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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by lizv123

  1. lizv123

    What to Expect After Surgery

    On liquids I consumed a ton of the following: G2 Isopure (which is great for Protein and I attribute early protein to part of my hair retention but they taste awful. If you freeze them to a slushy point they're tolerable. The initial taste isn't thy bad but once you swallow, yech!) sugar free Popsicles unjury chicken flavored protein (it's like chicken broth) Chicken noodle soup sans noodles (tasted better than regular broth to me) Bariatric Advantage makes a protein vegetable soup. I believe it's Kerogen X or something similar. (I still keep a few packets around in case I have a cold/flu and can't stomach protein shakes) I bought unflavored Protein Powder from GNC that doesn't have the temperature restrictions most do and added it to any broth I ate. Milk chocolate milk (with a tiny bit of chocolate syrup and a scoop of chocolate protein powder) Water+vanilla protein powder+ orange crystal light (tastes like a dreamsicle. I still drink this right after a work out) I made SF Jello with isopure and Water just to get some protein in. Sugar free DECAF sweet tea. Lots of people eat sf jello and broth. I hate jello and broth tasted TERRIBLE to me post op. I recommend no stocking up on a bunch pre op. I still have broth and extra isopure I just couldn't stand the taste of post op. There are a lot of options in Popsicles I loved them.
  2. lizv123

    Low blood sugar?

    Unless you have dumping, I think protocol for a low is about the same as it was pre op. I used to have to get an immediate sugar source to initially get it back up (honey, sugar, piece of candy, etc) and then eat something with more complex carbs (fruit, muffin, etc) to keep it up. The only difference now would be choosing a healthier complex sugar. If you have a drop, a spoonful of sugar certainly won't ruin your diet or sleeve, but it does wake up the part carb craving part of your brain. My mom would often do honey and a banana and it worked well for her. I'm allergic to latex so bananas are a no go for me, but I've met lots of people in support group and just in life that eat peanut butter then a banana. It's healthy, peanut butter has some iron and lots of protein! Unfortunately my drops/dropped fast so I need a quickly absorbed sugar. Either way, it's not a huge deal post op. My number of occurances has dropped tremendously. But I do keep glucotabs and glucopacks just in case
  3. I love this idea! I have pretty sever fibro and sometimes I can't even lift my little dogs (one 7lbs and one 13-15lbs.). I've been scared about a crib for years! Even with the sides dropped, on a bad day I couldn't do it. Not with newborns/smaller babies. But once they hit 30lbs I was freaking out. You have no clue how much happier you just made me! Thank you so much for this!
  4. lizv123

    Super Saturday Weigh In

    I'm happy for you! And incredibly jealous haha. Keep it up!
  5. lizv123


  6. lizv123

    Low blood sugar?

    I was hypoglycemic pre op. I had very random and very severe lows. Since the day I had my sleeve (leak and all) I've only had 2 lows and those were both times I was sick with the flu. When I had a low with the stomach flu, I ate a regular (not sugar free) Popsicle and a few sips of full sugar Gatorade and it went back to normal fairly quickly. The swings time I had 2 tablespoons of honey and was just fine. My mom had type 2 diabetes. HAD. She had a DS just a few weeks after my surgery. And a week after her surgery she was off all medicines for her blood sugar. The sleeve actually helps me keep my sugar regulated. I have no idea how, and I don't care to know. I just want to enjoy not feeling like I'm going to faint out of the clear blue
  7. lizv123

    Protein shakes

    Check the label on the nutritional content and post here if you want. I haven't heard of them, but there's a huuuuge variety in the protein shake market
  8. I don't have children, and my leak was not caused by lifting too much. But I did manage to tear an internal stitch just from bending the wrong way (I'm an acrobat when I sleep.) The ripped stitch added 4 more weeks to my lifting restrictions. First 3 weeks, no more than 10lbs. Next 3 weeks, no more than 20lbs.
  9. lizv123

    Weight gain

    Some with the sleeve don't feel hunger. But there are those of us that still do. Only now it's not hunger pains, but nausea. I rarely got hungry at all pre op and it's very strange for me now, almost 6 months out, to actually physically FEEL the need to eat a few times a day. Before it was maybe once a week and I would eat enough for 3-4 grown men in a sitting. I was a camel so to say. I'm not hungry all the time at all. Usually 2-3 times a day. I have to remind myself to take a couple healthy snacks/protein shakes to get in what's necessary nutritionally. And if you follow your guidelines and stick to dense Protein, it tends Ro keep you satisfied longer.
  10. I was also just informed that if you have a roux en y, you can't have a liver transplant if ever needed in the future. I don't know the specifics but that alone would be reason for me. You never about accidents or anything. More surgeons need to inform us of this!
  11. lizv123


