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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by lizv123

  1. lizv123


    It's no problem, love. I'm an alarmist since my leak. You're still in the window for gas pains to be a VERY normal, albeit annoying, thing to experience. The thumping really helped me. It still does. I sometimes feel a gas bubble and can't get it out, so for lack of a better term, he burps me. We laugh about it Keep me posted! I certainly didn't mean to frighten you, I'm so sorry! Feel free to pm me
  2. lizv123

    Ive stopped or seriously slowed

    It's not the caloric intake I'd be focusing on so much as the actual amount of food you ingest. 4-6oz meals.
  3. Lay off the pb. Honestly, seeds and tiny pieces can get lodged between the sutures and slow/prevent healing. I'm sure you're fine. But I'd stick to liquids for a day or so to flush out anything that may be in there. You'll be fine
  4. Swelling is probably normal. And you could still have some residual fluid retention. But call your surgeon to make sure. I wore nightgowns and pajamas that first couple of weeks because of my incisions and my OnQ pump. I don't know how much swelling I really had.
  5. lizv123


    I know a few other people on here that are allowed Celebrex, too. My surgeon says its a big fat not. They vary on it. But from what I know they almost all agree absolutely not NSAIDs. Lucky you though! I'm jealous! Although that PLUS the daily Norcos and everything else I'm on for a pain disorder would probably kill my tummy.
  6. lizv123


    It varies from doctor to doctor, placement of the leak, severity of it, etc. Don't worry
  7. lizv123


    Calm down! Mine lasted for 2 weeks and the pain was mostly in my chest/shoulders. You're still very early out, you should still have some trapped gas. Try gas x strips and some thumping on it. If it lasts for a another week, THEN worry. Breathe. gas is normal
  8. This cracked me up! I've been wearing my 20s since surgery and just put on a pair of 18s...my fiance asked me when I got waist. I didn't realize how frumpy I looked in my loose clothes lol
  9. lizv123

    Ive stopped or seriously slowed

    Snacking will make you stall. And most people are surprised at how much they can eventually eat. Be diligent about measuring your meals.
  10. lizv123

    I'm terrified....

    I have severe generalized anxiety disorder. This surgery scared the daylights out of me. You're not being irrational, it's a big choice. Oddly enough, the morning of I was fine. I expected to have a panic attack. I was all smiles, joking with the nurses, calm as could be. Anxiety is normal with a decision like this.
  11. lizv123


    I used gas-x strips, a warm compress, and tried to switch positions a lot. Also, my fiance would lightly thump or tap my back/shoulders to break it up and it helped for a bit. I say this to anyone experiencing severe shoulder and chest pains, it never hurts to have an x-ray. That pain was my only leak symptom and the first time I went to the ER they chalked it up to gas and costochondritis. But walk walk walk! And find somebody to thump you you should be fine
  12. lizv123


    I was told absolutely no NSAIDs after surgery. It's hard on the lining. No ibuprofen, naproxen, Celebrex, etc. However, during my leak hospital stay, they gave me Toradol and told me it was an NSAID but was fine since it was intravenously administered. No contact with the stomach. This is a problem for me. I have flares of tendinitis and costochondritis, also osteoarthritis. Whole lot of swelling in body. Hopefully the weight loss keeps it at bay but my surgeon said if it becomes a serious problem, we'll have to discuss steroids or injections. Tylenol, Tylenol, Tylenol! Hot or cold compresses, massage, if needed hydrocodone or another prescription pain med. Good luck!
  13. lizv123

    Just curious

    Thanks! I was hoping you'd comment, Cheri. You're my go to with sleeve pregnancy I'm hyper aware of prenatal care. I'm a researcher by nature, and my mother and I both work in with special needs kids so at some point or another I've read everything I possibly can to prevent autism, etc. and what I can do to promote a healthy pregnancy. I have tons of time before we even start but I plan on stopping all meds I can and starting a good prenatal regimen before we even try. I'm glad to know there's a chewable prenatal! I worry about the absorption of a tablet to swallow. I didn't think to have a panel done. I'll probably make it a point to do that after I've been on my prenatal regimen for a couple months just to make sure my system is ready! And thanks to the previous comment to remind me to take my Vitamins at night! Usually prenatals are the only Vitamin that don't hurt my stomach but knowing my luck that'll change when I'm actually pregnant. Does the pm vitamin have an effect on your morning sickness?
  14. Unfortunately, she's right. I had/still have reflux. It's not as frequent as it was pre op, but when do I get a flare up its like fire. A few nights ago I was in tears. Luckily it comes and goes but it's very random. No matter what I eat, etc. If you have bad reflux pre op, I would give a little more consideration to RNY. The damage excessive acid can have on a sleeve can be fatal. Unlike the RNY, if we have an ulcer there's really no way to repair it. Not much to work with.
  15. lizv123

    Dreamfields Pasta?

