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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by swampdonkey

  1. I herd you mentioned the staple line a few times , I was just wondering if you were so concerned about the staples why would you go thru with it. I know if I had any doubts what so ever I wouldn't of went thru with a major surgery.Please be carful on whAt your eating you could wind up with a leak.I wouldn't hesitate any go talk to your Doc and figure out what's wrong and what's going on internally . As far as going camping with just protein shakes that is not a permeant solution it just another crash diet and i wouldn't recommend that to anyone. You would have to be camping for a long period of time! I really hope everything works out for you. Good luck!
  2. swampdonkey

    Day 3 Post Op...Ouch

    Iam 3 weeks post op and it gets way. Saturday I felt like a million bucks the best in years. So hang in there good days a head As for gas pains I used the gas x strips and they worked wonders for me. Everybody's different I was supposed to consume 1 oz every 10 mins as well. I was real lucky everything went smooth by 4 th day I was drinking 8oz every 1/2 hour. Make sure what ever you do get your fluids in. It keeps you hydrated and the more you urninate the better off you will be .from what I was reading the fat break down and you ex spell them when peeing. Iam no expert but I got a lot of info of this site and thru the Internet . Good luck to you guys if I can be any help pm me. I like talking about it.
  3. swampdonkey


    I didn't think I was a food addict but now I think I was because I catch myself looking in the frig even know iam not hungry .. I have some demons from my past and I think I substituted the drugs with food.
  4. swampdonkey

    Post op march sleevers

    Well I had my first cheat day , 3 weeks post op. I went to lowes and i noticed that they put up a new yo go factory. To make a long story shot I had a 1/2 cup of peanut butter butter flavored frozen yogart . The worst part was I wanted to get plain but they were all out. I had no toppings and I only ate 2 /3 of it. I am feeling a little guilty but a part of me feels good because it made me feel normal and I was able to control my in take.Any thoughts on this ?
  5. Iam not rushing the beer iam trying to wait until July 4 th. As Laura said It was my last resort also.I had some health issues that my doc and I thought 90% these issue could be resolved with WLS. I know I lost 40 lbs so far and my knee is not bothering any more. I think it deff working.
  6. Iam 3 weeks out and love the results so far the only thing that is in the back of my head is beer. I am not a bigg drinker but I do like to have a occasional beer now and than especially in the summer. It sounds dumb but for some reason it is the only thing I think that bothers me. Iam down 40 lbs so far and I am pretty sure that are grocery bill is less than before. Woooohoooo. I I think that the people that regret it the most are the ones that were not ready to do it yet either mentally or physically . I was waking up with severe pain depressed no energy . A lot of my pain is still there but everything else seems to be good. Make sure you doit for the rite reason . If your not mentally ready please wait because you will regret it.
  7. swampdonkey

    Hiii everybody.. *New here*

    Good luck to you , it is the best decision I made .
  8. swampdonkey


    I am thinking about taking boxing lessons when I am completely healed up but I am hesitant to do so .I don't want to rupture my sleeve. , Has anyone have the same concerns or fears?or got a rupture in the same manor like karate, mma or even a good ol bar fight.
  9. swampdonkey


    Thanks, I am going to see again in 2 months by than I should be complete healed.
  10. swampdonkey

    When to stock up?

    I stocked up the week before but don't go crazy thing that you like before the surgery might taste as good. Example my calcium gummy tasted way to sweet after the surgery. Now iam stuck with them.
  11. swampdonkey

    Puree Stage - Recipe/ideas

    I made shrimp parm last night. 4 shrimp a table spoon of sauce and some local mozzerella cheese , drop it in my Ninja and heat it for a minute . Yummy. I also found that the buffalo chicken recipe that some posted on here was awesome .
  12. swampdonkey

    Post op march sleevers

    You may not be losing pounds but could be losing inches. Stay positive it will come.I just got sleeved on the 20 th of march I dropped 34 lbs but he scale stopped moving last Thursday. I know how you all feel ,I thought this is crazy iam going to reach my goal weight in no time at all but we should only be avg around 2pounds a week so technically I shouldn't loose any weight for 17 weeks.its going be a marathon not a sprint I just realize this yesterday.
  13. swampdonkey

    Proud of my wife!

    All I can say is wow!
  14. swampdonkey

    This can happen to you!

    Wow ,what a inspiration .
  15. swampdonkey


    Iam with Laura grab some chili. Duncan donuts is the devil at this stage in your journey. Plus there is not alot of protein in fried tater tots.
  16. I was feeling great an email my Nut and told him I was advance my diet to puréed after 10 days . I know doing part puréed and soft food starting Saturday . He said I could advance as long as iam tolerating it. Good luck to all
  17. swampdonkey


    It's a great show I haven't seen this weeks episode . The mother is deff a psycho!!
  18. swampdonkey

    Camping food...

    We ain't eating hot pickled bologna in jersey. Raw oysters an clams is how jersey rolls!!
  19. swampdonkey

    Longest stall

    I dropped 34 lbs in the first 2 weeks and now the scale stop moving , it seemed to happen when I switched my diet to purée ..ugggggggh !!
  20. swampdonkey

    Any March Sleevers?

    Have a puréed chick pea burger with salsa. Wow its great.Iam 2 weeks post op and who would of thought that I would like a puréed chick pea burger. I hope all my march sleeves are doing ok.
  21. recipes.sparkpeople.com/cookbooks.asp? ...try this link !I have been looking at gastric sleeve cook books on line. The recipes are high in protein and look good.
  22. Yea I never crushed mine either
  23. swampdonkey

    Does any one drink any soda

    Iam curious about beer, I plan on giving it a try Memorial Day that will put me around 12 weeks out. I am not a big soda drinker but I do like a occasional beer once in awhile on a hot day sitting on the beach or on the boat.
  24. swampdonkey

    Ladies! Did your cycle change?

    Mine did! Oh wrong thread. Lol
  25. swampdonkey

    Hello ppl

    South Jersey chking in.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
