. It DOES have to do with bile production but only because our stomachs are so much smaller and food passes into our intestines faster. You should be just fine. But if it really freaks you out, all your doc
  11. lizv123

    Bbq Chicken

    You have made me hungry for the last 3 nights! Lol
  12. Well I had a rough vomiting episode and didn't support my side enough and pulled some muscles so I'm sore, but other than that not bad
  13. It's been just one week since my surgery and I don't feel full either unless I eat fairly quickly :/ let me know what your nut says! Also, I can get decaf tea down soooo much easier and faster than plain water!
  14. lizv123

    Scared And Nervous

    I was TERRIFIED! I knew I was gonna die on the table. Just knew it. The morning of surgery everything moved so fast and my family was there I was back in the OR before I could think about panicking. Before they put my mask on I asked my nurse, Will, if he'd tell my family I loved them then I woke up in recovery making fun of my dad's age so they say. Don't be too nervous! It's pretty easy.
  15. lizv123

    Why No Babies? :(

    What Gamer said. ^ And avoiding pregnancy has very little to do with "losing weight first." For the first 12-24 months after surgery if you conceive there is a high risk for neural tube defects. Be safe. Double up on birth control, one method isn't enough.
  16. lizv123

    Strech Stomach

    Do a search on this site for Diva's boot camp!
  17. lizv123

    Strech Stomach

    Making yourself vomit will do lots of damage. How much do you eat in a sitting?
  18. lizv123

    Strech Stomach

    You need to measure your portions then and cut back on sizes.
  19. I just made a peanut butter chocolate shake and didn't like it one bit! Couldnt bring myself to finish it. I'm hoping the other flavors I bought are doable
  20. lizv123

    Sex... Oh My God... Sex!

    Spoken like a true fellow Hoosier freak!
  21. lizv123

    Ok Ladies Level With Me Here ... Gas?

    I have yet to have gas problems from below, but I cannot stop burping! In the hospital any time I'd try to answer a nurse I'd burp mid sentence. My mom thinks its hilarious and keeps commenting on what a lady I am...I heard her in her sleep in the hospital! Toot town. The nurses heard too lol
  22. lizv123


    Surprisingly, they didn't weigh me! I was shocked by this lol
  23. lizv123

    Cold Medicine

    Any Tylenol or theraflu. Just avoid NSAIDs

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