    I live in Indiana and all the local surgeons here and in Louisville, KY all take 85%. I think that's the standard unless otherwise decided before surgery.
  12. lizv123


  13. I went the sleeve because I didn't want dietary restrictions as much as portion control. So many with bypass have lifelong dumping. In the seminar the bypass lost my vote when the surgeon said "if you attend a wedding, just don't eat the cake." um....no....I want to be able to eat a piece of my wedding cake. I want to taste my future children's birthday cakes. There are some sleevers that dump, but the stats are much lower compared to bypass. My surgeon's office nurse had a bypass 7 (I think) years ago and her eyes and nose will start to run if anything has too much sugar in it. Like chicken with a sauce. I couldn't do that to myself. The bypass has been done much longer and for the most part you'll lose more weight faster. Which is great for a scale, not so much for the droppy hound dog appearance. I'm not saying sleevers don't get saggy. My arms are like sails. But if I lost at a faster weight I'm pretty sure they'd be worse. As for "cutting out the hunger hormone"......ehhh....I still get hungry. Not head hunger, real hunger. But unlike before surgery my stomach doesn't growl, I tend to get nauseas. Some sleevers don't get hungry at all. But there's a good number of us that still do. The biggest perk of starting with a sleeve is this: you can add a DS to it which is essentially a bypass with a different shaped stomach. If you have a very large amount of weight to lose and after a period of time, the sleeve isn't cutting it, you can take another step. I have to lose about as much as you and went with the sleeve. There are people on here who have lost hundreds of pounds. The sleeve results are what you make them
  14. Insurance coverage varies but I will tell you, it takes skin 2 full years after a maintained weight to draw up as much as it can.
  15. lizv123

    Can't stop losing

    I would start adding more calories and healthy fats. Don't buy low cal junk and maybe cut back a little on the protein to add a few more bites of fruits/veggies/carbs.
  16. I went the sleeve because I didn't want dietary restrictions as much as portion control. So many with bypass have lifelong dumping. In the seminar the bypass lost my vote when the surgeon said "if you attend a wedding, just don't eat the cake." um....no....I want to be able to eat a piece of my wedding cake. I want to taste my future children's birthday cakes. There are some sleevers that dump, but the stats are much lower compared to bypass. My surgeon's office nurse had a bypass 7 (I think) years ago and her eyes and nose will start to run if anything has too much sugar in it. Like chicken with a sauce. I couldn't do that to myself. The bypass has been done much longer and for the most part you'll lose more weight faster. Which is great for a scale, not so much for the droppy hound dog appearance. I'm not saying sleevers don't get saggy. My arms are like sails. But if I lost at a faster weight I'm pretty sure they'd be worse. As for "cutting out the hunger hormone"......ehhh....I still get hungry. Not head hunger, real hunger. But unlike before surgery my stomach doesn't growl, I tend to get nauseas. Some sleevers don't get hungry at all. But there's a good number of us that still do. I have to lose about the same if not more than you and I went with the sleeve and there are people on here that have lost hundreds of pounds with the sleeve. As long as you follow your surgeons guidelines, and really commit to the lifestyle change involved in any WLS, the weight will come off
  17. lizv123

    Sleeve vs bypass?

    I went the sleeve because I didn't want dietary restrictions as much as portion control. So many with bypass have lifelong dumping. In the seminar the bypass lost my vote when the surgeon said "if you attend a wedding, just don't eat the cake." um....no....I want to be able to eat a piece of my wedding cake. I want to taste my future children's birthday cakes. There are some sleevers that dump, but the stats are much lower compared to bypass. My surgeon's office nurse had a bypass 7 (I think) years ago and her eyes and nose will start to run if anything has too much sugar in it. Like chicken with a sauce. I couldn't do that to myself. The bypass has been done much longer and for the most part you'll lose more weight faster. Which is great for a scale, not so much for the droppy hound dog appearance. I'm not saying sleevers don't get saggy. My arms are like sails. But if I lost at a faster weight I'm pretty sure they'd be worse. As for "cutting out the hunger hormone"......ehhh....I still get hungry. Not head hunger, real hunger. But unlike before surgery my stomach doesn't growl, I tend to get nauseas. Some sleevers don't get hungry at all. But there's a good number of us that still do. The biggest perk of starting with a sleeve is this: you can add a DS to it which is essentially a bypass with a different shaped stomach. If you have a very large amount of weight to lose and after a period of time, the sleeve isn't cutting it, you can take another step. My vote is for the sleeve (obviously, I chose it) but only you can really know what's best for you and your future. This site it full of ALL sorts of info. I'm sure any question you can think of is somewhere hiding on this page keep reading around and even try other sites geared more towards the RNY. Good luck! And kudos for you doing your homework!!!!
  18. lizv123

    The "POUCH" .....

