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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by lizv123

  1. lizv123

    Indiana Sleevers

    Hoosiers in the house!! I'm from Scott County Indiana glad to see some more local faces!
  2. lizv123


    Sannah this sounds awful but I hope you're at the hospital! Hoping they've made you more comfortable, love. I understand your fear of the hospital but you're husband can see more of your pain than we can. Please listen to him! Super hug from Indiana <3
  3. The hair loss is caused from excessive estrogen that enters your system from fat cells. I use Clear scalp therapy shampoo and have lost no hair. But that could also be from losing slow. Avoid: heated styling tools, sleeping with styling products in your hair, pulling it back, excessive shampooing, products containing too much wax, the list goes on. I went to Paul Mitchell the School, if any of you have questions on prevention or styling options for thinning hair, pm me. And remember! It'll grow back eventually!
  4. lizv123


    I still am having leak related complications. I understand your frustration but you have such a great mindset, Sannah! Did your doc have you on actigall post op? You can do this!!!
  5. I vomit and was sleeved in November and dry heave almost every day. BUT I've never gotten sick from eating too fast or too much. No dumping, no sliming. Just vomit from sinus drainage :/ A little tip from one of my nurses: if you feel "stuck" drink a bit of meat tenderizer and Water. About a teaspoon of tenderizer with just enough water to liquefy it. It breaks up the "plug."
  6. lizv123


    Sorry I've been absent. I stopped getting updates for some reason. Anyway, happy for your progress!!!
  7. lizv123


    Iggy saved my sanity during my leak fiasco. 3 weeks strict NPO on TPN.... Eek. You can message me if you want dear, I know it's hard and there are so many issues other than the leak itself. You can do this! Just follow your instructions to a T
  8. ^Exactly. It took me about 2 weeks to feel it and another week and a half to diagnose it. In that time the hospital asked me 3 times if I wanted to be read my last rites...rights?.. I dunno I'm not a religious person. In that time I developed pneumonia and a partially collapsed lung. Either way you look at it, this is a major surgery. Not everyone makes mistakes, I almost died before I got the chance and nothing will keep you on track like a near death experience. Also, I didn't have any typical leak symptoms. I had chest pain. No fever, the only nausea I had was from the pain meds they tried to give me to fix it. If you've made a mistake, and are still concerned, call your doctor. Any surgeon worth a damn has a number for somebody on call. Explain the situation and see what they say. And it's not the portions that are the problem, it's the food itself. A tiny piece of something "solid" (as small as a seed from a strawberry) can get stuck in your suture line, start an abscess, and pry apart your staples. Your stomach has no pain receptors, so if you feel it at all it will be felt as nausea. I have to ask though, you did restock on Protein drinks, broth, ect before the storm right?
  9. I'm from Scott County. About 45 minutes north of Louisville, KY. Anyone close?
  10. lizv123

    Getting Sleeved 1-29-13

    Everyone has 1 incision more sore than the others and that's the one they pull your stomach out of. But a pulled internal isn't anything to really worry about, it just adds a bit to your healing time. Ice/heat and pain killers. And the internal stitches usually cause a burning feeling. You should be fine
  11. lizv123

    playing with cigarettes

    I have a friend who works in the lab, and she told me pre op it can take anywhere from one week to a month depending on frequency and kidney function.
  12. lizv123

    Urgent care

    I miss the bubble commercials they had when I was younger!
  13. lizv123

    Urgent care

    Paxil sucks! Everything said above is right. Prozac, Paxil, Wellbutrin, Cymbalta, Effexor ALL made me suicidal :/ I can only take SSRIs which are said to be better for anxiety with depression since they don't "hype you up" like NSRIs (I think?) SSRIs like Zoloft, Celexa, Lexapro, Trazadone, etc "even you out." I've done my years of psych meds and therapy. If you have any questions let me know!
  14. lizv123

    Urgent care

    You're more patient than me. I already would've thrown a fit
  15. lizv123

    Urgent care

    Ha I'm glad to hear you're leak free! Hopefully they get you all fixed up soon. I worry about you! Happy you've got a good surgeon that knows what she's doing!
  16. lizv123

    Urgent care

    My goodness how am I just seeing this? So sorry to hear you're hurting, love I know how scary it is. Bloodwork wouldn't diagnose a leak. A CT would show an abscess, a barium swallow would show a leak, even an upper GI would. Are you on something for anxiety? I know when my chest hurts, I freak out and it makes the whole situation worse. Keep us updated, dear!
  17. lizv123


    I had BA chewables and they made me sick. I thought about the capsules but we'd have to take 6-12 a day and I can't handle THAT many pills at once. I started Flintstones complete (with Iron.) it's on my ok'd list of Vitamins and I plan on taking it for awhile until I find a decent alternative. They're still gross but NOTHING compared to BA...blech. Make sure you take your vitamins with food and I hope you find an alternative that works for you!
  18. lizv123

    Going no 2 and mucous

    I had it and just chalked it up to the healing process. Mine cleared up, but it certainly wouldn't hurt to check with your dr
  19. lizv123


    Agreed Pookey. There's just one or two OBVIOUS trolls that haven't offered any advice whatsoever that I just don't want to see

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
