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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by lizv123

  1. lizv123


    That happens to me. 2lbs difference in a matter of hours! I get pissed and just avoid the scale for several days. I have a love/hate relationship with that demon box
  2. lizv123

    Question for the Ladies?

    I don't think it's wrong at all. I find the picture hilarious and now when I do have a child, I probably will weigh after breastfeeding our of curiosity
  3. lizv123

    hair loss

    That's exactly what I was thinking! Late 20s. Holy cow lady!
  4. I'll agree with previous posters, slip ups happen. But if you're struggling a tremendous amount pre op you WILL have a lot of mental struggling post op. Of course we all do but shrinking the liver no matter your size is very important. If they can't maneuver around it during surgery they will stop the laparoscopic procedure and do it the old way. A big old incision down your abdomen so they have the room to work. Aside from shrinking the liver, most pre op diets are designed to prep you for what lies ahead post op. It's hard for those who do the pre op diet just as instructed, even harder for those who ignored the pre op instructions. Slip ups happen, don't get me wrong! But the more they happen pre op the more they happen post op and the success rate drops tremendously. Possible regain, slow loss, and other complications. You have to do some deep searching to find the will power. The sleeve won't work if you don't COMPLETELY change your lifestyle.
  5. Ok I have a lot of things to say. First, I LOVE your heartagram tattoo on your left wrist!!!! Your video had me in tears. I can't related to being denied but I have had major depressive disorder since I was 10. I know how scary and awful it feels to get into a funk and sit in the dark. My heart breaks for you having to deal with that. But holy cow, you are such a freaking inspiration! Not just the weight loss (which is amazing) but in your determination to get the vsg done in the first place. And like you've learned, the squeaky wheel gets the oil so to say. Dont stop pushing your insurance company! Also, you have very nice eyes A note to everyone I can't stress enough: see your PCP for EVERY little skin problem post op. even if we know what it is having lived with chub rub for years before surgery and know how to treat it, there HAS to be documentation! It can be hard enough, as Alex has kindly informed us, to get approved with documentation...without, you'll be self pay. Document document document! Thank you, darlin', for sharing your story I'm happy to be part of the group you opened up to! And keep us posted!
  6. lizv123

    Pain Mediction

    My surgeon sent me home with liquid lortab. So ask for the elixir if you're worried about a pill. However I ended up switching to pills because the taste of the liquid medicine made me gag horribly. But I'm SUPER sensitive to liquid meds. My mom caught me swallowing the chewable Tylenol just before I turned three. My second phrase in life was "yuck yuck double yuck" anytime I had to take an awful liquid med. I digress, they make liquid pain meds. I'd you're concerned about a pill ask for elixir. Althought most pain pills aren't horse pills
  7. lizv123

    Grocery list

    I had 4 days of a pre op liquid diet. The few days after surgery were the worst for me because I was just not hungry and didn't want to eat anything. Anesthesia can affect your sense of taste and smell and everything was awful to me. I held my nose to drink anything lol. The pre op just takes will power and cooperation from your loved ones. My fiance was sweet enough to just eat soup when I had my broth and ate his "real food" at work the hunger wasn't as bad as I thought it would be but I was and still am a huge water drinker. You'll be fine. Will power!!
  8. lizv123

    Grocery list

    I also ordered some chicken soup and vegetable soup from Unjury. Full of protein and I made Popsicles out of diet sprite to help with nausea. The carbonation goes away in the freezing process and they're much lighter than regular Popsicles. Almost fall apart.
  9. lizv123

    Grocery list

    I discovered the lowest sugar and calorie apple juice is mott's for tot's. And I did use a lot of SF Popsicles. A lot of people buy SF jello (I just can't stand the stuff) I used G2 a lot as well. And flavored water packets.
  10. lizv123


    I also suggest seeing a psychiatrist or therapist that specializes in weight loss. Its a lot to deal with. A HUGE life change. You don't have to go regularly, but a session or two may give a few food coping mechanisms
  11. lizv123

    hair loss

    I haven't lost any and I'm 6 months out. Hair loss has everything to do with the spike in estrogen in your system. If you're on a birth control, switch to a no/low estrogen option. It should help. Sincerely, Your Paul Mitchell grad
  12. lizv123