  19. I'm dreading this as much as I hate the intensifying chest pain I've been having for 10 hours. Uuuugh. Just hope it's nothing major! Fingers crossed for the ever embarrassing "it's just gas" diagnosis. Bleh.
  20. Hello After a break from the forum I'm back. Here's a brief update: I'm a "slow loser" losing 57lbs. It's slow, but I'll take it! Also, I think the slower speed of my weight loss has helped me keep my hair from thinning. That, and my no estrogen birth control, haha. I also think my slow weight loss has helped my skin be a tad less saggy than it would have been otherwise. Not to say my arms don't flop around, but it's more of a pudding ripple instead of a jello jiggle I still have issues with random bouts of esophageal spasms so some days I can't keep food or water down but those days diminish in number each week. Since I was on morphine every six minutes for a month my previous pain medicine just wasn't strong enough so they've recently upped the dose of that and my anti-anxiety/antidepressant. For now it keeps me sluggish but hopefully in a couple more weeks I'll be used to. But because of my pain levels being so high I haven't been able to work out like I want and need to. I manage to get 30-60 minutes on my bike everyday but most of the time any type of toning exercise I try leaves me walking like a zombie for the next few days. I'm hoping that changes with my med adjustments. I had a big NSV today! I managed to fit into a size large dress! I was in a 2x pre-op. I also fit into my high school graduation dress! Now I was still very overweight in high school but, progress is progress! Of course the two places I lost weight first were the two places I didn't mind having weight, T and A! I've lost so much of what flat behind I had before surgery I now get to carry around this super sexy butt cushion. Oh well, it adds 2 inches to my height when I'm driving so I don't always have to readjust all the mirrors after my fiancé drives the car My engagement ring is starting to fall off, all my shoes are too wide, and my mom (who had the DS a month after my sleeve) keeps getting some awesome hand me downs she should be able to fit into in a few months. A big drawback from my extended use of TPN is the relaxing of my sleeve. I can easily hold the same amount of food a patient with an old sleeve can. I just measure more frequently and avoid the scale on the most part. I have occasional pains where my drain used to be, I get random sores inside my nostrils from the MRSA, and my scars have turned kinda purple. Right now their placement makes me laugh. To me, my stomach looks like the face of a happy or sleeping cartoon whale 2 more notes: 1. For those of you that kept up with me and stayed with me during this entire fiasco, I cannot thank you enough. I had my family for support but nobody that could relate to being a leak patient or even just being sleeved. This forum helped me more than words could ever say. If there is ANYTHING that any of you ever need PLEASE ask me! You were all an irreplaceable part in a serious chapter of my life. 2. Some of you may think I'm too short or judgmental on some of my posts to others and I won't say you're wrong. I spent YEARS researching for this surgery and did everything by the book and still almost lost my life. To see people complain about getting sick after eating Taco Bell, whine about the supplements, start solids too early, or act surprised when that major surgery hurts, I get furious. And I know part of all of you feel that way. "That's what you get for not researching" or "that's what happens when you don't follow surgeon's rules." I'm trying to get better at holding my tongue but I implore you, I know this surgery saves lives and a lot of you would do it again in a heartbeat, just remember so much publicity is now surrounding the sleeve and so many people are opting for it to lose only 30-40lbs. Share your positive stories! But keep it real, too. This is a major surgery and isn't a temporary fix. This is a lifelong dedication. So many on here hear it works and jump on the bandwagon and go through terrible stress and regret afterwards. It's their fault for not researching, but their negative feedback can and will deter others (like most of us) that NEED this type of surgical intervention to allow us to live the lives we deserve. Thanks again SOSOSOSOSOOOOOOO much for everything you all did for me. You'll never know what a place you all have in my heart
  21. Looks like I'll be in here until Christmas at least. Woo. This surgery has so far proven to be the biggest mistake I've made in my 25 years of life.
  22. I still have a few random issues with esophageal spasms and soreness where my drain was but other than that I'm fine. And of course, I'm a slow loser haha. But I'll take it! -57lbs. Actually just a few minutes ago I was trying on some clothes before I sent them to Goodwill. I actually fit in the dress I wore to my high school graduation.
  23. I just wanted to come by again and thank all of you for your kindness when I needed it most. I'm not yet on the "I'd do it again" bandwagon but my attitude is much improved Thanks you guys, it really meant/ means so much

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