    I love the black bean pasta. The protein content is great. They're black noddles, a dark grey when cooked, but as a pasta lover, I almost danced in the store when I saw them
  16. lizv123

    Gettin sleeved today!

    They have little swabs for that. With my leak I was strict NPO for a month. (absolutely no food, water, ice, etc) and they gave me these little sponges on Popsicle sticks to swab the inside of my mouth. Didn't help me after the first day, but would help in the first day. As soon as I woke up from my initial sleeve surgery they had me sip water.
  17. lizv123

    Gettin sleeved today!

    Best of luck! Keep us posted, love!
  18. lizv123

    Pain in left shoulder

    Keep checking with your doc. Have him do an x-ray to check for gas. I had horrible shoulder and chest pain that was mistaken for gas, turned out to be leak. I had no other leak symptoms. When it was gas, my fiance would gently tap or thump on my back and it would break it up and help ease the pain for a bit. When that stopped working I knew there was a problem.
  19. lizv123

    Not sure which forum to ask this on?

    My temperature is a nightmare! I used to be hot natured (even as a child before I gained weight) so the AC set on 65 was a standard and windows open in the winter. This was a pleasant coincidence when I found out my fiance was the same. But now I'm cold most of the time. Except half an hour after I eat I get hot flashes! My fiance still sleeps fine. However I sleep with an extra blanket, with sweats, and a heating pad with an auto shut off. And on the off chance he's cold I eat and stand in front of the AC on full blast. I think after a year or so with a maintained weight our bodies will balance out. I hope anyway! And I get all my Protein in but still get cold. I honestly think some of it is the lack of carbs and the absence of the energy our body uses to burn them.
  20. lizv123

    Dreamfields Pasta?

    I've never heard of it. Berilla makes a pasta with protein in it but I'm not sure the carb content. Another option is black bean pasta. FULL of protein, and lower carb. If you can get past the weird look. They kinda look like worms...but taste wonderful!
  21. I don't know any RNY patient that would choose a craving over the nightmare that is dumping, lol. And any surgery you pick, if food addiction is the source of your weight problem, it needs to be addressed like any other addiction. In fact it's the most dangerous. You can't quit food cold turkey, but give science some time. They'll create a pill that supplies all your body's nutrition and people will be buying food in dark alleys from guys in trench coats
  22. lizv123


    SS I think people are concerned about what's remaining on your sleeve. The more that's left the more likely it is to stretch to a large size. While a sleeve can hold 8-10 oz(ish it differs person to person) a stomach left with much fundus (the stretchy part) could end up holding much much more. I do understand the faith you have in your surgeon. I'm happy you found such an informed doc, some aren't so lucky. I think people are just confused by your take on the standard amount of stomach removed. I, like OTR, would be pitching a fit if my stomach had 20-30% remaining! That puts our stretch rate right up there with RNY patients, and the whole reason I went with the sleeve was the permanent restriction benefits. Aussie! Glad you're back! Hope you're doing well! congrats on your tummy's birthday! And little addressed fact, the sleeve has been around just as long as the golden standard RNY, but has had soooo many different names and slight differences (removing the fundus from the body, leaving it in, bougie size, etc) that it hasn't been advertised as a "solid", for lack of a better term, WLS option.
  23. Haha I wish! The standard is 24-72 hours liquid diet pre op to flush your system but most importantly to shrink your liver.
  24. lizv123

    What to Expect After Surgery

    Also, initially, only pour a tiny bit of what you're going to eat/drink and pop the rest in the fridge. Especially isopure. It's awful warm and you can always go back for more. I started with 1/2 a Popsicle the first day or two then a whole one was no problem

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