    Grocery list

    Don't stock up on too much of anything because a lot of people have changed taste buds post op. I STILL have broth I bought for my pre op diet
  13. Ok so my memory sucked, its been awhile since I made a batch Original post started by angel313 3/4 cup Peanut Butter 2-3 scoops chocolate Protein powder Yields 11 balls 10 grams of protein If you use PB2 (and body fortress protein powder) 68 cals 5.9 carbs 2.3 g sugar 10.2 grams of protein Body fortress is the Walmart stuff. Like I said, I'm cheap lol The balls are good, to my fiancé and guy friends they say they're grainy but for "health food" they're good. It's my Reese's fix. And I've caught my God children sneaking some of their mother's I make her since she's going through chemo. The balls are between ping pong/golf ball size.
  14. It's floating around somewhere on this site, if you search you can find a specific recipe. I make them in bulk and freeze them. I used one jar reduced fat Peanut Butter (or the PB2 equivalent), and 3-4 scoops chocolate Protein powder. Skip your arm workout for a day because you'll get it mixing it all together then roll into balls. Pop in tupperware and refrigerate (or freeze if you make a lot) mine have roughly 10-12 grams of protein per ball.
  15. lizv123

    Dreamfields Pasta?

    I hear you! Bread, Pasta, sweets. I KNOW that's why I gained weight and I KNOW that's why my slow losing is even slower now. It's time for a arb detox! As soon as we get rid of some the stuff in this house. I'm cheap! :3
  16. lizv123

    Can't stop losing

    My nut recommends full fat cheese for maintenance. Just read that in my binder
  17. PB2 is a wonderful investment an substitute! I for it for $4ish at my local health food store. It's for half the calories of reduced fat peanut butter, there are no crunchy bits, and I use it or peanut butter chocolate protein balls when I need a sweet fix
  18. I won't get my surgeon's "ok" to try and get pregnant for another year and a half but things are hard to find around here, I'm curious, and plan on having at least 3 months worth of prenatal Vitamins and folic acid in my system. What vitamins did you take during pregnancy? Were you allowed vitamins/folic acid supplements that weren't chewable? I can't imagine having morning sickness and having to choke down some disgusting chewables :/ Like I said, I have PLENTY of time to learn and prepare. My fiancé and I were talking about children tonight and I just added an adorable sock monkey to my baby hopechest. Just curious what knowledge you sleeved mommies have to share Thanks, ladies!
  19. lizv123

    Ive stopped or seriously slowed

    It's quite an adjustment for sure! I will say Unjury's unflavored protein powder has pretty specific temperature restrictions. My mom has one from GNC that doesn't lose it's protein when it's hot. She adds that to oatmeal when she eats it and I can't really taste it.
  20. lizv123

    Ive stopped or seriously slowed

    Or maybe add some unflavored protein powder to your oats.
  21. lizv123

    Ive stopped or seriously slowed

    That would work! It's worth a shot. Sometimes I'll have chobani with granola for breakfast and maybe some blueberries or strawberries. It's Protein, fiber, fruit, and filling
  22. I do get this occasionally but no idea why. Let us know what you find out!
  23. lizv123

    Ive stopped or seriously slowed

    Also, don't worry so much about it stalls happen to all of us. The best thing to do is stay away from the scale for awhile. It can really make you subconsciously make a mountain out of a mole hill Try more dense protein, it lasts longer in your system. Avoid grazing. I make sure to eat 3 meals and 2-3 VERY small Snacks in a day. Cereals and oats still have carbs and eating those without protein can cause hunger fairly soon after eating them. I usually stick with eggs or leftover chicken for Breakfast and have my granola as my first snack of the day to get in my Fiber. If you eat your 2-3oz of protein before your cereal/oats you won't want as much which will lower your carb intake and help keep you full longer.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
