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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by lizv123

  1. lizv123

    Puree Stage - Recipe/ideas

    Oh honey, that first bite of anything that's not bland will make your stomach make sounds like a whale and your taste buds dance in jubilation
  2. lizv123

    Too soon to try?

    My surgeon recommends waiting 18-24 months minimum to try and conceive. The risk of neural tube defects are very high before then after sleeve. My surgeon says to use 2 forms of birth control because post sleevers are very fertile, due to the excess estrogen released when shedding fat cells. I plan on waiting. Not for my sake, but for my future children.
  3. lizv123

    Mirena IUD ?

    I got pregnant with Mirena and had an extremely painful/ prolonged miscarriage. The first trip to the ER in April (went because I was bleeding a few days after 3 positive at home tests) they said it was likely a "chemical pregnancy" which they described as a "tiny miscarriage." I counted my losses and moved on with life. Later that summer I had horrible stomach pains and thought I was constipated so I ran to the bathroom thinking I was finally going to pass something. I sat there for about half an hour in extreme pain that got worse each time I tried to stand up. My cell phone was on the floor, I dialed 911 with my toes. I ended up 'delivering' something that didn't look like a baby. In the ER they said it was in fact a fetus that had been deceased for about 4-6 weeks. The initial pregnancy test in the ER came back with bad results from the Mirena. That was the last straw. Mirena was a nightmare for me for plenty of other reasons. Also, my ex's sister in law got pregnant with her Mirena. Her daughter was fine. I suggest Micronor, the depo shot, or some other low/no estrogen option. I no longer have periods with my pill and still have all my hair. Our hair loss is largely attributed to super high estrogen levels post op. I learned that when Mirena made my hair fall out, and grow out of my face!
  4. That's the day I'm waiting for! Hopefully we'll get there before we know it!
  5. Very similar. I actually prefer them because they're not quite as sugary sweet and don't leave the same taste on my tongue the BA do. I mostly went their because they're cheaper in the long run. About the same price per bag that lasts twice as long. They have chocolate, too. Now if they would just make lemon, I'd be one happy camper
  6. My doctor also said gummies work temporarily but they haven't worked very long for any of his patients. Also, I started the BA calcium chews and my doctor pointed me to GNC. They have Carmel's chews that are 1000 mg. so I only have to chew half as much! Worth looking into
  7. lizv123

    Sex... Oh My God... Sex!

    Thanks darlin'!
  8. Chapstick and gas-x strips!
  9. lizv123

    Puree recipes

    Haha I looked for so many recipes before purée stage, and used a few, but trust me: EVERYTHING tastes amazing when you can have food again And keep in mind: puréed food looks a but like cat vomit. Don't focus on the appearance. Just enjoy I managed to get the most use out of puréed egg salad and chicken salad. High in Protein, and aside from the texture, pretty close to "normal" food
  10. The sleeve won't work for some. Those people don't follow rules. They don't get their protein, fluids, and don't exercise! Don't worry much about the scale. I'm a slow loser but that's better than a gainer! Just keep doing what you're supposed to be and you'll be fine. Just remember how long it took to gain so much weight!
  11. It has been months since my leak but I randomly woke up thinking about my NG tube. They had oxygen in my nose at the same time! How huge does my nostril get?! I still get some blood from that nostril and it's very sensitive to cold air or wind gusts but thought I'd post a place for people to vent about their devil tube
  12. lizv123

    Loose Skin.

    Exercise is VERY important to keep the flabby skin at bay. Tone tone tone!
  13. It's awful! I catch myself telling my fiancé to slow down every time he eats! He's good with proportions but the speed...yikes! And what really irks me is seeing parents put way too much food on their children's plates and tell them they have to eat it all. The "clean plate" theory works for me if you dish out normal portions, but that's how I ended up with such a weight problem! It hurts me to see kids being taught the wrong way to eat.
  14. I really can't emphasize 2 things enough. 1.) The more popular the sleeve becomes, the more people will rush into it and regret it because they weren't really ready for the lifelong commitment. 2.) Low energy SUCKS! And in the first month or two you are hyper aware of it but you get used to it and when you're not paying attention you'll randomly realize "holy crap I haven't done this since before surgery!" If you float around this site you'll see tons of people with more energy a few months post-op than they've had in years. Hang tight fresh sleevers, take your supplements, get in your Protein and Water, keep exercising, and before you know it everything is second nature and you'll e well on your way to a healthier, smaller you!
  15. My sleeve was November 19 it 20...I can't really remember. But I wasn't out of the hospital until early January so that's when I count from. I actually GAINED weight the month I was in the hospital and couldn't eat or drink. TPN's a mother haha
  16. lizv123

    Loose Skin.

    So much of the skin has to do with genetics, weight history, etc. it's very hard to predict! I'm only down 50ish lbs and my arms are wobbly :/ I've tried dry brushing, I exercise, and all the junk that's recommended. Plastics may be in my future but the loose skin is worth the new level of good health I haven't, however, tried taking collagen supplements. This thought came to me when driving to the dentist earlier. I have no idea if it would help, but worth looking into
  17. Don't worry, EVERYONE goes through this. I'm a slow loser and had a leak. Talk about regret. But it's normal. And so are stalls. Just keep doing what you're doing and in a few weeks start exercising! It's all about the new lifestyle, if you don't commit to healthier choices, your commitment to surgery won't be worth it. But to be getting so much protein and by keeping on keepin' on, you're headed for success! I felt like I'd never get my energy back but when I least expected it I was back to almost normal
  18. I'm not quite six months out and can eat a little bit of anything with no problem. I will tell you I'm not as disappointed with myself as I was in the beginning but I HATE eating around people because the amount of food they ingest, the unhealthy choices, and the speed at which they shovel it in their mouths disgusts me and I'm sickened by the fact I used to do that. :/
  19. lizv123

    New and so nervous

    My mom's a teacher and had her surgery over winter break and went back with no problems
  20. She actually didn't specify. Something with the natural oils in the seed I'm guessing. I know it certainly does keep me regular (almost daily bm) and its much healthier in the long run than prolonged use of chemical softeners. I'm not by any means one who eats "clean." But I read up on flax seed and figured why not the healthier alternative?
  21. I wouldn't because your body can get too used to it. And once you stop talk about constipation. A fiber supplement may help. I still swear by flax seed so many health benefits

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